Wednesday, August 12, 2009
ORNL in the News

Serious Materials’ SeriousWindows Super-Insulating, High R-Value Windows Used in ABC’s Extreme Makeover

(Business Wire) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (Sundays 8/7c on ABC ) has come to the Washington D.C. metro area to demolish and rebuild two buildings – a community center and a residential home. Serious Materials, the leading energy-saving building materials company in the U.S., has donated its super-insulating SeriousWindows for use in both projects. With input and guidance from the Department of Energy and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a DOE Laboratory, each project is designed with advanced energy-efficient materials and serve as examples for cost-effective near-zero energy building design that can be accomplished today...8/26

A Metal Roof May Mean Energy Savings, Tax Credits

(NAPSI) If your heating and cooling bills are going through the roof, you may be glad to know that's the place to look for help. By installing a new Investment Grade metal roof, you can reduce your tax burden, cut energy costs, help the environment and protect your home...A study conducted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory found that a reflective metal roof can save homeowners up to 40 percent in summer cooling costs. Highly reflective metal roofing panels are created with special pigment paints that reflect the sun's energy in the infrared spectrum, thus reducing the heat load transferred to the interior of the structure...8/27


Boyd: 600 Recovery Act jobs so far; most signs positive

(Knoxville News Sentinel) On a day when there was negative news on Recovery Act work at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, DOE's Oak Ridge manager Gerald Boyd said he's pleased with the performance in his camp. "It's going very well," Boyd said during a break at DOE's Integrated Safety Management Summit in Knoxville...8/26

Secretary Chu Announces Nearly $300 Million in Clean Cities Grants to Support Clean Fuels, Vehicles, and Infrastructure Development

(DOE Press Release) Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced the selection of 25 cost-share projects under the Clean Cities program that will be funded with nearly $300 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act...8/26



Future U.S. heat waves will be worse

(USA Today) The nation is headed for strong heat waves in coming decades that will hit cities and farmers and threaten wildlife with extinction, a new global warming report warns...8/26

State & Regional

Tennessee's Top Public and Private Companies

(BusinessTN) BusinessTN's popular annual business ranking, the TN250, is a one-of-a-kind, one-stop source for surveying the state's public and private company landscape...8/27

East Tennessee

Business leaders critical of state higher-education system

(Knoxville News Sentinel) Some of East Tennessee's most prominent business leaders say the state's higher education system is falling short on providing a skilled work force that can compete in a global economy...8/26



energy & science policy

Inside Energy Extra

8/26 A daily report on U.S. energy policy [ORNL users only]
-EPA mulls less stringent CO2 rule
-DOE aims to trim ESPC process
-Vehicles program awards $300M
-DOE plans $1M prize for hydrogen
-'Historic' chance to cut oil use seen

science & technology

Scientists can track progress of H1N1 flu in detail

(USA Today) ...An analysis of genetic sequences posted on the government's GenBank website shows that by Monday, researchers had posted detailed genetic information on nearly 1,400 viruses taken from patients in more than 30 countries, from China to Argentina...8/26

Found: The planet that shouldn't exist

( The 'most unlikely' discovery of a new planet which could spiral into its star within the next 500,000 years, has been made by Scottish astronomers...8/26

New Insight into Cause of Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder

(Popular Science) Since 2006, about 30 percent of the commercial honeybee population has died off due to Colony Collapse Disorder. Though many theories have emerged about the causes of CCD since it first began ravaging honeybee populations, a study released this week has identified the first molecular marker of the disorder...8/26

Other Stories

Time to Readjust 401(k) Plans, Again

(Wall Street Journal) Even investors who didn't panic and cash out investments last fall need to go back and take a look now. "By doing nothing, their asset allocation has changed dramatically," said Pam Hess, director of retirement research at Hewitt Associates, a human-resources consulting firm...8/27