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Export Import Bank of the United States




About Ex-Im | The Agency | Charter

Ex-Im Bank Charter: Section 8

Sec. 8(a).  The Export-Import Bank of the United States shall transmit to the Congress annually a complete and detailed report of its operations. Such report shall be as of the close of business on the last day of each fiscal year.

Sec. 8(b)(1).  The Bank shall include in its annual report to the Congress a report on the allocation of the sums set aside for small business exports pursuant to section 2(b)(1)(E).
(2)  Such report shall specify--
(A)  the total number and dollar volume of loans made from the sums set aside;
(B)  the number and dollar volume of loans made through the consortia program under section 2(b)(1)(E)(vii);
(C)  the amount of guarantees and insurance provided for small business exports;
(D)  the number of recipients of financing from the sums set aside who have not previously participated in the Bank's programs;
(E)  the number of commitments entered into in amounts less than $500,000; and
(F)  any recommendations for increasing the participation of banks and other institutions in the programs authorized under section 2(b)(1)(E).
(3)  For the purpose of this subsection, the Bank's report shall be transmitted to the Committee on Small Business of the Senate and the Committee on Small Business of the House of Representatives.
(c)Technology to Assist Small Businesses.- The Bank shall include in its annual report to the Congress under subsection (a) of this section for each of fiscal years 2002 through 2006 a report on the efforts made by the Bank to carry out subparagraphs (E)(x) and (J) of section 2(b)(1) of this Act, and on how the efforts are assisting small business concerns (as defined in section 3(a) of the Small Business Act).
(d) Number of Small Business Suppliers of Bank Users.- The Bank shall estimate on the basis of an annual survey or tabulation the number of entities that are suppliers of users of the Bank and that are small business concerns (as defined in section 3(a) of the Small Business Act) located in the United States, and shall include the estimate in its annual report to the Congress under subsection (a) of this section.
(e) Outreach to Certain Small Businesses.- The Bank shall include in its annual report to the Congress under subsection (a) of this section a description of outreach efforts made by the Bank to any socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns (as defined in section 8(a)(4) of the Small Business Act), small business concerns (as defined in section 3(a) of the Small Business Act) owned by women, and small business concerns (as defined in section 3(a) of the Small Business Act) employing fewer than 100 employees.

(f) Additional Reports.- Not later than March 31 of each year, the Bank shall submit to the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate reports on--
(1) the extent to which the Bank has been able to use the authority provided, and has complied with the mandates contained, in section 2(b)(1)(E), and to the extent the Bank has been unable to fully use such authority and comply with such mandates, a report on the reasons for the Bank's inability to do so and the steps the Bank is taking to remedy such inability;

(2) the extent to which financing has been made available to small business concerns (described in subsection (e)) to enable them to participate in exports by major contractors, including through access to the supply chains of the contractors through direct or indirect funding;
(3) the specific measures the Bank will take in the upcoming year to achieve the small business objectives of the Bank, including expanded outreach, product improvements, and related actions;
(4) the progress made by the Bank in supporting exports by socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns (defined in section 8(a)(4) of the Small Business Act) and small business concerns (as defined in section 3(a) of the Small Business Act) owned by women, including estimates of the amounts made available to finance exports directly by such small business concerns, a comparison of these amounts with the amounts made available to all small business concerns, and a comparison of such amounts with the amounts so made available during the 2 preceding years;
(5) with respect to each type of transaction, the interest and fees charged by the Bank to exporters (including a description of fees and interest, if any, charged to small business concerns), buyers, and other applicants in connection with each financing program of the Bank, and the highest, lowest, and average fees charged by the Bank for short term insurance transactions;
(6) the effects of the fees on the ability of the Bank to achieve the objectives of the Bank relating to small business;
(7) the fee structure of the Bank as compared with those of foreign export credit agencies; and
(8)(A) the efforts made by the Bank to carry out subparagraphs (E)(x) and (J) of section 2(b)(1) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, including the total amount expended by the Bank to do so; and
(B) if the Bank has been unable to comply with such subparagraphs--
(i) an analysis of the reasons therefor; and

(ii) what the Bank is doing to achieve, and the date by which the Bank expects to have achieved, such compliance.

