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NIDA Home > Drug Facts Chat Day > Chat Transcript

Drug Facts Chat Day 2008 - The Transcript

32287 from 10/28/08

Questions Answered Between 8 am and 12 noon

moderator icon Good morning.....welcome to the National Institute on Drug Abuse Drug Facts chat day. I see Rockville High School is already sending us alot of great questions.... keep it up. We have just started assigning your questions to our experts, so you will be getting your answers shortly!

user icon G.R. - Rockville High School : What can be considered as the most deadliest drug?

answer icon Anna Staton : Hi there. That would be tobacco. Each year tobacco is responsible for about 440,000 deaths.

moderator icon We welcome Anna Staton, M.P.A. to the Chat. Anna is a public health analyst with the Office of Science Policy and Communications. She is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data relating to NIDA's research programs. She earned her masters in public administration at the George Washington University School of Business and Public Management in 2002 and during her free time enjoys teaching yoga to babies and toddlers.

moderator icon Starting off this morning in the Chat room is Dr. Joseph Frascella, who heads the division of NIDA that deals with clinical neuroscience, human development, and behavioral treatment for drug abuse and addiction. He is also very active in issues related to minorities and other special populations. When not at work, he enjoys playing and studying the guitar, repairing guitars and other musical instruments, as well as drawing, painting, sculpting, and making a difference in the lives of his two young children.

moderator icon Did you know scientists estimate that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a person's vulnerability to addiction?

moderator icon Please welcome to the Chat one of our youngest scientists, Dr. Gaya Dowling. Dr. Dowling is the Deputy Chief for Science Policy at NIDA. Her job is to make sure the public learns about and understands what the science says about drug abuse and addiction. Although Dr. Dowling's favorite subjects in school were math and science, she never expected that studying science would give her a chance to go to the Emmy's, as she did when NIDA's work on the HBO film Addiction won an award. She has two kids - a baby girl and a two-year old boy who loves to play the guitar.

user icon upsidedown - Rockville High School : what is the difference between cocaine and crack?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Thanks for your question.

Powder cocaine and crack cocaine are simply two different chemical forms of cocaine. Powder (also called hydrochloride) cocaine dissolves in water and, when abused, can be injected or snorted through the nose. Crack cocaine is the street name given to a form of cocaine that has been created by dissolving powder cocaine in water, mixing it with baking soda, and heating it to form a smokable mass. The name "crack" comes from the crackling sound that this form makes when it's smoked.

In spite of these differences, cocaine, in any form, produces the same effects once it reaches the brain. It produces similar physiological and psychological effects, but the onset, intensity and duration of its effects are related directly to the method of use and how rapidly cocaine enters the brain. Smoking crack or injecting cocaine intravenously produce the quickest and highest levels in blood and in the brain, and the effects also wear off the fastest. Repeated cocaine use, no matter how you take it, can produce addiction and other adverse health consequences, especially to the cardiovascular system.

If you want more information about drug abuse and addiction, we have developed a number of useful teen-oriented sites, including:, providing a source of free information about the latest science-based drug abuse facts, publications, and teaching materials for parents, teachers and students;, with information for young people, parents and teachers about the link between drug abuse and HIV infection, with links to the latest research findings and news updates, and, a Website for teens with information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, questions and answers, real stories and interactive activities.

moderator icon Dr. Cindy Miner is the Deputy Director of the Office of Science Policy and Communications at NIDA. She has a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Colorado and did research work at the Universities of Minnesota and Pittsburgh before joining NIDA in 1992. Here at NIDA, she coordinates the drug abuse research information that goes out to other scientists, to doctors and nurses, and to the public. Dr. Miner went to George Washington High School (in Denver) where she played on the tennis team, loved history and English, and of course--the gym class. She played summer softball and was metro area all-star as well as playing on a traveling tournament team. As a teenager, she also loved biking, hiking, whitewater rafting, and camping in the Colorado Mountainsin fact, she has climbed most of the 14,000 foot peaks in Colorado. Cindy has two dogsan Airedale and a Portuguese Water Dog, and she continues to enjoy many outdoor activities--including biking, hiking, skiing, kayaking, sailing, softball, and volleyball, and she is also an excellent golfer.

user icon papajohnpompili - Rockville High School : can weed effect you sexual life?

answer icon Anna Staton : Good question. It can indirectly. When a person is under the influence of marijuana their judgment can be skewed. They might make risky decisions about sex that could put their health at risk.

user icon G.R. - Rockville High School : Which drug can be considered as the most deadliest drug?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Tobacco is the deadliest with 440,000 deaths per year. That breaks down to one in six deaths in the US each year. Take a look at our research report on tobacco for even more information about the dangers of tobacco -- it's online at

moderator icon Get ready for more great answers to your questions. Dr. David Shurtleff has just entered the Chat. He directs the NIDA division that supports basic biomedical and behavioral science research as it relates to drug abuse, such as the mechanisms of addiction, drug craving, effects of drugs on behavior and cognition, long-term chronic effects of drugs, and drug metabolism. Prior to coming to NIDA, Dr. Shurtleff was a research psychologist with the Navy, where he conducted behavioral, electrophysiological, cognitive, and field research on a variety of issues related to cognitive performance, environmental stress, and peripheral neuropathy. In his spare time, he loves playing with his two German Shepherd-mix dogs, outdoor gardening, taking vacations to exotic places, snorkeling, swimming and playing golf, and recently shot a "hole-in-one" while on vacation in Hawaii with his wife.

moderator icon Someone new to challenge with your great questions has just entered the Chat - Dr. Wilson Compton. He is a psychiatrist who directs NIDA's Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research, which researches the interactions between individuals and their environments that contribute to drug use. Dr. Compton has managed multiple federally funded grants focusing on the epidemiology of drug abuse, HIV prevention and co-occurring mental and drug use disorders. He loves the beach, and likes to spend nearly every weekend at his house in Bethany Beach, Delaware. He also enjoys playing games such as bridge, scrabble, crosswords, and sudoku.

user icon heatherknapp - St. Michael's Middle/High School : As a teacher, I teach the facts and consequences of drug use. However I know that when students leave the school they are left with difficult choices. Many students choose the mind set "it won't happen to me." What else can I do as an educator to get students to understand that the consequences of drug abuse do not discriminate.

answer icon Wilson Compton : Sometimes showing data from surveys that drug abuse is common in ALL groups (different racial and ethnic groups, employed/unemployed, age groups) can be helpful. I suggest that you look on the NIDA website for info. Thanks for teaching students about this important topic.

user icon Pgirl - Rockville High School : are there any drugs that arent harmful to the body?

answer icon Anna Staton : Good morning. Well, there are many types prescription drugs that when taken under the care of a doctor can be beneficial to the body.

user icon rhhs - River Hill High School : What is the worst gateway drug?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Each drug has its own set of problems and it's impossible to say that any one is the worst. For instance, we used to think that tobacco wasn't a problem but now we know that tobacco causes lung cancer and many other health problems.

user icon rhhs - River Hill High School : what drug is the worst drug?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Tobacco is the deadliest drug -- 440,000 deaths each year in the United States. Take a look at our web site for more information about the dangers of tobacco. We have more information about nicotine online on our teen site -- go to This site contains a lot of informaiton about drug abuse and addiction and includes some neat games and interactives, so take a look at the whole site --

user icon green1991 - Rockville High School : Can you die from marijanna?

answer icon Anna Staton : Hi there, good question. Indirectly yes. Studies show that 10 to 22 percent of drivers involved in vehicle crashes, used drugs often in combination with alcohol. In fact, we know that a moderate dose of marijuana can impair driving performance (i.e., reaction time, visual search frequency--driver checking side streets--or perceiving/responding to changes in speed of other vehicles); and that even a low dose of marijuana combined with alcohol markedly increased driving impairment over either drug alone.

user icon papajohnpompili - Rockville High School : what is the worst effect of weed?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for your question! Our research has found that weed can contribute to altered perceptions, decreased reaction time, lack of motivation, memory problems, sleep problems, and more. You also might be interested in knowing that studies have shown that chronic use can result in the an overall lack of career success as well as an addiction to marijuana. For more specific information, please visit:

moderator icon Dr. Eve Reider has just stepped in to answer your questions. Dr. Reider is a psychologist who joined NIDA in February 2000. Her program areas at NIDA include HIV prevention and interventions for at-risk populations, including children born to drug abusing parents or living in substance abusing environments, children with multiple problem behaviors, child welfare and juvenile justice populations, children with mental health problems who are at risk for drug abuse later in life and street youth. She enjoys doing arts and crafts activities and gardening in her spare time.

user icon emi - Freeland High School : How come drugs can be so harmful but yet be really good medicines?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Great question. Many medications can be harmful when taken incorrectly - not as prescribed by a doctor. Even vitamins can be dangerous if you take too many of them. Some medications (like painkillers, sedatives and sleeping pills and stimulants) can be really helpful when someone is sick but can be addictive.

user icon hello123 - Rockville High School : can you overdose on marijuana?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Not in the sense of dying, but some people get panic attacks and other psychiatric r eactions like paranoia.when they smoke too much.

user icon lala21 - Rockville High School : can drug addicts be inherited?

answer icon David Shurtleff : That is a very good question. Genes which are inherited determine your eye color and height and can determine whether you become addicted to drugs of abuse or not. Although this is only part of the problem, the earlier you start drugs the more likely you are to become addicted. Scientists are still trying to find and study genes that contribute to addiction and this is a major research program at NIDA.

user icon missmonkey1104 - Rockville High School : Are there any drugs that don't hurt your body and you can't get addicted to?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for your question - you might be interested to know that all drugs of abuse have some effect on your brain and body. Given continued use, we do know that all drugs can lead to abuse and addiction. There are a number of factors that can affect addiction, including individual differences to vulnerability to drugs. Be smart before you think about taking drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it.

user icon flipper623 - Yonkers High School : How does cocaine affect the body?

answer icon Joe Frascella : I appreciate your interest - cocaine is a stimulant that has most of its effects on the brain, as do all drugs of abuse. Cocaine leads to an increase in the brain chemical, dopamine, in the brain synapses, and continued use can change the way your brain works. As for effects on the body, cocaine can increase your blood pressure, increase your heart rate, and can lead to strokes and heart attacks. It definitely "pushes" your cardiovascular system. Thanks again for the question.

user icon Fatman12 - Rockville High School : I smoke weed and I feel it does not do anything to me.

answer icon Wilson Compton : Drugs like marijuana can cause problems in ways that surprise many people. It affects decision-making and can lead to accidents. And it can be addictive--addiction is a subtle process where the drug becomes more and more important in your life. It means that you keep using even though you shouldn't and it begins to cause problems for you. Many people are unaware of the problems drugs cause but they still have an effect.

moderator icon Good morning!!! We are getting lots of great questions from alot of different schools! We have several experts here answering your questions. We might not get to them all, but we are answering as many as we can!!!

user icon lui6 - Rockville High School : why do people get addicted to cigarettes

answer icon Anna Staton : Good morning. The substance in cigarettes that's responsible for them being addictive is nicotine. Research has shown how nicotine acts on the brain to produce a number of effects. Of primary importance to its addictive nature are findings that nicotine activates reward pathwaysthe brain circuitry that regulates feelings of pleasure. A key brain chemical involved in mediating the desire to consume drugs is the neurotransmitter dopamine, and research has shown that nicotine increases levels of dopamine in the reward circuits. This reaction is similar to that seen with other drugs of abuse, and is thought to underlie the pleasurable sensations experienced by many smokers.

user icon ham223 - River Hill High School : What type of drugs do you find most used by high school students?

answer icon Wilson Compton : We have lots of information about the kinds of drugs used by students. Look online for the study "Monitoring the Future" for the latest information. The most common drugs are alcohol, tobacco and marijuana. Recently, prescription medications are used by a large number of students. These drugs are really dangerous when taken outside of a doctor's supervision.

user icon CAntonellaG - Rockville High School : Does marijuana really affect driving?

answer icon Anna Staton : Yep it sure does. It impacts judgment and reaction time, which are important to safe driving. Studies show that 10 to 22 percent of drivers involved in vehicle crashes, used drugs often in combination with alcohol. In fact, we know that a moderate dose of marijuana can impair driving performance (i.e., reaction time, visual search frequency--driver checking side streets--or perceiving/responding to changes in speed of other vehicles); and that even a low dose of marijuana combined with alcohol markedly increased driving impairment over either drug alone.

user icon ham223 - River Hill High School : when you are high or in a trip can you be violent or have sudden mood changed?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : It depends on the drug you've taken--but both are possible since drugs affect the brain, and particularly those parts of the brain involved in mood and in judgment. For example--methamphetamine can make you paranoid and violent, and marijuana can make you feel relaxed or very anxious.

user icon yoyoyoitstaylor - Freeland High School : What drugs are the most addictive?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Thanks for being a part of Chat Day! This question calls for a rather complicated answer -- most scientists are reluctant to rank drugs in terms of their addictiveness. There are just too many moving parts (variables) in the equation that would need to be considered: genetic (e.g., drug metabolism), environmental (e.g., drug availability) and developmental (e.g., age), all of which play important and changing roles in determining to what extent (in fact, even whether) abuse of a particular drug will lead to addiction.

