Evacuation Travel Voucher Assistance

Hurricane Ike Evacuation Authority:

CCGDEIGHT New Orleans LA (IMT) P101631Z SEP 08

Hurricane IKE Accounting String:


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Quick Pick List of Topics on this page:

Evacuation, what is it?
Funding Issues
Evacuation Travel Orders
Examples of Evacuation Order Statements
Upon Completion of Evacuation
Claiming Reimbursement
Processing Assistance
Travel Voucher (DD Form 1351/2) (PDF File Format)


CONUS Evacuation Entitlements Update

The following immediate change to the JFTR was recently posted:

SUBJECT: CONUS Evacuation Rewrite
SYNOPSIS: Simplifies the language in JFTR, Chapter 6, Part B. It also makes the following changes or clarifications:

a. Changes "per diem" to "safe haven allowances" (throughout).
b. Adds that an oral evacuation authorization must be confirmed in writing (par. U6050-E).
c. Clarifies that sorting, repacking and shipment of HHG for a temporary withdrawal or split shipment is at Government's expense (par. U6056-C).
d. Allows reimbursement of an unexpired lease (up to 30 days), when authorized to return to the PDS or move to a designated place (par. U6054-B3). (Currently in DSSR 632.4 (c) for employees.)
e. Changes local travel allowances from discretionary and changes the words "in absence of a POV" to "when unable to drive a POV" to enable a family to use the allowance to purchase a used car or reimburse for the use of a relative's car (par. U6055).
f. Authorizes HHG transportation for dependents who convert the safe haven to a designated place (par. U6056-D3).
g. Clarifies that all dependents are authorized safe haven allowances - including those who turn 21 at the PDS or safe haven (par. U6054-A).
h. Clarifies that a dependent of a deceased member is authorized safe haven allowances if the member dies after the evacuation is authorized/ordered but before the dependent is evacuated from the PDS, or dies while the dependent is in an evacuation status from there.

The full change is available at http://www.perdiem.osd.mil/regs/Immediate/MAP87-07E.pdf.


A. Chapter 6, Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR)
B. Paragraph U4125, JFTR
C. COMDTINST M12570.4 Civilian Personnel Travel Management PGM
D. 5 CFR 550.401-408


Military...COMDT (CG-1222)...202-267-2247
Civilian...COMDT (G-121)...202-267-1705
Reserve...COMDT (G-131)...202-267-0564
Funding...COMDT (CG-8)...202-267-2749

Evacuation, what is it?

Evacuation is defined in part B of reference (A). Evacuation must be caused by unusual or emergency circumstances such as war, riots, civil uprising or unrest, adverse political conditions, denial or revocation by a host government of permission to remain, national or natural disasters, epidemics, or similar conditions of comparable magnitude.

Evacuation authorizations can only be given by area, district or MLC commanders, or designated representatives, when advised by local authorities to do so (emergency management or civil defense, etc.). This official determines whether a limited or full evacuation is required.

  1. Full evacuation defined -- the authorized/ordered movement or departure of dependents from one area to another (both areas may be in the same city or each may be in a different city). Primarily used where geographic areas expect or suffer extraordinary storm damage.
    OUTCONUS Settlement: U6004 Transportation, U6005 Per Diem, U6006 Local Travel
    INCONUS Settlement: U6053 Transportation, U6054 Per Diem, U6055 Local Travel
  1. Limited evacuation defined -- the authorized/ordered movement of member’s dependents from their residences to the nearest available accommodations which may be government quarters). Used primarily for the temporary avoidance of severe weather (hurricanes, floods, ice storms, etc.)
    INCONUS Settlement: U6051-E Defined, U6053-I Transportation, U6054-D Per Diem

In either case, this official then must designate:

This critical information is normally released via message traffic.

Funding Issues

Evacuation entitlements only apply to dependents, per reference (a), and COMDT (CG-8) will reimburse dependent travel expenses. COMDT (CG-8) will not issue travel order numbers (TONO). Instead area, district and MLC units will provide travel order guidance to the effected units, funding all entitlements for dependents from their AFC-30 accounts (see required format below; all TONOs will be doc-type 11). The individual area, district or MLC will manage their own expenses and provide COMDT (CG-8) with a single request for reimbursement for dependent travel expenses. Use this accounting string format, providing unit data at asterisk (*):

Tono: 11/ ** /23/ * / * / ** / ***

Acct: 2 / * / *01 / 1** / 30 / 0 / ** / 79872 / 2108.

