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Water Conservation Field Services Program


Reclamation initiated the Water Conservation Field Services Program (WCFSP) to encourage water conservation and efficient use of water supplies on Reclamation's projects and to foster improved water management on a watershed basis throughout the western states.

The WCFSP is designed to support watershed partnerships to improve fish and wildlife habitat associated with water systems or water supplies affected by Reclamation projects and contribute to the recovery of endangered or threatened species whose habitat and/or survival may be influenced by conservation activities on Reclamation projects and associated watersheds.

The WCFSP implements the "Preferred Alternative" in Reclamation's Final Environmental Impact Statement of March 1996. It was initiated in 1997 to help fulfill Reclamation's overall mission to "manage, develop and protect water and related resources in an environmentally sound manner in the interest of the American public."


The WCFSP demonstrates innovative conservation technologies. The program specifically emphasizes ways to improve water measurement techniques in effective and affordable ways for agricultural districts. This includes demonstrations in water measurement, canal automation, diversion structures, seepage control, xeriscaping, and urban retrofitting. more>>

Water Management

Effective water management planning is a prerequisite to addressing site-specific conservation opportunities and objectives. Conservation measures can best be expected to take place when they are "locally feasible," that is, when they provide benefits to the implementer. more>>

Canal Lining Program

Canals can lose 30 to 50 percent of their irrigation water through seepage. Canal-lining technologies can minimize seepage losses at reasonable costs. The Canal Lining Program is a specialized demonstration program designed to investigate alternative canal-lining materials. Traditional canal-lining materials typically include compacted earth, reinforced or unreinforced conerete, and (more recently) buried geomembranes. However, for some jobs, these materials are not always viable more>>

Drought Assistance In 1991, Congress established Reclamation's Drought Program to authorize emergency response and planning assistance that would minimize and mitigate losses and damages resulting from drought conditions. more>>
Conservation Education In addition to technical publications dealing with the planning and design of conservation measures, the WCFSP also promotes activities designed to create partnerships in conservation education, information, and training. Through various means, local area offices are finding ways to develop information and education outreach programs through the WCFSP that support and emphasize conservation awareness. more>>

Last Update: February 8, 2007 4:00 PM