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Quick-start guide to using the Office of Justice Programs online Grants Management System (GMS)

Step 1. Using an established Internet account, go to An online Applicant Procedures handbook is available on this page, and applicants may link directly to OJP's Grants Management System (GMS), which will provide online help screens. Note: Applicants without an Internet account should call the GMS Hotline at 1-888-549-9901 for assistance.

Step 2. Click on "Logon to the Grants Management System (GMS)"

Step 3. Follow the on-screen instructions. First time users should click on "New User? Register Here." Applicants who already have a GMS password should click on "GMS Sign-in." Proceed to the appropriate Program Announcement, and begin working on it. Applicants will receive e-mail confirmation from BJS that they are eligible to submit an application within 7 days.

Plan ahead. Applicants can register at any time and are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Please note that applicants must ensure that the information for the authorizing official and alternate contact is entered correctly. The authorizing official is the individual authorized to accept grant funds in your organization. If the individual applying online is not the signing authority, that individual must list the authorizing official's name and contact information where appropriate.

Step 4. Complete the online Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) by providing the required information in the Overview, Applicant Information, and Project Information screens.

Step 5. Complete the application by electronically "accepting" the Assurances and Certifications and submitting the three required file attachments: Budget Detail Worksheet, Program Narrative, and Other Program Attachments. (See the Application checklist on the previous page and application requirements in the Program Announcement for detailed instructions about the information to include in each of these attachments.) Please note that applicants must upload one file per attachment. Only the most current file uploaded to the appropriate attachment will be saved as part of the application. All sections of each attachment must be completed for your application to be considered for funding.

Submit your completed application online. The GMS system will notify the applicant that the application has been received and sent to BJS and provide an application identification number for future reference.

Questions or Problems: Applicants who have questions should refer to the online handbook or access applicable help screens. If the questions cannot be addressed by accessing the online GMS reference tools, call the GMS Hotline at 1-888-549-9901.

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