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Water Treament Engineering Research (86-68221)


Chris Holdren, Group Manager, <choldren@do.usbr.gov>, (303) 445-2178
Bureau of Reclamation
P.O. Box 25007 (86-68230)
Denver, Colorado 80225-0007

The Water Treatment Engineering Research Team is part of the Bureau of Reclamation's Technical Services Center in Denver, Colorado. The Team provides expert water and wastewater treatment research services. We share our expertise and services not only with other Reclamation organizations, but also with other government agencies, academia, and the private sector. The Water Treatment Engineering Research Team consists of professional engineers, chemists, scientists, and technicians.


trailor dam EUWPalamogordo
Mobile Water Treatment Pilot Plant
Brackish Water Treatment
Expeditionary Unit Water Purifier