But we can identify factors that contribute to or influence the addictiveness of a particular drug. For example -- with stimulants, where different routes of administration (how you take it) can have a profound impact on the ultimate risk of harm and addiction. Smoking cocaine (crack) delivers large quantities of the drug to the lungs, producing effects comparable to intravenous injection. These effects are felt almost immediately, are very intense, but do not last long. The high from smoking cocaine may last from 5 to 10 minutes. The high from snorting cocaine on the other hand comes on slower and can last for 15 to 20 minutes. There is evidence that suggests that users who smoke or inject cocaine may be at greater risk of causing harm to themselves-including becoming addicted-than those who snort the substance, because the drug reaches its brain targets so much faster. And route of administration is but one of many factors to consider just in relation to the drug itself--the dosage, combination with other drugs, setting in which a drug is taken, and pattern of drug taking are other variables to consider along with those noted above related to the individual and his/her environment.

Take a look at a publication we have online called The Science of Addiction. You can find it at

moderator icon Dr. Nicolette Borek is now available to answer your questions. Dr. Borek is a psychologist who oversees research on how exposure to drugs of abuse during the prenatal period affects a baby's brain and behavioral development. She also does research on the long term health and development of children and adolescents exposed to or living with HIV. Prior to her job at NIDA, Dr. Borek worked with teenagers and adults with substance use and mental health disorders -- including mothers and their young children. When she's not at work, Nicolette can be found on her yoga mat, running, hiking, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

user icon sara r - Freeland High School : what happens to your nose when you inhale drugs?

answer icon Joe Frascella : What an interesting question - drugs, such as cocaine, are often snorted, which can begin to affect and deteriorate your nasal mucosa (that is, the sensitive inner lining of your nasal passages). This can lead to problems in your nasal passages and airway. You might be interested in learning more about the effects of cocaine, as well as inhalants at: and

user icon alverto - Rockville High School : what are the long-term effects of marijuana

answer icon Anna Staton : There are a number of potential long term effects of marijuana use, which can include addiction; that is, compulsive drug seeking and abuse despite its known harmful effects upon social functioning in the context of family, school, work, and recreational activities. Long-term marijuana abusers trying to quit report irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which make it difficult to quit. Marijuana smokers can also have many of the same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers, such as daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illness, a heightened risk of lung infections, and a greater tendency toward obstructed airways.

user icon li - Rockville High School : what will happpen if you take too much drug at once?

answer icon David Shurtleff : This is a serious problem. Taking too much of any drug can result in an "overdose." While taking a small amount of a prescription drug such as morphine for pain is ok- taking too much can lead to respiratory depression. This means that you could stop breathing. When you are prescribed a drug it is VERY important to read and follow the doctor's directions. Remember, if you take any drug for reasons other than for what it was prescribed or in amounts other than recommended, that is considered misuse of the drug. Abuse and misuse of drugs can cause serious health problems. For more information, feel free to check out NIDA's website:

user icon john doe - Rockville High School : Why does alcohol make everyone so social and fun to be around?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Actually, not everyone becomes social and fun when drinking alcohol. Some people get angry and get into fights. some get really stupid and don't make as much sense when they drink. Everyone who drinks becomes a little slower and can end up getting accidently injured. but of course, some of the effects of drugs and alcohol are to get intoxicated or "high". This is the attraction of using and how people end up getting into trouble. They start out having fun and the problems start later.

NIDA is frequently asked whether alcohol is a drug, and where to find information about alcohol abuse. There is another government agency that studies alcohols effects. For information on alcohol, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism Web site at:

user icon soccerstar0 - Freeland High School : On average how old are kids who start using drugs?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Often drug use starts in adolescence.

We know from scientific research that the earlier you start using drugs, the more likely you are to become addicted and suffer serious social and medical consequences. The reasons for this are complex--first, drugs affect the brain, and the brain is still developing until early adulthood. So, it's possible for drugs to alter the normal developmental pattern--research is still ongoing to help us figure this out. Second, people who use drugs when they are very young often have other problems that led to their drug use in the first place. For example, they may have difficult family situations or problems with depression or anxiety, etc. and attempt to use drugs to help them cope. Unfortunately, drug abuse just makes things worse in the long run, and doesn't address the problems that led to its use. Third, using drugs can interfere with success in school, in sports, and in relationships with friends and family, further creating problems down the road.

So the bottom line is that early drug use can lead to later drug and other problems, and the best advice is to never start. But, if you have started using already, you should know that the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the other harmful consequences associated with it.

For more information, see

user icon jackel - Rockville High School : what is crack made of?

answer icon Anna Staton : Crack is the street name given to a form of cocaine that has been processed from the powdered cocaine hydrochloride form to a smokable substance. The term crack refers to the crackling sound heard when the mixture is smoked. Crack cocaine is processed with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water, and heated to remove the hydrochloride.

user icon rhhsjbmg - River Hill High School : How expensive can drugs get?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Drugs don't seem too expensive at first but people end up using more and more. It can take your all your time and effort to pay for a drug habit.

user icon shanjayallie - River Hill High School : What are the long term effects of mda?

answer icon Joe Frascella : You might be interested to know that our studies are starting to show that MDA and MDMA use - over a specific period of time, can lead to changes in your memory and ability to learn. Also - use of MDMA (aka: ecstasy) can also affect your heart, liver, and kidneys, such as resulting in hyperthermia (your body temperature rises, which can be problematic especially if you are doing something physical like dancing). Please check out this link for more information: Thanks for this great question!

user icon MajicPurpleJUJU - South County Secondary School : how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck was on drugs

answer icon Cindy Miner : that depends on what kind of drug and how thing for sure...the wood chuck would not be chucking wood as well as it could if it weren't under the influence of drugs

user icon Pgirl - Rockville High School : since esctasy is a man-made drug in labs, does it effect your brain more or less than marijuana?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Great question! Whether a drug is man-made or natural doesn't really effect its safety or its ability to act in the brain, but different drugs act in different ways. Marijuana binds to specific brain proteins, called cannabinoid receptors which are involved in mood, coordination, appetite, and memory. Ecstasy affects several different brain chemicals, but particularly serotonin, which is important for mood, sleep, and other behaviors.

user icon hello123 - Rockville High School : Is alcohol better or worse then doing drugs?

answer icon Frank Vocci : This does not have an easy answer. Alcohol, in moderation, has health benefits for adults. One drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men actually protects against heart disease. Drinking more than that can cause other diseases. Alcohol in excess can hurt your liver, heart, and brain, and can lead to death from alcohol poisoning. Alcohol has been shown to damage the brains of adolescents--AND alcohol is addictive. It causes about 100,000 deaths in the US per year.

Doing illicit drugs has no known healh benefits--and you can also overdose on them. Alcohol, in moderation, after you reach 21, is probably better. For more information, please visit

user icon juicyjuice34 - Rockville High School : Does smoking affect your sex life?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Tobacco can affect your sex life in several ways. Here's one: who wants to kiss someone who smells and tastes bad? And in the long run, tobacco can hurt the circulatory system and make it harder to have sex. See for more info on smoking. Information about smoking and prevention can be found at

user icon kelss - Freeland High School : how many people die from drug use average a year?

answer icon Anna Staton : Hi there. On average over 500,000 people die from drug abuse each year. Most of those are due to tobacco (440,000), then alcohol (about 85,000), and then illicit drugs (about 20,000).

user icon upsidedown - Rockville High School : can you get addicted to drugs after one try?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Drug addiction usually results from repeated use of a drug of abuse over time. However, a single use of some drugs at high doses can cause death due to overdose. A single use of a drug can also seriously impair your judgment and that can lead to dangerous behavior such as driving a car while under the influence, driving with others that are under the influence, which could lead to a fatal accident-not good!

user icon somethingsimple - River Hill High School : which drug is the most addictive

answer icon Jan Lipkin : This question calls for a rather complicated answer, so it may be helpful to reframe it in terms of a more familiar subject instead of answering it right from the get go. So let's consider, first, the similar question of: what food is the most fattening? It is easy to see that the answer should be: "it depends." The fact is that some people can eat bread and pasta till they drop, without gaining an ounce of weight, while others on strict diets can't even look at a plate of lasagna without putting on a couple of extra pounds. The huge differences in how people assimilate various foods hinges partlyof courseon genetics. Indeed, some lucky people have such efficient metabolisms that they can burn calories as soon as they are ingested, and others, less lucky, don't seem to find a way to get rid of them. Age is another important factor: dietary fats have very different fates if consumed by adults or by children. Finally, it should be fairly obvious that lifestyle and the life choices we make every single minute, like walking or driving, taking the elevator or the stairs, TV watching or working out, will also have a tremendous impact on how "fattening the foods we eat are."

For very similar reasons, scientists are reluctant to rank drugs in terms of their addictiveness. There are just too many moving parts (variables) in the equation that would need to be considered: genetic (e.g., drug metabolism), environmental (e.g., drug availability) and developmental (e.g., age), all of which play important and changing roles in determining to what extent (in fact, even whether) abuse of a particular drug will lead to addiction.

