Conference Blog

GOP Blog Archives for June 2009

June 11, 2009
Rep. Roy Blunt Talks Health Care

Chairman of the Health Care Solutions Group Rep. Roy Blunt on health care:

June 11, 2009
Pence: "American Energy Act Is Answer People Are Looking For."

House Republican Chairman Mike Pence continued speaking out today on the American Energy Act. Here are his remarks on the House Floor:

June 17, 2009
"We're Not for the Government Taking Control of Our Health System."

House Leader John Boehner appeared on Good Morning America today to preview the health care reform plan the House GOP will outline later today. He said:

June 19, 2009
Pence Closing Statement on Iran Resolution

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence gives a closing statement on his Iran Resolution:

June 19, 2009
Pence Hails Passage of Bipartisan Iranian Resolution

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, hailed passage today of a bipartisan resolution he authored with House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman (D-CA) supporting the dissidents in Iran. The House passed the resolution overwhelmingly by a vote of 405 to 1.  Mr. Pence’s remarks on the floor are as follows:

June 22, 2009
Standing By Those Who Stand Up for Freedom in Iran

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence posted a guest blog on RedState today. Here is an excerpt from "We Support the People of Iran":

June 18, 2009
Reagan Didn't Tell Gorbachev "That Wall Is None of Our Business."

This morning during an appearance on FOXNEWS, Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement regarding the administration’s involvement regarding demonstrations by Iranian dissidents:

June 18, 2009
Rep. Adrian Smith Responds to Cyberspace Policy Review

Rep. Adrian Smith (NE) participated in a hearing this week on the Administration's efforts to strengthen cybersecurity. Here are his remarks:

June 19, 2009
Pence Introduces Bipartisan Resolution in Support of Iranian Dissidents

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement after he and House Foreign Affairs Chairman Howard Berman (D-CA) joined together to introduce a resolution in support of the Iranian dissidents:

June 23, 2009
Doubting Democrats' Government Health Care Plan

From the office of Rep. Roy Blunt, Chairman of the Health Care Solutions Group:

June 23, 2009
Democrats' Health "Reform" By the Numbers

After the Friday release of the House Democrat leadership's health reform discussion draft, the
Republican Conference has compiled a list of important numbers relevant to the legislation:
852 - Pages in the bill
120 million - Number of individuals who could lose their current coverage as a result of the
government-run plan reimbursing at Medicare rates created in the bill, according to non-partisan
actuaries at the Lewin Group
4.7 million - Number of jobs that could be lost as a result of taxes on businesses that cannot afford to
provide health insurance coverage, according to a model developed by Council of Economic
Advisors Chair Christina Romer
$88,200 - Definition of "low-income" family of four for purposes of health insurance subsidies
Trillions - New federal spending, which likely could exceed the $1.6 trillion reported price tag of Senate
Finance Committee Chairman Baucus' legislation
32 - Entitlement programs the bill creates, expands, or extends
48 - Additional offices, bureaus, commissions, programs, and bureaucracies the bill creates over and
above the entitlement programs listed above
1,367 - Uses of the word "shall," representing new duties to be carried out by federal bureaucrats and
mandates on individuals, businesses, and States
$10 billion - Minimum loss sustained by taxpayers every year due to Medicare fraud; the government-
run health plan utilizes the same ineffective anti-fraud statutes and procedures that have kept
Medicare on the Government Accountability Office's list of high-risk programs for two decades
$1.75 billion - Mandatory spending on home visitation services that would educate parents on "skills to
interact with their child"
Zero - Prohibitions on government programs like Medicare and Medicaid from using cost-effectiveness
research to impose delays to or denials for access to life-saving treatments
2017 - Year Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will be exhausted - a date unchanged by the
legislation, which re-directs savings from Medicare to finance new entitlements for younger

June 24, 2009
Pence Appearance on Larry King Live

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on CNN's Larry King Live last night. Pence told King Obama's tougher rhetoric on Iran was "better late than never." View the clip here.

