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Supplemental Feed Route Study for Potholes Reservoir


The Bureau of Reclamation conducted a study to investigate alternative methods of transporting water from Banks Lake to Potholes Reservoir. The study explored operational needs of the current irrigated areas of the Columbia Basin Project, with emphasis on improving ways to ensure adequate water supply into Potholes Reservoir.

This study is separate and distinct from the Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study and the Odessa Subarea Special Study.

Reference Material

08/2007 Final EA and FONSI HTML
04/2007 Draft Environmental Assessment HTML
05/2006 Fact Sheet PDF 280 kb
04/2006 Map of Study Area PDF 2.59 mb
04/2006 Plan of Study PDF 1.0 mb


Jim Blanchard, Special Projects Officer
(509) 754-0226


Last Update: August 2, 2007 2:00 PM