If you are interested in more information about drug abuse and addiction, check out NIDA for Teens at

user icon bamitslindsey:] - South County Secondary School : how many questions do you get each minute?

answer icon Cindy Miner : so far we've received 964 questions since 8:00 am this can do the math, but that's alot!

user icon livelaughlove94 - Freeland High School : Do many kids in high school do drugs

answer icon Eve Reider : That is a very good question. Sometimes people think more kids use drugs than actually do. Every year for the past 33 years the Monitoring the Future project has asked thousands of high school students across the country about their experience with drugs. In 2007, 35.6% of the 10th graders and 46.8% of the 12th graders who answered the survey said they had used an illegal drug at least once. Overall, the number of kids who said they had used an illegal drug has fallen every year since 2000, which is great. Unfortunately, during the same period the number of kids reporting inappropriate use of prescription medications--which can be just as addictive and dangerous as illegal drugs--has not decreased. For complete figures from monitoring the future, see

user icon 0001 - Rockville High School : can u get adicted to drugs after one try?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi there! Not usually, but it can happen. It depends on the drug, on how you take it (smoked, orally, intravenously), how much of it you take, and it also depends on you. Some people are more vulnerable than others. If you have a family history of drug problems--that's a big red flag, but even if you don't you may have other risk factors that make you vulnerable. For more information go to Thanks for your question!

user icon snicol - Sanborn Regional High School : After how manyt imes of use did you become adicted?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Good question, but it really is hard to specifically answer this. Addiction really depends on the drug that you are taking, how much you are taking, and it depends on your own individual vulnerability to the specific drug. We also know that some people can be more sensitive to a drug's effects and therefore can be more vulnerable to becoming addicted than others. What we do know is that we can become addicted to all drugs of abuse. To learn more about understanding drug abuse and addiction, please see:

Thanks for your interest.

user icon 0001 - Rockville High School : could u die from drug abuse?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, taking any opiate, such as heroin or prescription pain relievers, can cause you to stop breathing. And combining drugs and alcohol can be very risky. Thousands of people die from drug overdoses every year in the US. For more facts on drugs, go to For information on prescription drugs, go to

user icon hella_steez - Sanborn Regional High School : what is the most addicting drug?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Thanks for your question. It is a complicated one to answer because scientists are reluctant to rank drugs in terms of their addictiveness. There are just too many variables that have to be considered -- genetic (e.g., drug metabolism), environmental (e.g., drug availability), and developmental (e.g., age of user). All these factors play important parts in determining whether or not you will become addicted to a particular drug. You can find out more about specific drugs and the science of addiction on our website for teens. Check it out at

user icon rhhs - River Hill High School : How many teenagers in the United States do drugs?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Every year, we do surveys about drug use among teens in the US. See the website for the latest reports. Overall about 36% of 12th graders used one or more drugs in 2007.

Did you know teens are taking better care of themselves? Illicit drug use declined by 24% from 2001 to 2007.

moderator icon Did you know that in 2007, one in ten high school seniors reported the non-medical use of the prescription pain reliever Vicodin?

user icon missmonkey1104 - Rockville High School : I thought marijuana was all-natural, how can it hurt your body if it's natural?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good question. Many drugs of abuse come in a "natural" form, meaning that they come from plants. For example, herion comes from poppy plants and cocaine is from the cocoa plant. Marijuana's active ingredient ,THC, is a "psycoactive" and can become addictive. Many who use MJ for a long time can go through withdrawal when they try to stop using it. During withdrawal from MJ, they can experience sleep distribances, irratitability and mood swings. THC can also imapir memory, which is not good if you're trying to learn in school. For more infromation on MJ see

user icon th - Freeland High School : How do you know students are doing drugs if they dont tell you?

answer icon Anna Staton : Well, if you mean how could someone tell if a person is using drugs....there can be many possible signs that a person is abusing them. These signs can vary depending on the drug and the individual. For example, stimulants would make a person unusually alert while marijuana may make them seem sluggish.

user icon kristinahunt - South County Secondary School : What kind of prescription drugs can be harmful to you and your body?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Most prescription drugs can be dangerous when they are not taken as prescribed. A doctor takes into account many factors when prescribing drugs--your weight, other drugs you are taking, your age, etc--all of which help keep you safe. The most commonly abused drugs are prescription pain killers (opioids, like vicodin), stimulants (e.g., adderal) and depressants (e.g. valium). They are all addictive. You can also overdose on these drugs ~ 22,000 people died last year from opioid overdose. For more information on prescription drug abuse go to

user icon XxDeyaniraxX - Yonkers High School : How many does of drugs do you have to take befoer you actually die from it?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Good question, but hard to answer specifically. It really depends on the drug. Most deaths from illicit drugs are caused by overdoses--about 22,000 in the past year, and this can happen the first time you use a drug or anytime thereafter. Also, about 90,000 people die each year from from alcohol related problems (illness and accidents), and 440,000 die from smoking related illnesses. As you can see, the most deaths are due to smoking cigarettes, which is an accumulation of lots of doses of smoke over a lifetime. But also, there are specific vulnerabilities to drugs that an individuals may have, so in a sense, it is like playing Russian roulette. For more information about understanding drug abuse, check out: Thanks for your question.

user icon eeyore27 - Rockville High School : How long does any drug take for you to die?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good question. Deepending on the drug, an individual can die from a single use. For example sniffing chemicals in solvents or aerosol sprays can induce irregular and rapid heart rhythms and lead to heart failure and death within minutes of sniffing. This syndrome, known as "sudden sniffing death," can result from a single session of inhalant use by an otherwise healthy young person. For more information on inhalants, click on:

user icon Mz.Candy Girl - South County Secondary School : Can you answer at least one of my questions becaus eit will get me extra credit?.........please

answer icon Cindy Miner : Hey, we want you to get extra credit....we are answering as many questions as we can as quickly as we can. Hang in there!

user icon sweetin - Yonkers High School : Do drugs like tylenol lead to addiction?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Tylenol can cause problems if too much is taken but Tylenol is not addictive. People don't get high from taking Tylenol.

user icon rhhsjbmg - River Hill High School : What are the effect of steroids?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Good Morning! Steroids can build muscle, which is why they are abused, but they can also stunt your growth (if you haven't reached your full height yet), they can feminize your body if you are male--enlarge your breasts, shrink your testicles; and they can masculinize your body if you are female--deepen your voice, cause hair growth in places you dont want, and cause severe acne. In the long run, they can wreak havoc with your cardiovascular system. For more information on steroid abuse and their health effects please go to

user icon MsP - Freeland High School : On average what percentage of students have tried drugs upon entering high school?

answer icon Anna Staton : According to NIDA's latest survey (Monitoring the Future, which surveys 8th, 10th, and 12th graders) in 2007 28% of 10th graders had used some type of illicit drug within the past year. Please go to for more information. Thanks!

user icon rhhsjbmg - River Hill High School : how dangerous is pure MDMA??

answer icon Ruben Baler : Excellent question. It is unlikley you will ever get access to pure MDMA (also called ecstasy) since the stuff you buy in the street is usually "cut" or adulterated with other ingredients or contaminants that make it more profitable. This is in fact an additional danger of taking ecstasy, because you can never be sure what other contaminants (and how much) you might be putting in your body. The effects of known doses of MDMA, however, are fairly well documented: research in animals has shown that MDMA in moderate to high doses can be toxic to nerve cells that contain serotonin and can cause long-lasting damage to them. If you'd like more information about the consequences of MDMA abuse go to :

user icon ham223 - River Hill High School : Can drugs affective your eating habits?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Yes. Many drugs have an impact on eating--marijuana causes an increase in appetite for many people and stimulants like cocaine or amphetamine reduce appetite. Even tobacco can have an impact on eating behaviors. See www, for more info about drug abuse.

user icon tomotuhombre - South County Secondary School : Is the nervous system affected if you do drugs?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question! All drugs of abuse affect the nervous system (your brain), and depending on the drug, these affect different systems in the brain. We know that all drugs of abuse affect the "reward systems" in the brain, which leads to an increase of the brain chemical, dopamine. We also know that continued use of drug can change the brain in long-lasting ways. For more information - please check out:

user icon yhsstudent - Yonkers High School : are there actually many people who use drugs? i'm very curious because i think its very rare... i dont see any people who uses drugs around me......

answer icon Eve Reider : Congratulations, it is great that you do not see any people around you using drugs. By not using drugs you and your friends not only spare yourself a lot of potential trouble, you set a healthy example for others--and we know that people are less likely to use drugs if the people around them stay away from drugs.
Unfortunately not everyone is doing as well as you and your peers. Monitoring the Future is an ongoing study of the behaviors, attitudes, and values of American secondary school students, college students, and young adults. Each year, a total of approximately 50,000 8th, 10th and 12th grade students are surveyed. In 2007,19 percent of 8th graders, 36% of 10th graders and 47% of 12 graders said that they had used an illicit drug at least once. The good news is that teens are taking better care of themselves. Illicit drug use declined by 24% from 2001 to 2007. To see all the results from the latest Monitoring the Future survey, see

user icon rhhs - River Hill High School : Why is LSD not as common now as before?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Fortunately, people have learned that LSD can cause a lot of problems--it makes people really anxious and crazy sometimes. Also, the police have gotten rid of many of the sources so there isn't as much LSD in the community.

Did you know that when it comes to hallucinogens such as LSD, everyone is NOT doing it? In 2007, 98% of 12th graders did NOT use LSD.

user icon janusman - Sanborn Regional High School : are drugs fun

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Illicit drugs can make you feel better and that's why many people start using them. Initially all drugs of abuse either directly or indirectly increase the activity of the chemical dopamine in the brain's reward centers, which is what makes people feel good. However, with continued drug use, the brain starts to adapt to the good feeling, so more of the drug is needed to achieve that good feeling. This is what causes people to become dependent on the drugs, to feel bad when the drugs are not in their system, and to seek and take the drugs compulsively -- without even thinking about it. Another way drugs change your brain is they affect decision-making, such as being able to judge what is healthy and what is dangerous. The compulsive seeking and using of drugs even in the fact of potentiallly devastating consequences is the essence of addiction. Check out our online publication on the science of addiction to learn more about the way drugs can change your brain. Go to

user icon cori - Freeland High School : 440,000 deaths! Wow, that's amazing. How many drugs contain tobacco?

answer icon Anna Staton : Interesting question. hmmm.....well some people combine marijuana and tobacco and there are many types of tobacco products out there too like clove cigarettes, bidis, and snus. So tobacco can take many forms.

moderator icon Did you know the teen brain is a work in progress? It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood. Did you know the teen brain is a work in progress? It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood.

user icon yhs Sarah - Yonkers High School : Can weight loss pills have a harmfull effect?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Good question. Lots of people think that pills aren't dangerous because they come from a pharmacy or a doctor. When taken outside of a prescription or in larger amounts or for a longer time, prescription drugs can be harmful and addictive. See for more info on prescription drugs.

user icon Fatman12 - Rockville High School : does weed kill alot of brain cells?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for your question! Our research has found that marijuana (weed) can contribute to memory problems, decreased reaction time, altered perceptions, lack of motivation, sleep problems, and more. You also might be interested in knowing that studies have shown that chronic use can result in the an overall lack of career success as well as an addiction to marijuana. For more specific information, please visit:

user icon yoyoitsjustine - Freeland High School : why is niccotine so addictive?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Nicotine affects the reward system in the brain. One cigarette saturates the brain's nicotine receptors, producing an effect that lasts for more than an hour in the brain's reward system. We also think the teen brain is especially susceptible to nicoine addiction since the teen brain is a "work in progress," not yet fully developed. Being in this growth stage also makes the teen brain more vulnerable to addiction. Some researchers have found that nicotine addiction can begin with just a few cigarettes in teens.

Also, a person's genes can influence whether or not he or she becomes addicted. You can inherit a susceptibility to nicotine addiction. In fact, 40 to 60 % of a person's susceptibility to addiction to nicotine is genetic.,

Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? For more info, please visit and see our teen website at

user icon cilla703 - Yonkers High School : What makes drugs addicting?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Great question! Drugs are addicting because they affect parts of the brain that are involved in feelings of pleasure (drugs increase the chemical dopamine in the reward system). When something activates the reward system it makes you want to do it again and again. But there's a catch--when you take drugs repeatedly, the brain changes. The reward system becomes less sensitive so you need more of a drug to feel good, and those things in your life that used to feel good--like eating an ice cream sundae, listening to music, hanging out with friends--lose their ability to give you pleasure. Ultimately, it all backfires and drugs become the main motivating force in your life in an attempt to try and feel normal. For more information on what makes drugs addicting go to

user icon cuchi_cuchi - Yonkers High School : Why is every drug, even prescription drugs, very addidictive?

answer icon Wilson Compton : All the drugs interact with the BRAIN. They cause a release of brain chemicals that make us pay attention and think that the drug is important and exciting. That's how it starts--it seems fun and then the problems mount up.

