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NEWSWEEK's take on what we're all talking about this week

7 Things

In this weekly series, NEWSWEEK divulges seven secrets you didn't know about the artists, celebrities, musicians and newsmakers that fascinate us. In their own words, cultural icons get real about their art, their passions and life on the A-list. (Or B-list, as the case may be.)

The District

Ever wondered what it would be like if the makers of MTV's hit 'The City' made a reality show about Obama's first days? Wonder no more.

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Member Comments

  • Posted By: manishyt @ 05/01/2009 9:07:14 PM

    Barack Obama???s Excellent Adventure
    In assessing President Obama???s 100 day performance on the world stage, we measure his progress in addressing America???s three critical geosecurity priorities: reducing the threat of jihadi terrorism, while also reducing further alienation of the world???s Muslim population; finding a workable relationship with China, which is increasingly both an economic partner and a strategic rival globally; and preventing a potential long term decline in the US economy caused by years of profligate economic policies and the ???time bomb??? of Medicare/Social Security expenditures which are nearly upon us. So how has the President done?
    All in all President Obama has had an extremely active 100 days. We suspect that globally the President is more popular as a person than the US is as a country right now. He is wisely using that to reintroduce America to the world, and even if nothing else has been achieved, the atmospherics are far improved. Closing Guantanamo, coming clean on torture (no matter how painful), and using his own personal popularity (and that of the Clintons) have all helped to restore some of America???s moral authority and popularity. On substantive matters, there is a huge amount yet to be done: a viable strategy in Pakistan that stabilizes it, removing it as a threat to both us and to US operations in Afghanistan; discussing new security structures with the Europeans; tough talk with the Chinese on the trade deficit (and other issues such as North Korea); and articulating a plan to address the country???s long term finances. But if measured in terms of ???repackaging??? America to a skeptical world audience, which was always going to be the first task for any new American leader, the President and Michelle Obama can look back to a successful first 100 days.

  • Posted By: Phephe @ 04/20/2009 3:24:59 AM

    This woman rulz !

  • Posted By: teds31 @ 04/19/2009 3:04:45 PM

    I want more of the District!!!!!!! Pay these people big bucks so we can have more!!!


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