Sec. 8A. Annual Competitiveness Report.
(a) In General.- Not later than June 30 of each year, the Bank shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following:
(1) Actions of Bank in Providing Financing on a Competitive Basis, and to Minimize Competition in Government-Supported Export Financing.- A description of the actions of the Bank in complying with the second and third sentences of section 2(b)(1)(A). In this part of the report, the Bank shall include a survey of all other major export-financing facilities available from other governments and government-related agencies through which foreign exporters compete with United States exporters (including through use of market windows (as defined pursuant to section 10(h)(7))) and, to the extent such information is available to the Bank, indicate in specific terms the ways in which the Bank's rates, terms, and other conditions compare with those offered from such other governments directly or indirectly. With respect to the preceding sentence, the Bank shall use all available information to estimate the annual amount of export financing available from each such government and government-related agency. In this part of the report, the Bank shall include a survey of a representative number of United States exporters and United States commercial lending institutions which provide export credit on the experience of the exporters and institutions in meeting financial competition from other countries whose exporters compete with United States exporters.
(2) Role of Bank in Implementing Strategic Plan Prepared by the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee.- A description of the role of the Bank in implementing the strategic plan prepared by the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee in accordance with section 2312 of the Export Enhancement Act of 1988.
(3) Tied Aid Credit Program and Fund.- The report required by section 10(g).
(4) Purpose of All Bank Transactions.- A description of all Bank transactions which shall be classified according to their principal purpose, such as to correct a market failure or to provide matching support.
(5) Efforts of Bank to Promote Export of Goods and Services Related to Renewable Energy Sources.- A description of the activities of the Bank with respect to financing renewable energy projects undertaken under section 2(b)(1)(K), and an analysis comparing the level of credit extended by the Bank for renewable energy projects with the level of credit so extended for the preceding fiscal year.
(6) Size of Bank Program Account.- A separate section which--
(A) compares, to the extent practicable, the size of the Bank program account with the size of the program accounts of the other major export-financing facilities referred to in paragraph (1); and
(B) makes recommendations, if appropriate, with respect to the relative size of the Bank program account, based on factors including whether the size differences are in the best interests of the United States taxpayer.
(7) Co-Financing Programs of the Bank and of Other Export Credit Agencies.- A description of the co-financing programs of the Bank and of the other major export-financing facilities referred to in paragraph (1), which includes a list of countries with which the United States has in effect a memorandum of understanding relating to export credit agency co-financing and, if such a memorandum is not in effect with any country with a major export credit-financing facility, an explanation of why such a memorandum is not in effect.
(8) Services Supported by the Bank and by Other Export Credit Agencies.- A separate section which describes the participation of the Bank in providing funding, guarantees, or insurance for services, which shall include appropriate information on the involvement of the other major export-financing facilities referred to in paragraph (1) in providing such support for services, and an explanation of any differences among the facilities in providing the support.
(9) Export Finance Cases Not in Compliance with the Arrangment.- Detailed information on cases reported to the Bank of export financing that appear not to comply with the Arrangement (as defined in section 10(h)(3)) or that appear to exploit loopholes in the Arrangement for the purpose of obtaining a commercial competitive advantage. The President of the Bank, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, may provide to the appropriate congressional committees the information required by this subsection in a separate and confidential report, instead of providing such information in the report required by this subsection.
(10) Foreign Export Credit Agency Activities Not Consistent with the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.- A description of the extent to which the activities of foreign export credit agencies and other entities sponsored by a foreign government, particularly those that are not members of the Arrangement (as defined in section 10(h)(3)), appear not to comply with the Arrangement and appear to be inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures referred to in section 101(d)(12) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (19 U.S.C. 3511(d)(12)), and a description of the actions taken by the United States Government to address the activities. The President of the Bank, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, may provide to the appropriate congressional committees, the information required by this subsection in a separate and confidential report, instead of providing such information in the report required by this subsection.
(b) Inclusion of Additional Comments.- The report required by subsection (a) shall include such additional comments as any member of the Board of Directors may submit to the Board for inclusion in the report.
(c) Appropriate Congressional Committees.- The term `appropriate congressional committees' means the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.






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