Risk of addiction: There is a lot we still dont know about who becomes addicted and why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so its a little like playing Russian Roulette if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it.

user icon flipper623 - Yonkers High School : Whis is more harmful - overdosing on prescription drugs or abusing narcotics?

answer icon Wilson Compton : BOTH can kill people. People sometimes think that prescription drugs aren't as dangerous because they come from a doctor or pharmacy, but we've been seeing an epidemic of deaths from prescription drug overdoses recently. Over 20,000 people die every year in the US from prescription drug overdose.

For more information on the medical consequences of drugs, visit

user icon shanjayallie - River Hill High School : what is the most common used drug in highschool

answer icon Anna Staton : The most commonly abused drug among high school students would be alcohol. In 2007, according to NIDA's Monitoring the Future Survey 56% of 10th graders and 66% of 12th graders had used alcohol within the past year. For more info please go to

user icon HogueAndAzn - River Hill High School : How does the young kids get started with drugs?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hi and thanks for your question - one of the big influences for kids starting drugs is being around kids who use drugs. The people you hang out with can really influence what you do - especially when you are a kid.

user icon CrystalAlyssa. - Yonkers High School : According to Wilson Compton, he recently answered a question based on the most common highschol drug abuses... Why is alcohol considered a drug?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Great question! alcohol affects the brain in very similar ways to all the illegal drugs. Alcohol is habit forming and addictive the same way as cocaine, heroin, marijuana can be addictive. We see the same kind of family problems, job trouble, and behavior problems with alcohol as with the illegal drugs. Of course, there are some differences but it's important to realize that alcohol and tobacco are drugs, too! See for more info about alcohol.

user icon talex - Yonkers High School : Are girls more prone to alchohol and drugs or are boys?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Thanks for your question! Girls and boys can have different patterns of drug use, and may be affected by drugs in slightly different ways depending on the drug. For example, boys report more alcohol use and binge drinking than girls, and are more likely to be dependent on alcohol than girls. About the same number of girls and boys smoke cigarettes, although girls sometimes have a harder time quitting than boys once they start. But all teens are at risk of using drugs, and can become addicted if they do - both boys and girls!

user icon jackel - Rockville High School : what does speed do

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good morning and thank you for your question! Speed is the street name for methamphetamine and it is one of a class of drugs known as stimulants. Methamphetamine use can result in a lot of problems, including a variety of heart problems (including rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat), irreversible stroke-producing damage to small blood vessels in the brain, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Methamphetamine can also dangerously increase a person's body temperature, which can be lethal if not treated rapidly. Meth use over time can lead to addiction. Meth use and side effects are serious business! For more information, click on or

user icon HogueAndAzn - River Hill High School : How many people die each year from drug usage?

answer icon Anna Staton : Thanks for the question. About 570,000: 440,000 due to tobacco, 85,000 due to alcohol, and 20,000 due to prescription drug abuse.

user icon Vikings - South County Secondary School : how does meth affect your body?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question. Methamphetamine is a stimulant that has it main effects in the brain. The effects of meth on the brain can lead to memory loss, learning impairment, movement disorders, and addiction. Use of meth can lead to cardiac (heart) and neurological damage. Behaviorally, meth can lead to aggression, violence, and psychotic behavior. For more information, please visit:

user icon funkychicken96 - River Hill High School : What is the most addictive drug?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : This is a great question, but a little complicated to answer. Scientists are reluctant to rank drugs by their addictiveness because there are a number of factors that have to be considered. These include the genes you inherit, the conditions during your prenatal development, the experiences of your early childhood, the parenting style at home, the nurturing quality of your school and neighborhood, the level of stress you are exposed to and any vulnerability to or co-occurence of mental disorders you may have. These can have an impact on whether or not you will become addicted to a drug. So it isn't easy to predict who will become addicted and which drug is riskier. We have a great publication that will give you lots of info on the science of addiction. Check it out online at

user icon Vikings - South County Secondary School : Can certain drugs affect your athletic performance?

answer icon Wilson Compton : There are both performance enhancing drugs that temporarily improve athletic performance but cause health problems in the long run as well as other drugs that cause problems with althetics. Just imagine a person high on drugs trying to play baseball. They couldn't catch a ball as well and would have trouble paying attention to the game. They just wouldn't play very well.

Did you know that the human brain is the most complex organ in the body? Treat it well!

user icon emi - Freeland High School : Whats the most commonly used drug in most high schools?

answer icon Eve Reider : Alcohol, tobacco and marijuana are the most commonly used drugs in most high schools. According to Monitoring the Future, an annual national survey of high schoolers' drug use, 72% of the kids who were in 12th grade in 2007 had drunk alcohol, 46% had smoked a cigarette, and 42% had smoked marijuana at least once. Rates of use for other drugs, such as Oxycontin (10%), cocaine (8%), and heroin (1.5%) were much lower. For complete results from Monitoring the future, take a look at .

user icon lala21 - Rockville High School : can you get addicted to drugs after one use?

answer icon Ruben Baler : That's a tough but very good question. The process of becoming addicted is not like a switch, but more like a slippery slope, this is why the right choice is never to start. For some people the slope is steeper than for others and that first experience can be so powerful that the user feels compelled to try it again. Slowly this person may loose control over his ability to stop using the drug. So, the straight answer to your question is no, but you must know that even one use can put some people in a downward path to addiction. For more information go to:

user icon nchoebokeefe - River Hill High School : What is the percentage of teens on marijuana and other related drugs?

answer icon Anna Staton : According to NIDA's Monitoring the Future Survey in 2007 25% of 10th graders and 32% of 12th graders had used marijuana within the past year. For more information on other drugs you can visit

user icon CAntonellaG - Rockville High School : What type of drugs can be addictive after only one use?

answer icon David Shurtleff : That is a good question. How rapidly someone becomes addicted to drugs of abuse depends on the person. In general, it may take several times of use before a person becomes addicted to a drug, but there may be craving and desire to use a drug again after trying a drug only a few times. How quickly someone may become addicted to a drug also depends on how they take the drug. Drugs that are smoked, inhaled or injected tend to lead to more rapid addiction than those that are swallowed. Remember, though, that most drugs of abuse, if taken repeatedly, can lead to addiction. Want to read more informtion about drug addiction? Click on

user icon ashbash63 - Freeland High School : What's the most addictive drug made?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Good question! It depends on how you look at it--among people who smoke cigarettes--nearly 1/3 will become addicted; the numbers may be less for other drugs, but for some--e.g., methamphetamine (e.g., ice, speed,crystal)and cocaine, especially when smoked, addiction can occur more rapidly. For more information go to and

moderator icon Why do so many celebrities have to enter rehab? These are just the situations we hear about. Drugs do not care if you are rich or poor, famous or unknown, a man or woman, or even a child. The good news is that if science-based treatment principles are followed, addiction treatment can work, and people can reclaim their lives.

user icon ashbash63 - Freeland High School : Whats a gateway drug?

answer icon Wilson Compton : The first drugs people use are called "gateway drugs" because once someone starts using them, they may progress to using all sorts of other drugs. Once they get started, they keep going more and more. The most common gateway drugs are tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. But really, any drug can be a gateway. The first ones that someone uses are the gateway for them.

user icon angelgothheart - South County Secondary School : how many people die from smoking?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : In the United States, 440,000 people die from tobacco each year. Check out our teen website for additional information about nicotine and its affect on your brain and your body. Go to and click on Nicotine in the drop down menu called Facts on Drugs. The teen site also has some neat quizzes and interactives you may like.

moderator icon There's no question too tough for Dr. Frank Vocci, who has just entered the Chat. Dr. Vocci directs NIDA's research into medications for the treatment of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine, and opiate dependence. He travels extensively and over the years has ridden in a rickshaw, Jeepjap, helicopter and a camel. Dr. Vocci has also met many interesting people in his travels, including the President of Iceland, the Princess of Thailand, members of the Australian Parliament, movie stars and professional wresters. He has two sons - a lawyer and a chef, and two dogs...pugs.

user icon green1991 - Rockville High School : Can you die from marijanna?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : With marijuana you are mostly likely to die if you get behind the wheel when intoxicated. Marijuana affects your judgment, as a result, you can put yourself in dangerous situations, plus it's often combined with alcohol--increasing the potential for dangerous decision making. Go to for more information. Thanks for your question!

user icon nchoebokeefe - River Hill High School : What is the strongest drug?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Opiates such as heroin or prescription pain killers can cause a person to stop breathing. Cocaine can cause seizures, mental problems like anxiety and psychosis ( losing touch with reality), and problems with your heart. Drugs can even cause your heart to stop beating. Methamphetamine can cause strokes, heart diesase, and problems with thinking. PCP can cause people to stop breathing and can cause psychosis. So these four drugs of abuse all have major consequences. For more information on consequences, please visit

user icon missmonkey1104 - Rockville High School : Are you always damaging your body when you're getting high?

answer icon Joe Frascella : It is hard to specifically answer this. There is a lot we still dont know about who becomes addicted and why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so its a little like playing "Russian Roulette" if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. To learn more about understanding drug abuse and addiction, please see:

user icon igloosRcool - South County Secondary School : Is caffeine soda addictive?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Caffeine can cause problems--like headaches, jitteriness, anxiety--but it's not really clear whether it is addictive. Some people seem to have trouble controlling their intake of coffee, tea and other sources of caffeine but scientists haven't figured out whether caffeine can really become addictive.

user icon Shqipe_4lyfe - Yonkers High School : if marijuana is addicting why do doctors prescribe it to their patients

answer icon Anna Staton : Thanks for your question. Actually according to federal law marijuana use is illegal. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is responsible for ensuring the safety of everything from cosmetics to human and animal medications to our nation's food supply has not approved marijuana to treat any medical illness. That is because smoking marijuana has not been shown in rigorously conducted clinical trials to have medical benefits that exceed its risks--the same standard used to approve any medication. However, the FDA has approved certain medications that contain ingredients found in marijuana. These medications are usually prescribed to relieve symptoms in seriously ill patients, such as reducing nausea for cancer patients on chemotherapy or helping AIDS patients to eat more. Also, there is some new and exciting research looking at the biology of cannabinoids, the general class of molecules related to THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. This research suggests new ways of treating pain and other illnesses without the dangers of becoming addicted or the health liabilities linked to smoking marijuana. For more information on the impact of marijuana please visit

user icon jackel - Rockville High School : what does speed do

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for your question. Methamphetamine is a stimulant that has it main effects in the brain. The effects of meth on the brain can lead to memory loss, learning impairment, movement disorders, and addiction. Use of meth can lead to cardiac (heart) and neurological damage. Behaviorally, methamphetamine can lead to aggression, violence, and psychotic behavior. For more information, please visit:

user icon tomotuhombre - South County Secondary School : Inhalants are a type of drug right?, What is in a marker that makes you high?