Hurricane IKE Accounting String:


For active duty personnel: if considered necessary by the order issuing official, any active duty member ordered to vacate their permanent duty station (PDS) will be issued doc-type 11 TONO/acct (TDY) travel orders. Units will fund travel expenses for their active duty personnel under TDY orders out of their own AFC-30 account. Note that an active duty member is not entitled to Per Diem for travel or TDY performed within the local area of the PDS.

For civilian employees and their dependents: per references (c) and (d), dependents of civilian employees are eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses due to an authorized evacuation. Like above, unit funds will reimburse employees for travel under TDY orders, while travel expenses for the depns will be reimbursed by COMDT (CG-8).

Dependents of reservists recalled to active duty are eligible for reimbursement of their travel expenses by COMDT (CG-8) due to an authorized evacuation, provided depns are located within the evacuation region. Depns of reservists become ineligible for reimbursements for travel expenses associated with the evacuation once the reservist exits active duty and returns to a selected reserve (SELRES) or inactive ready reserve (IRR) status.

Evacuation Travel Orders

The member's Name, Grade and SSN are to be used on both the member's claim and the dependent's.

Examples of Evacuation Order Statements:

These are examples of statements that should be placed on every set of evacuation orders.

  1. This evacuation has been authorized by competent authority per (reference the authority by date/time group of the area or district message authorizing the evacuation).
  2. Most likely, evacuation travel orders will be prepared after-the-fact. Units can use the standard travel order, forms CG-5131 or CG-4251, or take advantage of word-processing equipment by preparing " letter orders." evacuation travel order should contain the following data:

Hurricane Ike Evacuation Authority:

CCGDEIGHT New Orleans LA (IMT) P101631Z SEP 08

  1. This evacuation has been authorized by competent authority Per [DTG of area/district/rep message authorizing evacuation].
  2. Reason for ordered evacuation (i.e., hurricane Ike).
  3. Effective date of evacuation is: (enter start date). Note: evacuation entitlements are not authorized prior to date of official evacuation notice or beyond its cancellation.
  4. Effective date terminating is evacuation: (enter end date). Note: unauthorized early return from a safe haven to The PDS area will jeopardize evacuation travel and Transportation entitlements.
  5. Designated safe haven is: (state, city, county). Note: be specific -- locality name determines Per Diem rate.

    Note: Travel to a location other than the named safe haven site must be authorized on the order or by amendment thereto.

  6. The following dependents are authorized travel and transportation entitlements: (list names, relationship to sponsor and dates of birth). Note: dependents age determines percentage of Per Diem authorized.
  7. Authorized mode of travel: (POC, bus, air, rail, etc.)
  8. Special instructions or amendments to an evacuation travel order: clearly explain or outline any unique circumstances that require additional explanation for full settlement: some examples are:
  • authorized different safe haven upon a unique and written request from the member, as approved by competent authority.
  • authorized evacuation of a dependent at school who is within the designated evacuation area.
  • authorized extension of entitlements due to non-availability of water, power, etc. At a dependent residence.

Upon Completion of Evacuation:

Return to PDS, ensure the travel voucher is completed promptly. The member’s Name, Grade and SSN are to be used on both the member’s claim and the dependent’s.

NOTE: For every TONO issued there must be a corresponding travel voucher to liquidate the expenses. Therefore, two separate claims must be prepared and submitted if two TONOs were issued to a family.

Claiming Reimbursement:

  • Receipts for expenses of $75.00 and greater are required.
  • Receipts for lodging in any amount are required.
  • Receipts for meals, food, misc., are not required in lieu of the meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) Per Diem allowed.

Processing Assistance:

Should you need further assistance PPC Customer Care can assist both order issuing activities and Coast Guard Travelers.

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Last Modified 3/9/2009