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National Drug Threat Assessment 2008

Publication Date: October 2007

Document ID: 2007-Q0317-003

Archived on:  July 1, 2009. This document may contain dated information. It remains available to provide access to historical materials.

Cover image of the National Drug Threat Assessment 2008.This interagency assessment provides a strategic overview and predictive outlook of the threat to the United States from the illicit trafficking and use of cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin, pharmaceutical drugs, and other dangerous drugs.

Your questions, comments, and suggestions for future subjects are welcome at any time. Addresses are provided at the end of the page.

Cover photos from left to right:
     NDIC - Assorted pills
     DEA - Khat seizure
     DEA - Vehicle concealment
     Kansas City Missouri Police Department - Crack cocaine concealed in cigarettes
     DEA - Marijuana-laced Pot Tarts
     NDIC - Atlanta, Georgia
     DEA - Ice methamphetamine
     NDIC - San Ysidro POE traffic


National Drug Threat Summary

Southwest Border Region Drug Transportation and Homeland Security Issues
     Drug Transportation
     Homeland Security Issues
          Border Violence
          Firearms Trafficking
          Alien Smuggling

     Strategic Findings
     Intelligence Gaps
     Predictive Estimates

     Strategic Findings
     Intelligence Gaps
     Predictive Estimates

     Strategic Findings
     Intelligence Gaps
     Predictive Estimates

     Strategic Findings
     Intelligence Gaps
     Predictive Estimates

Pharmaceutical Drugs
     Strategic Findings
     Intelligence Gaps
     Predictive Estimates

Other Dangerous Drugs
     Strategic Findings
     Intelligence Gaps
     Predictive Estimates

Illicit Finance
     Strategic Findings
     Bulk Cash Smuggling
     Money Services Businesses
     Traditional Depository Institutions
     Emerging Methods and Technology

Drug Trafficking Organizations
     Strategic Findings

Appendix A. OCDETF Regional Summaries
Florida/Caribbean Regional Overview
     Great Lakes Regional Overview
     Mid-Atlantic Regional Overview
     New England Regional Overview
     New York/New Jersey Regional Overview
     Pacific Regional Overview
     Southeast Regional Overview
     Southwest Regional Overview
     West Central Regional Overview

Appendix B. Maps

Appendix C. Tables

Appendix D. Scope and Methodology


List of Figures

Figure 1. Vectors in the Transit Zone--CCDB-documented cocaine flow departing South America, January-December 2006.

List of Charts

Chart 1. Rates of National Positive Cocaine Results in Workplace Drug Tests, 2005-2007
Chart 2. South American and Mexican Retail Heroin Purity, by Percentage, 2001-2006
Chart 3. Average Percentage of THC in Samples of Seized Marijuana, 1985-2006
Chart 4. Number of Reported Methamphetamine Laboratory Seizures, 2002-2007
Chart 5. Number of Primary Methamphetamine Treatment Admissions to Publicly Funded Treatment Facilities, 2000-2005

List of Tables

Table 1. Estimated Andean Region Coca Cultivation and Potential Pure Cocaine Production, 2002-2006
Table 2. Southwest Border Area Seizures for Cocaine, by Quarter, in Kilograms, Third Quarter 2003-Second Quarter 2007
Table 3. Top 10 Ports of Entry for Heroin Seizures, in Kilograms, 2005 and 2006 Combined
Table 4. Potential Worldwide Heroin Production, in Metric Tons, 2002-2006
Table 5. Domestic Cannabis Eradication, Outdoor and Indoor Plant Seizures, 2000-2006
Table 6. Cannabis Eradication in Mexico, in Hectares, 2001-2006
Table 7. Cannabis Cultivation and Production in Mexico, 2001-2005
Table 8. Marijuana Seizures on the Southwest Border, in Kilograms, 2001-2006
Table 9. Marijuana Seizures on the Southwest Border, Tucson Sector Only, in Pounds, 2001-2006
Table 10. Marijuana Seizures at or Between U.S.-Canada Ports of Entry, in Kilograms, 2001-2006
Table 11. Methamphetamine Seizures on the Southwest Border, in Kilograms, 1998-2007
Table 12. Number of National Methadone-Related Deaths, 1999-2004
Table 13. Number of Methadone-Related Deaths in Select States, 2005-2006
Table 14. Percentages of Parents Who Discuss the Dangers of Drug Abuse "a lot" With Their Children, 2006
Table 15. Number of MDMA Laboratory Seizures in Canada, 2002-2006
Table 16. Federal Drug Seizures for MDMA in Northern Border States, in Dosage Units, 2002-2006
Table 17. Number of LSD Samples Submitted for Testing, in Dosage Units, 2000-2006
Table 18. Drug Trafficking Organizations or Criminal Groups Operating in the United States

List of Figures in Appendix A

Figure 2. The Florida/Caribbean Region.
Figure 3. The Great Lakes Region.
Figure 4. The Mid-Atlantic Region.
Figure 5. The New England Region.
Figure 6. The New York/New Jersey Region.
Figure 7. The Pacific Region.
Figure 8. The Southeast Region.
Figure 9. The Southwest Region.
Figure 10. The West Central Region.

List of Maps in Appendix B

Map 1. Nine OCDETF regions.
Map 2. National Drug Threat Survey 2007 greatest drug threat as reported by state and local agencies.
Map 3. National Drug Threat Survey 2007 greatest drug threat by region as reported by state and local agencies.
Map 4. U.S. cities with cocaine shortages reported by law enforcement agencies during the second quarter of 2007.
Map 5. Changes in Quest cocaine positivity results in cities with reported cocaine shortages, second quarter 2006 compared with second quarter 2007.
Map 6. DAWN: Changes in cocaine emergency department visits for second quarters of 2006 and 2007.

List of Tables in Appendix C

Table 1. Trends in Percentage of Past Year Drug Use, 2002-2006
Table 2. Adolescent Trends in Percentage of Past Year Drug Use, 2002-2006
Table 3. Federal-Wide Drug Seizures, in Kilograms, 2002-2006
Table 4. Number of Federal Drug-Related Arrests, United States, 2002-2006
Table 5. Price Differences Between Commercial-Grade and High-Grade Marijuana in U.S. Cities, 2006
Table 6. Quest Diagnostics Positivity Rates for Cocaine in Cities Where Cocaine Shortages Were Reported, Second Quarter 2006 and Second Quarter 2007
Table 7. Laboratory Seizures Involving Other Dangerous Drugs, 2000-2007
Table 8. Percentage of 8th, 10th, and 12th Graders Who Perceive Great Risk in Trying MDMA Once or Twice, 2001-2006


National Drug Intelligence Center
319 Washington Street, 5th Floor
Johnstown, PA 15901-1622

Tel. (814) 532-4601
FAX (814) 532-4690

National Drug Intelligence Center
United States Department of Justice
Robert F. Kennedy Building (Room 1335)
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530

Tel. (202) 432-4040
FAX (202) 514-4252

Web Addresses

ADNET:  http://ndicosa

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