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Environmental Documents: EA/EIS and Associated Documents

EA/EIS | Biological Assessments/Opinions | Resource Management Plans | Studies | Miscellaneous




Minidoka Dam Spillway Replacement EIS 11/2008 Scoping
Pioneer Irrigation District Title Transfer Proposal EA and FONSI 12/2007 EA/FONSI
Fort Hall National Historic Landmark Bank Stabilization Project EA and FONSI 06/2007 EA/FONSI

Pioneer Irrigation District Title Transfer Proposal

02/2007 Scoping
Teton River Canyon RMP/FONSI/EA 12/2006 RMP
Deer Flat Dam Upper Embankment Project EA | FONSI 09/2006 FONSI
Idaho Irrigation District Lands Inclusion/Exclusion Draft EA 04/2006 Draft EA
Partial Assignment of New Union Ditch Company Ltd.'s Contract Entitlement in Lucky Peak Reservoir FONSI/EA 11/2005 FONSI

American Falls Reservoir District #2 Proposed Title Transfer EA

09/2005 FONSI

Minidoka North Side RMP/FONSI/EA 01/2005 RMP

Fremont-Madison Irrigation District Title Transfer EA

09/2004 FONSI

Black Canyon Reservoir & Montour Wildlife Management Area RMP/FONSI/EA

07/2004 RMP

Lucky Peak Water Service Contracts Renewal or Conversion EA

04/2004 FONSI

Programmatic EA for Implementing Fish Habitat Improvement Measures in Four Mountain Snake Province Subbasins

04/2003 FONSI

Lake Cascade RMP/FONSI/EA

02/2002 RMP

Ririe Reservoir RMP/FONSI/EA

11/2001 RMP


Interim Operation of the VARQ Flood Control Plan at Hungry Horse Dam EA 03/2002 FONSI



Proposed Water Service Contract Palmer Creek Water District Improvement Company Environmental Assessment

04/2009 FONSI
Klum Landing Campground Improvement Project EA and FONSI 03/2009 FONSI
Central Oregon Irrigation District Water Conservation Project EA and FONSI 11/2007 FONSI
Greenberry Irrigation District Proposed Water Service Contract EA 06/2007 FONSI

Request for Contract to Conduct Mining Activities in the Sucker Creek Withdrawal

03/2007 FONSI

Powder House Cove Expansion Environmental Assessment

10/2006 FONSI

Indian Rock Estates Access Road Easement EA

09/2006 FONSI

Milltown Hill Project EIS

12/1992 ROD, 07/2006 NOI

Savage Rapids Dam Fish Passage Improvements Project EA

04/2006 FONSI

Proposed Wanapa Energy Center Record of Decision

07/2005 ROD

Farmers Irrigation District Lower Distribution Pressurization Project Draft EA

04/2005 Draft EA

Prineville Reservoir Repeater Tower Draft EA (PDF 789 kb )

04/2005 Draft EA

Larson Creek Pipeline and Fish Passage Project EA

09/2004 FONSI

Proposed Boundary Adjustment for the Westland Irrigation District EA

06/2004 FONSI

Henry Hagg Lake RMP/FONSI/EA

05/2004 FONSI

Tyler Creek Wasteway Stabilization Programmatic EA

03/2004 FONSI

Programmatic EA for Implementing Fish Habitat Improvement Measures in Three John Day Subbasins

05/2003 FONSI

Prineville Reservoir RMP/FONSI/EA

05/2003 RMP



Lake Roosevelt Incremental Storage Releases Project FONSI and EA 06/2009 FONSI
Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study Planning Report and EIS 12/2008 Final
Benton Irrigation District Water Conservation Program Feasibility Study Environmental Assessment and FONSI 10/2008 FONSI
Cline Irrigation District Water Conservation Project FONSI 01/2008 FONSI

Potholes Reservoir Supplemental Feed Route FONSI and EA

08/2007 FONSI
Makah Community Water Source Project Feasibility Study 04/2006 Scoping

Upper Columbia Alternative Flood Control and Fish Operations EIS

04/2006 FEIS

Sunnyside Division Board of Control Water Conservation Program EA

09/2004 FONSI

Banks Lake Drawdown EIS

06/2004 ROD

Potholes Reservoir RMP/ROD/EIS

08/2002 RMP

Banks Lake Resource Management Plan

07/2001 RMP

Last Update: June 22, 2009 2:58 PM