answer icon Ruben Baler : Indeed, many people do not think of household products as drugs because they were never meant to be used to achieve an intoxicating effect, but they definitely are and can have serious health consequences like addiction and even death. Inhalants are breathable chemical vapors that produce psychoactive (mind-altering) effects. Markers are a good example of a product that can become dangerous when somebody chooses to inhale its vapors which contain highly toxic volatile organic compounds. For more information go to

user icon Vikings - South County Secondary School : Can babies become addicted to drugs if their mother uses that drug during pregnancy?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : That's a good question. Babies born to mothers who use opiate drugs (like heroin, methadone, morphine, and prescription pain killers like vicodin or oxycontin) can be born addicted to that drug and go through a period of withdrawal, what we call neonatal abstinence syndrome. After they withdraw, these babies are often ok. Researchers are looking into whether or not exposure to other drugs before birth can make you more likely to get addicted to drugs when you are older. So far, one researcher has found that if a mother smokes while she is pregnant, her child may be more likely to use tobacco when they become a teenager, and to become addicted to tobacco if they do use it. We recommend that moms not use alcohol and drugs, including cigarettes, during pregnancy. They should let their doctors know if they are, and ask for help if they are having trouble stopping.

user icon AsianInvasion - South County Secondary School : can weed affect your social status

answer icon Eve Reider : Yes, it can--and not for the better. Research clearly demonstrates that marijuana has the potential to cause problems in daily life or make a persons existing problems worse. In one study, heavy marijuana abusers said that they were worse off than nonusers in several important measures of life achievement including physical and mental health, cognitive abilities, social life, and career status.
The good news is that according to the 2007 Monitoring the Future surveya national survey of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders--fewer kids have been using marijuana each year since the late 1990s. Between 2000 and 2007, past-year use decreased more than 20 percent in all three grades combined. Nevertheless, marijuana use remains at unacceptably high levels, with more than 40 percent of high school seniors reporting use at least once in their lifetimes.

user icon mvpballa7919 - South County Secondary School : Are there any drugs that aren't harmful to the body? if so aren't they only prescription drugs?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Good question! Caffeine may not be harmful to the body--but nearly any drug taken in excess can cause problems--and even caffeine can induce anxiety if you take enough of it. Prescription drugs are only safe for those for whom they are prescribed and if taken as prescribed. If you would like more information check out Thanks for joining us!

user icon Ranbir Singh - Yonkers High School : how many years can drugs take away from you?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Smoking cigarettes can take 10 or more years off your life. 3 out of 100 people addicted to heroin die each year. So many heroin addicts don't
make it to age 50. By comparison, you have a life expectancy of 78-80 years. For more info, visit

user icon DJRocks123 - South County Secondary School : What will happen if you do crack and drink beer?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Good question. When people use multiple drugs at the same time, the risks are increased. The chances of physical injury (like an accident) are greater and the chance of an overdose is higher, too. As dangerouse as a single drug can be, combinations can be even worse.

Check out what teens in Harlem are asking about drugs---its a video on our Teen Web site at

user icon juicyjuice34 - Rockville High School : have you ever smoked weed

answer icon Frank Vocci : I grew up in the 1960s. Weed was plentiful but not as strong as today's stuff. I smoked it a few times. See for more on marijuana.

user icon sweetin - Yonkers High School : is tobacco illegal?????????

answer icon Jan Lipkin : It is illegal to purchase tobacco products if you are under 18. But whatever age you are, you should know about the many harmful effects of using tobacco. Check out our tobacco research report online at and also take a look at our teen site information on nicotine at

user icon ham223 - River Hill High School : can steroids cause any problems with your body?

answer icon Ruben Baler : No doubt about it. There is a long list of serious mental and physical effects, some long term and even irreversible, that can occur after abusing anabolic steroids. For a good description of these effects please visit:

user icon yoyoitsjustine - Freeland High School : how many teens today are smoking?

answer icon Anna Staton : Thanks for the question. According to NIDA's Monitoring the Future Survey in 2007 14% of 10th graders and 22% of 12th graders had used cigarettes within the month prior to the survey. For more info please visit

user icon talex - Yonkers High School : What is worse, second hand smoking or mainstream smoking?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Mainstream smoking is worse, but second-hand smoke can cause asthma and other diseases, including cancer.

Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in the US. Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? For more info see

user icon rhhs - River Hill High School : Why do you think there has been such an increase in abusing perscription drugs?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Great question. We don't completely understand the causes of this epidemic but there are several clues. For one thing, people think that prescription drugs are "safe" because they come from a doctor or pharmacy. This is really dangerous. We just recently learned that over 20,000 people die each year from overdose and most of these are due to prescription drugs.

Did you know that in 2007, one in ten high school seniors reported the non-medical use of the prescription pain reliever Vicodin?

user icon rashid - Yonkers High School : Why don't they change the age limit for being able to drink and smoke?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi there! Since raising the drinking age from 18 to 21--many thousands of lives have been saved through decreases in automobile accidents. What's more, we know that the earlier you start using drugs, including alcohol and cigarettes, the more likely you are to develop drug problems when you get older. There are likely many reasons for this, but you should know that the brain is still developing during the teen years, and drugs may affect that development. So is it really worth the risk?

user icon CAntonellaG - Rockville High School : What is the difference between crack and cocaine? How does it affect people?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good morning! This is a great question! Crack cocaine is a solid, smokable form of cocaine. Cocaine, in any form, is a powerfully addictive drug. Initially, cocaine users say that it makes them feel energetic, but after repeated use, they report depression, irritability and extreme fatigue. Cocaine use, over time can lead to heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, and seizures. In rare cases, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine. Remember the basketball player Lynn Bias?? One use of crack cocaine killed him and his basketball dreams! For more information on cocaine or any other drug, click on or

user icon MsP - Freeland High School : Since prescription drug abuse is on the rise, are there are websites devoted to warning teens about the dangers of "pharm" parties?

answer icon Anna Staton : You're right prescription drug abuse is a huge problem in the US. NIDA has a number of resources to help teens learn about the dangers associated with these drugs. You can check out our teen website at

user icon mad_steeze - Sanborn Regional High School : Hello, is it possible to be addicted to marijuana?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Yes! About 1 in 10 people who use marijuana become addicted. When they stop, they experience a "withdrawal syndrome"--they are irritable, can't sleep, lose weight, and are anxious, often prompting them to start using again. Whats more--long term marijuanna users themselves report not only poorer educational and job outcomes, but less life satisfaction and worse mental and physical health compared to those who don't use marijuana. Check out for more info. Thanks for joining in on Chat day!

user icon Pgirl - Rockville High School : what are the effects of hooka in the long run?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Hookas do not filter out the bad chemicals and partilcles that can cause lung disease. Although hooka smoking is fairly recent in the US, we think it will carry the same risks as smoking cigarettes. Smoking any form of tobacco, including flavored tobacco, can cause disease--even smoking cigars that you don't inhale. For more info see

user icon alverto - Rockville High School : how many time do you have to take a drug before you are abusing

answer icon Joe Frascella : Good question Alverto, but hard to answer specifically. There is a lot we still dont know about when abuse results in addiction and why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so its a little like playing Russian Roulette if you choose to use drugs. For more information about understanding drug abuse, check out: Thanks for your question.

user icon igloosRcool - South County Secondary School : can drugs affect your children's DNA? :P

answer icon Ruben Baler : Animal studies show that many drugs of abuse can have bad effects on the DNA of the fetus.

user icon funkychicken96 - River Hill High School : What's the youngest drug abuser you have ever seen?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Drug abuse generally starts during teen years but a few kids start even earlier. We've seen kids smoking and drinking before they are 10 years old! Not much of a chance to develop and have a normal life when drugs and alcohol starts so early.

Did you know that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse?

Did you know the teen brain is a work in progress? It undergoes dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood.

user icon Mz.Candy Girl - South County Secondary School : What is most addicting drug

answer icon Jan Lipkin : This is a very popular question and you should take a look at the previous answers we've sent earlier today. The bottomline is this is a very complicated issue because of the many variables that can make a drug addictive. Some people ar more likely to become addicted than others and we aren't yet able to predict who they might be. The overall risk of becoming addicted once you start using drugs depends on a huge number of risk factors -- both biological and environmental. So whether using a drug makes you become addicted can depend on the genes you've inherited, the parenting style at your home, the level of stress you are exposed to, what nurturing you may get from your school or community, and a number of other things. We have a great publication online that goes into the science of addiction -- check it at out at

user icon obiandnatalie30 - River Hill High School : how many kids use steroids each year

answer icon Anna Staton : According to NIDA's Monitoring the Future Survey (which surveys 8th, 10th, and 12th graders) in 2007 1.1% of 10th graders and 1.4% of 12th graders had used steroids within the past year.

user icon mslice - South County Secondary School : hayhayhay. which drug does the most damage to the brain the quickest?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question - you sound like a junior neuroscientist! This question is a bit hard to answer specifically in that we know that all drugs affect the brain. Some drugs like meth and heroin can be highly addicting and lead to more and more abuse and addiction. All drugs can lead to addiction. We know that people have different vulnerabilities to drugs, and it really depends on your individual vulnerability to a drug and a drug's damaging effects. For more information on the effects of drugs on the brain - check out one of our newest publications:

user icon igloosRcool - South County Secondary School : Does smoking weed when you are young effect you in the long run?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Thanks for your question - In general marijuana can affect your short-term memory and learning, your ability to focus attention, and coordination. It also increases heart rate, can harm the lungs, and can cause psychosis in those at risk. We've got a bunch of studies looking at how weed/marijuana use can affect your brain as it is developing. Did you know your brain develops until age 25?! It's important to keep your brain healthy at all times, especially when it is still developing and can be really vulnerable to drugs. To find out more about marijuana, go to our teen website:

user icon cilla703 - Yonkers High School : whats does overdose mean

answer icon Frank Vocci : It means a person has taken too much of a drug and is likely to be in serious medical trouble, requiring emergency intervenion.

user icon CrystalAlyssa. - Yonkers High School : How many years do you get sentenced in jail if you take in a deadly drug?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Jail is really for possessing and selling drugs. How much time in jail someone will get depends on the state or region. What we've been doing recently is working with the courts to provide treatment to help someone stay clean and avoid more jail time.

user icon lui - Rockville High School : wath is nitrites

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good Morning! Nitrites are inhalants commonly known as "poppers" or "snappers." Nitrites are used medically to treat people with heart problems because they open up blood vessels and relax the muscles. They are abused mainly by older adolescents and adults. Animal research suggsets that abuse of nitrite inhalants can lead to infectious diseases, tumors and severe immune system damage. Inhalants are serious business! For more information on inhalants like nitrites, click on and

user icon joe91@yonkershs - Yonkers High School : Is it true take people take steroids for medical conditions.

answer icon Ruben Baler : Yes, it is true, anabolic steroids are legally available only by prescription in the United States because when they are used without medical supervision they can have severe and long term medical consequences.. There are a few conditions for which anabolic steroids can be prescribed. Doctors use them to treat delayed puberty, impotence, and body wasting in patients with AIDS and other diseases. For more information, go to:

user icon XxDeyaniraxX - Yonkers High School : can you get caner from doing drugs like cocaine and meth?

answer icon Frank Vocci : There's no evidence that using cocaine or methamphetamine causes cancer. However, other medical consequences can be severe, and include stroke and even death. see and

user icon w - Yonkers High School : Why is marijanna good for you.

answer icon Marsha Lopez : It's not! Smoking anything is bad for the lungs and marijuana can interfere with your memory--making it more difficult to learn, causing problems with coordination and making it harder to do sports. However, there are some chemicals in marijuana that may be useful for certain health problems, and scientists are working to isolate those and develop medications based on them. That's why there's an oral form of THC (the main active chemical in marijuana) that's used to treat the nausea and appetite suppressing effects of cancer chemotherapy. Check out the following link for more information on the health effects marijuana: Thanks for your question!

user icon shanjayallie - River Hill High School : How do steriods effect athletes in the long term?