June 24, 2009
Visiting Governors At Republican Leadership Press Conference

The House Republican Conference was joined this morning by Gov. Jim Douglas (VT) and Gov. Mike Rounds (SD). A video of this morning's Leadership Press Conference and text of the Governors' coments are below: 

June 01, 2009
Rep. Steve King on the Fairness Doctrine

The Washington News Observer recently interviewed Rep. Steve King (IA) on the Fairness Doctrine:

June 01, 2009
Boehner on GM

House Republican LeaderJohn Boehner released a statement today after General Motors filed for bankruptcy protection:

June 01, 2009
Republican Weekly Address With Gov. Mitch Daniels

Check out indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' in the latest Republican Weekly Address:

June 04, 2009
Rep. Dan Burton Reacts to Obama's Speech on Fox News

Rep. Dan Burton (IN) was on Fox News this morning to comment on President Obama's speech in Cairo:

June 04, 2009
House Republican Leaders Spotlighted in Roll Call

House Republican Vice-Chariman Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers speaks at a leadership press conference earlier this week. This photo was featured today in Roll Call:

June 04, 2009
House Republican Leaders Propose $375 Billion in Common-sense Taxpayer Savings

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), on behalf of House Republicans, today sent a proposal to President Obama outlining $375 billion in taxpayer savings over the next five years.

The proposal follows a meeting at the White House on April 24, during which Republican Whip Cantor brought up the President's request to Cabinet secretaries to find $100 million in savings, noting that much more could be done on behalf of taxpayers. In response, President Obama asked House Republicans to develop of list of areas where the federal government could save more money.

June 04, 2009
Rep. Royce in the Flash Report

Rep. Ed Royce (CA) was recenty featured in one of California's best political blogs -- The Flash Report. Royce wrote of yesterday's ceremony to unveil a statue of Ronald Reagan:

June 04, 2009
Rep. Boustany on Health Care in America

Rep. Charles Boustany, M.D. (LA) is one of several House Republican physicians. His experience in the health care field prompted a blog post on Here is an excerpt:

June 08, 2009
Rep. Issa in the American Spectator

Rep. Darrell Issa (CA) published a piece today in the American Spectator. Here is a key excerpt from "A Tale of Two Treasuries":

June 08, 2009
Roll Call Spotlights Congressman Flake

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) is perhaps best known for his consistent battle against earmarks. Today, Flake is featured in a Roll Call piece:

June 10, 2009
Rep. Terry Interviewed At Let Freedom Ring

Rep. Lee Terry (NE) was interviewed by the conservative blog Let Freedom Ring yesterday. Terry, a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, spoke on the House cap and trade legislation:

June 10, 2009
Rep. Mike Pence on Morning Joe

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" with Joe Scarborough this morning to discuss the Republican Energy Solutions Group energy alternative plan. Here is an excerpt of that interview:

June 09, 2009
Cantor on Jobs and Fiscal Responsibility

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor at this morning's leadership press conference:

June 10, 2009
Rep. Walter Jones' Monthly Video

Each month, Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) participates in a video for his constituents back home. In the June video, Jones interviewed Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS). Here is the finished product:

June 10, 2009
Pence Unveils American Energy Act

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the American Energy Solutions Group (AESG), today unveiled a comprehensive energy solutions plan, the “American Energy Act:”

June 25, 2009
"Guantanamo Bay Was Never Meant to Be Ellis Island."

Rep. Aaron Shock (IL)  and Rep. Phil Roe (TN) published commentary on the closig of Guantanamo Bay in the Washington Times today:

June 25, 2009
Rep. Paul Ryan Talks Health Care on Good Morning America

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) appeared on Good Morning America this morning to speak on health care reform. He said the Democrats aren't interested in a bipartisan option:

June 25, 2009
Oppose A National Energy Tax? Call Your Congressman!

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement on the House floor in regards to the Democrats' national energy tax:

June 25, 2009
MSNBC: Pence on Energy Legislation

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC to speak on energy legislation today:

June 25, 2009
Boehner: "I Have Never Seen Anything This Ridiculous."

