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Connect with panels of experts without leaving your office through APA's audio/web conferences. A new season of these popular training events begins on September 30. Register now online and save.

Audio/Web Registration

Early registration for the audio/web conference series ends September 15. Save as much as $200 by registering early. Learn about project management, incentives for sustainability, design graphics, design review, and more.

15% Off at APA's Online Sale

The APAPlanningBooks.com website has a fresh new look and enhanced features. To celebrate, we're holding our biggest online-only sale of the year: 15 percent off 100 best-selling books and training CD-ROMs. Enter the promotional code "NEWWEB09" at checkout. Sale code is good through August 31.

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Self-Serve Gas, 1950s Style

PAS Report No 15 coverIn 1950, when gas cost 27 cents a gallon, self-service gasoline stations were controversial. Fear of fires and explosions led some cities and states to ban self-service. This month's historic PAS Report, Self-Service Gasoline Stations, provides a look back to the early days of this now ubiquitous symbol of American transportation.

Read the historic report

Sponsor and Exhibit in 2010

Introduce your organization to the planners and planning officials who will travel to APA's 2010 National Planning Conference, April 10–13, in New Orleans. Reserve a booth in the Exhibit Hall and explore the sponsorship opportunites that will make your name a familiar sight at the conference.

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You Can Be Heard on the Hill

Find out about new federal policies and speak out for good planning. Come to Washington for APA's 2009 Federal Policy & Program Briefing, plus Planners Day on the Hill, October 3-6, 2009. Registration is now open.

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Spotlight Planning's Best

Nominations are now being accepted for APA's 2010 National Planning Excellence, Achievement, and Leadership Awards. Deadline: September 8.

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PTS Workshops Head West

Get ready for the fall 2009 series of Planners Training Service workshops in San Francisco. This fall's two-day workshops will be held November 4-5 and November 6-7. Registration deadline is October 21.

CM |14 (each workshop)

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The Food Factor in Planning

Planning coverThe special August/September issue of Planning explores food systems and planning. Delve into food and health issues, urban farming, food deserts, big city vacant lot farms, edible front yards, and city chickens. Members may read the entire issue online. Everyone is invited to read this month's featured article on farmland preservation tools.

August/September Planning magazine