answer icon Ruben Baler : "There is a long list of potentially serious health consequences that can result from the abuse of anabolic steroids which include:

  • Hormonal system disruptions. Reduced sperm production, shrinking of the testicles, impotence, and irreversible breast enlargement in boys and men. Decreased body fat and breast size, deepening of the voice, growth of excessive body hair, loss of scalp hair, and clitoral enlargement in girls and women.
  • Musculoskeletal system effects. Premature and permanent termination of growth among adolescents of both sexes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Heart attacks and strokes.
  • Liver diseases. Potentially fatal cysts and cancer.
  • Skin diseases. Acne and cysts.
  • Infections. In injecting steroid abusers, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, and infective endocarditis, a potentially fatal inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
  • Behavioral effects. Increased aggressive behavior, particularly when high doses are taken. Depression, mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, and reduced sex drive when steroid abuse is stopped. For more information of steroid abuse please visit

user icon 050 - Rockville High School : What Are the Short-Term Effects of Marijuana Use?

answer icon Anna Staton : Thanks for the question. There are many short term effects of marijuana use. When marijuana is smoked, its effects begin immediately after the drug enters the brain and last from 1 to 3 hours. If marijuana is consumed in food or drink, the short-term effects begin more slowly, usually in 1/2 to 1 hour, and last longer, for as long as 4 hours. Smoking marijuana deposits several times more THC into the blood than does eating or drinking the drug. Within a few minutes after inhaling marijuana smoke, an individual's heart begins beating more rapidly, the bronchial passages relax and become enlarged, and blood vessels in the eyes expand, making the eyes look red. The heart rate, normally 70 to 80 beats per minute, may increase by 20 to 50 beats per minute or, in some cases, even double. This effect can be greater if other drugs are taken with marijuana. As THC enters the brain, it causes a user to feel euphoric - or "high" - by acting in the brain's reward system, areas of the brain that respond to stimuli such as food and drink as well as most drugs of abuse. THC activates the reward system in the same way that nearly all drugs of abuse do, by stimulating brain cells to release the chemical dopamine

user icon yoyoyoitstaylor - Freeland High School : What percentage of psychological disorders are caused from drug useT

answer icon Wilson Compton : This is a really good question. We actually don't completely know what percentage are caused by drug use. The relationship of mental illness to drug abuse is complicated. Sometimes drug abuse can cause a mental illness and sometimes a mental illness can cause drug abuse. For instance, some people start using drugs because they feel bad and want relief. And others find that once they start using drugs, they develop mental symptoms (like anxiety, depression, hallucinations). For more information on psychological disorders, visit

user icon Ranbir Singh - Yonkers High School : is there any cure for drug addiction?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Even if a peson has been in treatment and no longer uses drugs, we don' speak of "cures." That's because formerly addicted people have some risk of relapse for the rest of thier lives. The longer a person stays off drugs--known as being abstinent--the less likely they are to relapse. See our illustrated, easy-to-read booklet for more information.

user icon flipper623 - Yonkers High School : How do steroids affect a person's mood?

answer icon Ruben Baler : Very good question! It is possible that some steroid abusers may become addicted to the drugs, as evidenced by their continuing to take steroids in spite of physical problems, negative effects on social relations, or nervousness and irritability. Also, they spend large amounts of time and money obtaining the drugs and experience withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, reduced sex drive, and the desire to take more steroids. The most dangerous of the withdrawal symptoms is depression, because it sometimes leads to suicide attempts. Untreated, some depressive symptoms associated with anabolic steroid withdrawal have been known to persist for a year or more after the abuser stops taking the drugs. If you want to learn more about steroid abuse, please go to:

user icon joe91@yonkershs - Yonkers High School : what is the average amount of cigarette packs an average person smokes a day

answer icon Frank Vocci : Most heavy smokers smoke about 15-25 cigarettes per day, or around one pack. Some people smoke fewer cigarettes per day, and other people are less-than-daily smokers. Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? See for more info.

user icon DJRocks123 - South County Secondary School : Can you die from doing different drugs at multiply times?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Absolutely. We've seen that the number of people dying from drug overdose has increased dramatically in the past few years. According to the CDC,* over 20,000 people in the US die from drug overdose each year.

Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year?

*CDC is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;

user icon flipper623 - Yonkers High School : why do heroin addicts tend to scratch themselves?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Good question. Heroin causes release of a chemical in the body known as histamine. Histamine is what causes the itching. See for more info.

user icon MajicPurpleJUJU - South County Secondary School : how bad can a bad trip from LSD mess you up

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for your interesting question. LSD can be a very dangerous drug that can lead to "bad trips" and bad experiences while on it. LSD is known to cause altered states of perception and feeling, nausea, and it can cause flashbacks (recurring hallucinations). It can also increase body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, and cause sleeplessness. Persistent mental disorders can occur after taking LSD. Lao, people have injured themselves during bad experiences with LSD. For more information, please read:

user icon rashid yhs - Yonkers High School : Is there a good effect of any drug?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : This is a great question! In fact, under certain circumstances many illegal substances do offer medical benefits when used properly and under the supervision of a physician. Opiates, for example, include both morphine and other pain relievers, and are used by doctors to provide pain relief to millions of people. Amphetamine (speed) is a treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Doctors who prescribe these drugs are well trained to evaluate if and when a person needs a drug and how much of the drug is safe for each person. Prescription medications, when properly use, are invaluable help in the treatment of serious medical conditions but their use becomes dangerous and illegal when not under the supervision of a physician -- even if they are taken for their intended purposes. We have a research report about prescription drugs and their benefits and dangers online. Check out

user icon vaballa189 - South County Secondary School : what about drinking and driving how many people die a year from that

answer icon Anna Staton : Well thankfully that number has been declining recently but it's still too high. It's about 13,000. For more information on the impact of drinking and driving please visit

user icon riptangie - Rockville High School : why dont all drugs have the samn effects o people if a drug is a drug

answer icon David Shurtleff : Very good question! What you are referring to is termed individual differences. This just means that responses can be different from one person to the next. Individual differences in response to drugs depends on a lot of factors. A person's age is a factor. For example, teenagers are much more vulnerable to become addicted to drugs. A person's genes also play a role because your genetic make-up can make you either more or less susceptible to the addictive properties of drugs of abuse. This is area of on going research at NIDA. Scientists still do not completely understand individual differences in response to drugs of abuse, but we're still working on it! Feel free to check out NIDA's website for more information on addiction:

user icon lemon_parties - Sanborn Regional High School : Hello there. Whats worse for you, alcohol or marijuana?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Good question! Although alcohol is legal (but only if you are 21 or older) and marijuana is not, BOTH can cause addiction and BOTH can impair your judgment. This can put you at risk of engaging in dangerous behaviors like getting behind the wheel of a car when you are intoxicated. An analogy would be like asking yourself--would you rather have an obscure but curable disease or come from a poverty stricken country?

For more information on the health consequences of alcohol and marijuana check out AND
Thanks for joining us!

user icon whysdrugsdeadly - Yonkers High School : How come some drugs are legal even though they have bad effects????????

answer icon Wilson Compton : Whether drugs are legal or illegal depends on a number of factors. And some drugs are legal when used by a physician for a medical condition but are illegal on the street. Even drugs like cocaine and amphetamine can be used medically at times but are completely illegal in other settings.

The Drug Enforcement Adminstration ( categorizes drugs as legal or illegal.

user icon rashid yhs - Yonkers High School : What does crystal meth do to your body?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for your question. Crystal Methamphetamine is a stimulant that has it main effects in the brain. The effects of meth on the brain can lead to memory loss, learning impairment, movement disorders, and addiction. Use of crystal meth can lead to cardiac (heart) and neurological damage. Behaviorally, meth can lead to aggression, violence, and psychotic behavior. For more information, please visit:

user icon mvpballa7919 - South County Secondary School : What drug addictions could you get from genes?

answer icon Ruben Baler : That is such a great question!! We know that addictions run in families and that the genes you get from your parents can account for bout 50% of the risk of abusing drugs and/or ever becoming addicted . In some cases, and particularly for nicotine and alcohol, we are beginning to identify more and more gene variants that contribute to a higher abuse/addiction vulnerability. Please visit to learn more about drug abuse.

user icon joe999788 - Yonkers High School : How much alcohol is too much alcohol?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Good question. Even small amounts of alcohol can impair brain functioning and make it harder to operate heavy machinery-like a car! So even small amounts are dangerous for a driver. But the indifividual responses to alcohol varies a whole lot so just a little for one person can be too much for someone else.

Infofacts on Drugged Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2007 over 13,000 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes. Government studies say that drugs are used by 10 to 22 percent of drivers involved in vehicle crashes, often in combination with alcohol.

NIDA is frequently asked whether alcohol is a drug, and where to find information about alcohol abuse. There is another government agency that studies alcohols effects. For information on alcohol, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism Web site at:

user icon shanjayallie - River Hill High School : are there medications to get off major drugs?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, a person addicted to opiates like heroin or prescription pain relievers can be treated with medications, including methadone or buprenorphine, buprenorphine/naloxone, and naltrexone. A person addicted to alcohol can be treated with such medications as Antabuse, naltrexone, acamprosate, and tranquilizers ( for withdrawal). Smokers can use nicotine replacement therapy like patches or gum, or medications like Wellbutrin or Chantix to help them quit. For more information see, an illustrated and easy-to-read booklet on different aspects of addiction, including treatment.

user icon T.O.P - South County Secondary School : Why is the reason people can't stop usng drugs at once?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Hi - and thanks for your question. Drugs affect the brain and continued drug use can lead to addiction. Drugs affect the "reward areas" within the brain, which leads to the rush and high. These reinforcing properties (drugs make us feel good) is what keeps us coming back to taking them again and again. This process leads to addiction, which is characterized by changes in the brain. People find it difficult to break this cycle of drug addiction because of this changed state of the brain. With treatment, people can stop the cycle of addiction. For information about treatment, please visit:

user icon bamitslindsey:] - South County Secondary School : What is the most common drug in Virginia?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Good question. I don't know the specific results for Virginia. I suggest that you look on line at - they may have the answers. Across the country, the most common drugs are alcohol, tobacco and marijuana. We've also seen that many prescription drugs are common--like painkillers, sedatives and stimulants. These have really increased recently.

user icon somethingsimple - River Hill High School : why was cocaine used in coca cola????

answer icon Frank Vocci : It was put in Coca-Cola as a stimulant before it was recognized that people could become addicted to it. Today, caffeine serves the same purpose, alhough caffeine is a milder stimulant. See for more.

user icon ambuhhhxo3 - South County Secondary School : if you inhale a sharpie is it the equivalence to taking/doing a drug??

answer icon Ruben Baler : Absolutely, there are dangerous volatile compounds in a sharpie that can quickly reach your brain and alter its chemistry. Just like with other drugs of abuse, the effects of inhaling sharpies or any other inhalant can be really serious, irreversible, and even lethal. To learn more about the dangers of inhalant abuse please visit:

user icon MajicPurpleJUJU - South County Secondary School : i am an strait a AP student, and ive tried marijuana and will i get adicted to it and become dumber

answer icon Eve Reider : Congratulations on your fine academic achievements, though maybe you should work a little on your spelling.
Nobody can say whether a particular person will get addicted to marijuana. Some people do, though, and we we know that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she is to progress to more serious drug abuse. Teenagers' brains are still developing--their brain cells are still forming new connections. That helps teenagers cope with all the new experiences of this rich time of their lives, but one consequence is that they are more vulnerable to becoming addicted to drugs. Of course, the best insurance against becoming addicted, for someone who is already using marijuana, is to stop..
Don't know about "dumber", but we do know that marijuana interferes with concentration, learning, and memory. A person's ability to study, take in new information, and remember facts and events may return to normal when he or she stops using marijuana. All the things that he or she didn't learn and didn't store in memory while using the drug won't come back, though.
For lots more on marijuana, see

user icon tomotuhombre - South County Secondary School : Why is it so bad to take prescription drugs that aren't prescribed for you?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Prescription drugs can be just as dangerous as other drugs. Recent data shows that more than 20,000 persons die from overdose in each year and that most of these deaths are from prescription drugs. For more information on prescription drug abuse risks, visit

user icon mslice - South County Secondary School : is coffee addictive? o;

answer icon Frank Vocci : Maybe. It contains caffeine, which can withdrawal syndrome consisting of headaches and craving for coffee.