From the office of House Republican Leader John Boehner:

June 26, 2009
Rep. Pence Speech on National Energy Tax Today

Rep. Mike Pence (IN) spoke out today against the National Energy Tax proposed by Democrats in Congress:

June 26, 2009
Pence on Energy Bill: "We Can Do Better"

An excerpt of remarks by House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence:

June 02, 2009
Blunt Responds to Health Care Report

Rep. Roy Blunt (MO), chairman of the House Health Care Solutions Groups, released a statement following the President's Council of Economic Advisors report on health care costs:

June 08, 2009
The Charleston Daily Mail Tackles Wasteful Spending in Editorial

The Charleston Daily Mail today published a compelling piece, entitled "Wasteful Spending Has No Defense Now." The editorial is about the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, which has received millions of dollars in federal funding. Here is an excerpt:

June 10, 2009
Pence and Cantor in New York Times' Photo of the Day

House Republican Chairman Mike Pence and House Republican Whip Eric Cantor were featured in the New York Times' photo of the day this afternoon. The photo was taken prior to the news conference held to unveil the American Energy Act.

Photo: The New York Times

June 11, 2009
Watch American Energy Act Press Conference

In case you missed it -- here is the video of yesterday's press conference unveiling the American Energy Act:

June 11, 2009
Pence Remarks on Republican Regulatory Reform

From House Republican Chairman Mike Pence (IN):

“I’d like to thank the senior Republican on the Financial Services Committee, Spencer Bachus, for his tireless efforts on behalf of our free market system.
“And the other Republican Members on the Financial Services Committee for their hard work in putting this common sense proposal together and for their continued defense of the American taxpayer.
“The American people are fed up with the endless bailouts of Washington and they want it to stop.  They recognize that bailing out failing businesses really means: Washington is burying generations under a mountain range of debt and destroying the very foundation of free market capitalism that has allowed this nation to prosper for generations.
“Congress cannot continue to ask hard-working families, who have played by the rules, lived within their means, and paid their bills, to bail out the irresponsible decisions of others or the failed policies of Washington.
Enough is enough.
“Today, House Republicans are standing with the American people who have said loud and clear: no more bailouts.
“The package of regulatory reforms that House Republicans are introducing today are built on three basic principles: it is time to end the mania of bailouts that has consumed Washington, it is time to end the government’s ability to pick winners and losers, and it is time to restore some level of responsibility to our markets.
“It is time to put freedom back into our free markets.  The proposal being offered today by House Republicans will help do just that.”

June 11, 2009
Rep. Mike Rogers (MI) on Pakistan Foreign Aid Bill

Watch Rep. Mike Rogers (MI) speak on the Pakistan Foreign Aid bill today. A few excerpts precede the powerful video:

June 05, 2009
Continued Unemployment Since Democrats' Stimulus

Despite President Obama's massive stimulus spending, unemployment rates have reached a 26-year high. The House Republican Conference has the chart mapped out for you here.

June 10, 2009
Top 10 Facts About Democrats and Health Care

From the office of House Leader John Boehner:

June 16, 2009
Pence Introduces Resolution Supporting Dissidents in Iran

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, in a speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives announced that he is introducing a resolution later today supporting the dissidents in Iran.  Pence’s remarks follow (VIDEO BELOW):

June 26, 2009
Cap and Trade vs. Common Sense

Rep. Dan Burton (IN) has a new video out today messaging on the cap and tax energy legislation Democrats are trying to rush through Congress. Watch it here:

June 25, 2009
Rushing Through Cap and Tax

Rep. Spencer Bachus (AL) today came out against the way Democrats are rushing a costly cap and tax energy bill through Congress. Read an excerpt of his blog post on Red

June 29, 2009
Royce on Cap and Tax: A Bureaucratic Delight

Rep. Ed Royce (CA) posted a guest blog on California's The Flash Report this weekend. Here is an excerpt of "Cap and Tax: A Bureaucratic Delight":

June 29, 2009
"Boehner's Amazing Speech"

Newsbusters applauded House Republican Leader John Boehner's speech on the House Floor Friday night:

June 30, 2009
The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ Cap and Tax Proposal

Truth # 1- Federal Government Intrusion:  The Federal Government Wants to Tell You How to Build Your House

What the bill does:
The House-passed bill establishes a national building code for commercial and residential buildings, requiring a 30 percent reduction in energy use immediately after passage and an additional 50 percent reduction in energy use by 2014 for residential buildings and 2015 for commercial buildings (Bill as report Sec. 201, p. 297).
What this means for consumers: Bureaucrats in Washington D.C. will tell you how to build your house.  This will also create a whole new bureaucracy in Washington and more intrusion into the lives of Americans.

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