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Makah Community Water Source Project Feasibility Study


waterfallThe Bureau of Reclamation is identifying ways to meet the current and future water supply needs of the Makah Indian Reservation in the state of Washington. A feasibility study is being conducted to determine the most effective method of developing a community water supply to meet the needs of residents within the Reservation boundary through the year 2050.  

The feasibility study is a detailed investigation to be used as a basis for the Makah Tribe to seek congressional authorization for constructing the project. Proposed solutions, referred to as alternatives or options, are being developed to meet water supply needs, problems, and opportunities. An environmental assessment is being prepared to determine whether adverse impacts would result from implementation of the proposed solutions.

Download Files 04/2006 Scoping Letter PDF 150 kb
04/2006 Fact Sheet PDF 64 kb
04/2006 Map PDF 158 kb
04/2006 Comment Form PDF 40 kb (see below to fax or email comments)

Submit Comments

E-mail: makah@do.usbr.gov
By fax: Makah Community Water Source Project
Bureau of Reclamation
(720) 544-0612

Future Activities

Following the scoping period, Reclamation will prepare a Draft EA. Public notice of its availability will be issued and copies of the document will be provided to those who have requested a copy of the Draft EA. A review period will be initiated at that time to provide the public with an opportunity to review the document and to offer appropriate comments.

If you would like a copy of the Draft EA mailed to you when it becomes available, provide us your name and mailing address via one of the above options; please indicate whether you would like a paper copy or a CD. The Draft EA will also be available for viewing on this web site.



If you have questions or need additional information about this study, contact Dave Nelson, Study Manager, by telephone at (503) 872-2801.

Last Update: April 21, 2009 4:27 PM