user icon tom14 - South County Secondary School : What is the average of deaths a year that are caused by crack?

answer icon Wilson Compton : According to recent data, the number of deaths from cocaine and crack have increased in the past few years. About 5,000 people die each year from these drugs according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC;

user icon Mz.Candy Girl - South County Secondary School : Is there a way that your body can heal after being damaged from doing drugs?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for sending such a great question. We know that drugs can affect many processing in the brain and systems in the body, particularly after chronic use. We are learning that with abstinence and recovery these brain changes may return to normal and that body systems can heal. Take smoking cigarettes, for example - we know that damage to the lungs from chronic smoke exposure can return to how they were to pre-smoking states after quitting. Clearly there is hope for people who have been addicted to drugs. For more info, check out: Thanks for this question.

user icon obama08 - Sanborn Regional High School : would you vote for obama?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : I probably shouldn't get into politics here! But it is great that you are interested and involved because voting is very important. And being actively involved in the democratic process will give you great experience. I have also worked on presidential campaigns and on Capitol Hill for several Members of Congress. At any rate, keep active and involved. May I suggest that you go on the candidates' web sites to find out if they have a position on drug abuse, medical research, and other health issues. If you are interested in learning more about drug abuse and addiciton, we have a great web site for teens that has lots of science-based facts about the issue and some neat quizzes and interactives. Check it out at

user icon juicyjuice34 - Rockville High School : has anybody gotten any life changing disease from drugs

answer icon Anna Staton : Thanks for your question. There are many diseases that are associated with drug abuse. For example, many people are aware that HIV/AIDS can be transmitted via sharing drug injection equipment but HIV/AIDS and drug abuse are linked by more than just needles. The judgment of those under the influence of drugs can be impaired and therefore they may make risky decisions about sex. They could contract any number of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS or syphilis.

user icon missmonkey1104 - Rockville High School : If a child has an addicted paarent, will that child be more at risk of becoming addicted?

answer icon David Shurtleff : VERY interesting question! A person that has a parent that is addicted to drugs IS NOT DOOMED to become an addict also. On the other hand, having an addicted parent could raise a person's risk for addiction because the risk for drug addiction can be inherited. About 40-60% of the risk for drug addiction comes from the genes a person inherited from their parents. There are other factors such as taking drugs themselves and a person's age that can contribute to their risk for addiction. Want more information on addiction? Check out NIDA's website:

user icon Jvaldez - Yonkers High School : Why are drugs so bad??

answer icon Anna Staton : Drugs can be bad for you in lots of ways. Even occasional or experimental drug use can be dangerous, since drugs can have unexpected adverse health effects even with one use; and drugs affect your ability to exert good judgment--making it more likely that you might engage in risky behaviors that can have serious consequences, such as driving while intoxicated. Prolonged drug abuse can cause all sorts of medical problems--like lung cancer, heart disease, liver disease, and addiction. When someone is addicted to drugs, they become the most important thing in that person's life, causing them major problems at school, home, and work.

user icon kristinahunt - South County Secondary School : what is methamphetamine? and how does it affect your body?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for this question. Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug that affects both your body and brain. It can be highly addicting. Continued use can lead to cardiac problems such as high blood pressure, stroke and heart attacks. It can change brain structure and how the brain functions, which can lead to aggression, violence, psychotic behavior, memory loss, and changes in your movement or motor system. Like other stimulants, meth can affect your appetite and sleep. For more information, please visit:

user icon T.O.P - South County Secondary School : What kind of drug most affects your heart?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Both cocaine and mehamphetamine cause the heart to work harder. Marijuana can cause the heart to beat very fast, up to 150 beats per minute. So all these drugs cause major effects on your heart. See for more.

user icon Vikings - South County Secondary School : what are the psychological consequences of using opiates?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi there! When taken as prescribed by a doctor, opiates are safe and generally do not produce addiction. But opiates also possess very strong reinforcing properties which can make you feel good at first, but they are highly addictive. Some people don't feel good at all when they take opiates--they just get nauseous. If you do become addicted, they can be very difficult to quit. You can become tolerant to the drug's effects--that is you need more to get the same effect that you got when you first took them; and you may experience a withdrawal syndrome which can be very nasty--including chills, pain, nausea, etc.
Check out the site: for more information.

user icon - South County Secondary School : why does people think smokin is cool????????

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Smoking is cool? Not everyone thinks that-- especially when you know how it can affect your body! Being dead or coughing all the time or having stained hands, bad breath - just not cool! Sometimes people get influenced by each other - if one friend is addicted to tobacco and this person has a lot of influence on others in their group, the group might smoke together, but that's not really cool.

user icon WolfyyGirl - Freeland High School : Do perscription drugs have a major effect on your life if they are not used illegally?

answer icon Wilson Compton : This is a hard question to answer. Of course, for people who have a serious medical condition, prescription drugs can be really helpful and even life-saving. But there's ar eason that they require a prescription from a doctor--they can be really dangerous when taken outside of a doctor's supervision.

Did you know drugs, including prescription drugs, are chemicals? They work in the brain by tapping into the brain's communication system and interfering with the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information.

user icon the strange - South County Secondary School : what are the physical changes of inhalants?

answer icon Ruben Baler : "I imagine you are asking about the physical effects of abusing inhalants. They are very serious and could be lethal.

When inhaled through the nose or mouth, most inhalants produce a rapid high that resembles alcohol intoxication. Individuals first feel excited, then drowsy, uninhibited, lightheaded, and agitated. If sufficient amounts are inhaled, nearly all solvents and gases produce anesthesia (loss of sensation) and even unconsciousness. Because the intoxication generally lasts only a few minutes or, at most, several hours, abusers often try to prolong the high by repeatedly inhaling the substance over several hours. With successive inhalations, users can suffer loss of consciousness or death.

Regular abuse of inhalants can result in serious harm to vital organs in the body, including the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver. The vaporous fumes can change brain chemistry and may permanently damage the brain and central nervous system. They can cause abnormalities in brain areas that are involved in movement and high cognitive function. Frequent, long-term use can cause a permanent change or malfunction of nerves, called polyneuropathy. Certain inhalants can also cause the body to produce fewer of all types of blood cells, which may result in a disorder called aplastic anemia. Other symptoms seen by long-term inhalant abusers include weight loss, muscle weakness, disorientation, inattentiveness, uncoordinated movement, irritability, and depression.

Prolonged sniffing of the highly concentrated chemicals in solvents or aerosol sprays can induce irregular or rapid heart rhythms and lead to heart failure and death within minutes of a session of prolonged sniffing. This "sudden sniffing death" can result from a single session of inhalant use by an otherwise healthy young person. For more information on inhalant abuse, please go to:

user icon softballlover94 - South County Secondary School : What are the Pysical Changes to your body after use of tabbaco? Marijuana? Alcohol? Inhalants? Methamaphetamine?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : We have a lot of information about tobacco, marijuana, inhalants and methamphetamine on our teen web site -- Check out the Facts on Drugs for specific information on the drugs you listed. You can also go to our main site, and click on the various drugs of abuse listed on the home page. For alcohol information, check our sister institute, the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, at

user icon funkychicken96 - River Hill High School : Do steroids really down size your genitals?

answer icon Anna Staton : Yep. Specifically steroid use by men can cause shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, increased risk for prostate cancer.

user icon bamitslindsey:] - South County Secondary School : if you know someone who is trying to quit smoking or using smokeless tobacco, what can you do to help?

answer icon Frank Vocci : If you can talk them into getting a medicine to quit it will double their chances of quitting. A physician can prescribe smoking cessation medications. To find a wealth of research and facts on the science of addiction and treatment, please go to:

user icon HogueAndAzn - River Hill High School : What drug can you die from?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Abusing most drug of abuse can lead to death. Drug overdose is one major problem. Keep in mind, any drug (for example, alcohol, inhalants, PCP, etc.) can impair your judgement/decision-making abilities. Not making clear, good decisions can result in engaging in risky, dangerous behaviors that could lead to serious injury or even death. Check out for more information on addiction!

user icon livelaughlove94 - Freeland High School : Dr, Frank Vocci I have a qustion for you if say my friend asks me to hide their weed in my room what do i say?

answer icon Frank Vocci : I would not do it. Tell them that you don't feel right about their use of weed and if you hid their weed, you 'd be agreeing that it's OK. Plus, it's against the law.

user icon screamngseagull - Sanborn Regional High School : In your opinion, which is worse: alcohol or marijuana? ANSWER ME NOWWW!! OH EM GEE

answer icon Wilson Compton : The effects of alcohol and marijuana vary and BOTH can be dangerous. Some people are surprised that marijuana is addictive but i've seen many patients who are addicted to marijuana and need help to quit. I've also worked with a lot of alcholics. The response to each of these drugs depends on the individual.

Did you know NIDA research indicates that in 2006, more than 10 percent of high school seniors admitted to driving under the influence of marijuana in the two weeks prior to the survey? Drugs can alter perception, cognition, attention, balance, coordination and other faculties needed for safe driving.

Did you know that in 2006, over 289,000 people entering drug treatment programs reported marijuana as their primary drug of abuse?

NIDA is frequently asked whether alcohol is a drug, and where to find information about alcohol abuse. There is another government agency that studies alcohols effects. For information on alcohol, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism Web site at:

user icon ambuhhhxo3 - South County Secondary School : OMG MR DR FRANK VOCCI I LOVE PUGS!!!! what are their names??

answer icon Frank Vocci : Ollie and Greycie

user icon AsianInvasion - South County Secondary School : how do u know so much about drugs

answer icon Ruben Baler : In one word: Research. Twenty five years of it. You would be amazed about the amount of information we've been able to obtain through studyng the brain and the effects that different drugs can have on it.
You can learn much more about what addiction research has taught us by visiting

user icon HogueAndAzn - River Hill High School : Why do gateway drugs cause you to do other drugs?

answer icon Eve Reider : Good question. The theory behind the gateway concept is that marijuana, alcohol, or tobacco may sensitize the brain so that it responds more strongly when subsequently exposed to other drugs. This is still a hypothesis--it hasn't been proven, and it generates a lot of controversy among scientists. We do know is that while it is true that most people who use other drugs have also used marijuana (and nicotine or alcohol), it is not true that most marijuana users go on to use other drugs. It is important to recognize that alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana themselves present significant health risks.

user icon SlingShot12 - Sequatchie County High School : what is weed?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Weed is another name for Marijuana. I have two sources for you for more information: and our teen website at

user icon tomotuhombre - South County Secondary School : Can you survive an overdose?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, not everyone dies from an overdose. We use a drug, NARCAN, to revive people who have OD'd on heroin or prescription pain killers.

Cocaine overdoses can be fatal but treatment can improve survival.

user icon Coolguy39 - Yonkers High School : Can drinking lead to unprotected sex?

answer icon Anna Staton : Yep. Drug use (including drinking) can negatively impact judgment. A person under the influence of drugs may act in ways that they normally wouldn't.

user icon ribnar1293 - Yonkers High School : what if you try to quit taking drugs?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Hi - and thanks for your question. It is really important to understand that drugs affect the brain and continued drug use can lead to changes in the brain - which can lead addiction. With treatment, people can stop the cycle of addiction and one way to start this process is to call 1-800-662-HELP. Also, it is easy to locate treatment centers in your geographic area at: Also, for information about treatment, please visit:

user icon shanana - Sequatchie County High School : can weed effect the baby and make it have problems forming if you are prego?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hey there - yes, weed/marijuana can affect the baby 'in utero' (which means during pregnancy). We've got a couple of studies on this - including one that has followed the kids from the prenatal/in utero/pregnancy stage until they were adults. And guess what, yep, these studies have found subtle developmental effects on things like attention and cognition. Tobacco use can also affect the baby. We recommend pregnant women not use alcohol or drugs including tobacco if they are, and ask their doctor for some help if they are having trouble stopping.

user icon flipper623 - Yonkers High School : How does consuming drugs during pregnancy affect the fetus?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Thanks for writing in. Drugs can harm the developing fetus in many different ways. We have research that looks at prenatal exposure to marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, and the research shows that drugs cause all kinds of problems with growth (low birth weight), paying attention, thinking, language, and behavior. How exactly the fetus is affected depends on the drug. For example, alcohol use during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, a very serious condition (see this website for lots of detail on FAS: ) And tobacco use during pregnancy has been linked to behavior problems in kids. We recommend moms not use alcohol and drugs, including tobacco, during pregnancy and talk with their doctors if they do to make sure they and their babies are healthy!

user icon Ranbir Singh - Yonkers High School : what happens if you try to quit taking drugs?

answer icon Frank Vocci : It depends on what drug you were taking. Tobacco, heroin, cocaine, meth, tranquilizers, and alcohol can all produce withdrawal in users, Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening but usually isn't.
Once the withdrawal passes, people feel better. Most people report that they think better and have more energy. See our illustrated and easy-to-read booklet at for more info.

user icon tomotuhombre - South County Secondary School : Can you get a disaese from smoking?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, smoking can cause heart disease, lung disease ( chronic bronchitis abd emphysema), and 15 different kinds of cancer. See for more info.

user icon w - Yonkers High School : so if drugs are bad why do people think it is good.

answer icon Anna Staton : Good question. The fact is our brain is wired to repeat things that we find pleasurable. Initially, all drugs of abuse, either directly or indirectly, increase the activity of the chemical dopamine in the brain's reward centers, which is what makes people feel good. However, with continued drug use and excessive activation of dopamine neurons, the brain starts to adapt to the good feeling, so more drug is needed to achieve it. This causes people to become dependent on the drug, to feel bad when it is not in their system, and to seek and take the drug compulsively--without even thinking about it. Another way that drugs change the brain is to affect the ability to make decisions, such as judging what's important, what's healthy, and what's dangerous. The compulsive seeking and using of drugs even in the face of potentially devastating consequences is the essence of addiction.

user icon student8 - Yonkers High School : I take vitamins ever day. Does that affect my health? And sometimes when I am sick I take pain killers and vitamins together.

answer icon Wilson Compton : It's important to let your doctor know about what medications you take on a regular basis, even something as simple as vitamins. Did you know that it's possible to take too many vitamins? Some vitamins can be dangerous when taken in high doses--this includes vitamin A. But taken in usual doses, vitamins can help to prevent illness and keep you healthy. Painkillers aren't dangerous in combination with vitamins but can be a problem all by themselves. Being careful only to take the smallest dose of an over-the-counter pain reliever to ease pain is essential. And for prescription pain killers (like codeine, hydrocodone, vicodin, oxycodone, percocet, etc.), these should only be taken with the advice of a doctor.

user icon xD4RKN3SSx eXo - Sanborn Regional High School : i do crack , What should i do

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for your question. Crack can be a very dangerous drug in that it can lead to addiction and can lead to changes within your brain and body. I would suggest that you try to stop using, as continued use can lead you down a dangerous and difficult path. If you can't, you should seek treatment to help you quit. With treatment, you can stop the cycle of addiction and one way to start this process is to call 1-800-662-HELP. We know that treatment does work. Also, it is easy to locate treatment centers in your geographic area at:

user icon rayfina - South County Secondary School : Can you beat cancer if you smoke weed? A man named steve said he got ride of caner like that.

answer icon Marsha Lopez : I wish it were that easy! Marijuana, or weed, is not currently approved by the FDA for treating any medical illness. Components of marijuana are currently available (e.g. THC as marinol) for certain medical conditions, such as nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy and weight loss in patients with AIDS. Perhaps that is what Steve was referring to- it helped him feel better as he was being treated for cancer. Research is ongoing to develop new medicines based on the parts of the marijuana plant that are used as treatments.

But marijuana itself negatively affects memory, judgment, and perception. Under the influence of marijuana, you could fail to remember things you just learned, watch your grade point average drop, or crash a car. It can have significant adverse health and social consequences associated with its use, in addition to the risk of addiction. Marijuana is also often smoked in conjunction with tobacco, which is known to cause cancer of the mouth, esophagus, larynx, blood, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix.
For more information go to Thanks for your question!

user icon yhsnajee - Yonkers High School : which drug does the most damage to the heart

answer icon Frank Vocci : Cigarettes damage the arteries in the heart, producing heart attacks. Cigarettes also produce carbon monoxide, a toxic chemical. Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? See for more drug health consequences.

user icon shootingstar23 - Sequatchie County High School : whats the best method to overcoming a drug addiction?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : "Great question -- but the answer is complex. There are lots of different kinds of treatments for drug abuse and addiction, and some work better than others. Research has shown that some treatments successfully help people stop using drugs, and also help to solve other problems that tend to go along with drug abuse. People who finish a treatment program that uses evidence-based practices tend to have a much better chance of staying off drugs for good--but that often involves major changes in lifestyle -- changing where you hang out and who you hang out with. If people aren't willing to make those changes, they can easily fall back into using drugs. And even those people who do become abstinent can remain at risk for relapse for a very long time, and may require ongoing support from community groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, or multiple rounds of drug treatment. Addiction can be a chronic disease -- it involves changes in the brain that can persist even after a person stops using drugs. This can make a person vulnerable to relapse, and if that happens it becomes important to get them back into treatment as soon as possible, so that they can eventually recover fully, and regain productive lives. The important thing is to seek help if you are abusing drugs and to seek it as soon as possible. If you know someone who may be abusing drugs, encourage them to get helpl. To find a wealth of research and facts on the science of addiction and treatment, please go to:

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

user icon Coolguy39 - Yonkers High School : What happens to your brain as you inhale drugs?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question. We know that inhalants can cause stimulation, loss of inhibition, headache, nausea, vomitting, slurred speech and a loss of motor coordination. We also know that continued use of inhalants can cause muscle weakness, depression, memory problems, and damage to cardiovascular and nervous system. Sudden death can occur after use of inhalants, so you can see that these drugs can be very dangerous. For more information, please check out: Thanks again for the question.

user icon xD4RKN3SSx eXo - Sanborn Regional High School : I have a friend that does drugs - what should he do?

answer icon Wilson Compton : It's really good that you are concerned about your friend. One thing you can do is let you friend know that you're worried. I suggest looking online for help or talking to the counselor at your school. You might check out for more information or look at for treatment options. Good luck!

To find a substance abuse treatment facility locator, call 1-800-662-HELP or go to anytime, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.

Why do so many celebrities have to enter rehab? These are just the situations we hear about. Drugs do not care if you are rich or poor, famous or unknown, a man or woman, or even a child. The good news is that if science-based treatment principles are followed, addiction treatment can work, and people can reclaim their lives.

user icon Mo's class - River Hill High School : There are kids in my school who smoke pot and they seem okay. What is the big deal?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi, that's a great question! Marijuana, like most other drugs, afftect the part of the brain that powers our ability to plan, solve problems, and make decisions. So although these kids might seem ok, they are altering their brain chemistry in ways that can have both short term and long term effects - you can read about these at .
Also, anyone who is smoking pot is at risk for becoming addicted. There is a lot we still dont know about who becomes addicted and why, and after how much drug exposure, but we do know that each person is different, so its a little like playing Russian Roulette if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. Can the brain recover after you stop using drugs? Probably, yes, but that depends on many things, like how young somebody is when they start. We know from scientific research that the earlier you start, the more likely you are to have drug and other problems, for example, in school or with your family. It is therefore best to never start; however, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. Thanks for joining us!

user icon username - River Hill High School : Is weed addictive?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Thank you for your question! The short answer is yes. Repeated use of marijauna can lead to addiction. With repeated use people can start to use marijuana compulsively even though it often interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities. Drug craving, and withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for long-term marijuana smokers to stop using the drug. People trying to quit report irritability, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety. They also display increased aggression. For more informaion on marijuana, click on

user icon soccerstar0 - Freeland High School : On average how many kids die from tobacco each year?

answer icon Anna Staton : The impacts associated with tobacco are mostly long term. While there are deaths each year due to fires caused by cigarettes most of the 440,000 deaths associated with tobacco are linked to cancer and respiratory illnesses.

user icon Lecile - Hopewell Memorial Junior High School : Euphoria is a effect of inhalants. What is euphoria?

answer icon Ruben Baler : Many drugs of abuse can cause euphoria, which results from the sudden release of a chemical in the brain called DOPAMINE. Small doses of inhalants can rapidly lead to euphoria and other disturbances of behavior similar to those caused by ethanol (alcohol), and may also induce delusions and hallucinations. Higher doses may produce life-threatening effects such as convulsions and coma. Death may ensue indirectly after, for example, inhalation of vomit, or from direct cardiac or central nervous system toxicity. For more information on inhalant abuse please go to

user icon Chelsea_luvs_u - Sequatchie County High School : does weed fry your barin cells?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Thanks for your question. Our stuidies have found that weed can contribute to memory problems, altered perceptions, decreased reaction time, lack of motivation, sleep problems, and more. You also might be interested in knowing that studies have shown that chronic use can result in the an overall lack of career success as well as an addiction to marijuana. For more specific information, please visit:

user icon rashid yhs - Yonkers High School : why arent drugs illegal

answer icon Eve Reider : I'm not quite sure what you mean. Tobacco is only a legal drug for people 18 years and older, alcohol is legal for people 21 years and older. Other drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, etc., are illegal. Incidentally, just because a drug is legal and prescribed by a doctor doesn't mean that it is safe for anyone other than the patient who got the prescription. Over the past several years, some teens have started taking medications that were not prescribed for them, or taking them other than the way they were prescribed. When used inappropriately, some of these medications can cause addiction and other health problems.

user icon mvpballa7919 - South County Secondary School : Does every drug get addicting after a certain period of time?

answer icon Wilson Compton : This is a good question. There is a lot we still dont know about who becomes addicted and why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, So its a little like playing Russian Roulette if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it.

You might want to read the online publication, Science of Addiction, at

user icon albsoftball29 - Hopewell Memorial Junior High School : All the things on the inhalents' chart with the exapmles and effects does all of that really happen?

answer icon Ruben Baler : This is a very good question. When you look at charts like that they usually list all the effects that have been observed or reported among a large number of users. Whether or not a specific outcome or effect happens to somebody you know depends on a huge number of factors that include the type of inhalants, dose, frequency of use, age, use of other drugs, etc. To learn more about inhalants, please go to:

user icon CrystalAlyssa. - Yonkers High School : A student recently died from Crystal Meth in our school. How did this occur?

answer icon Wilson Compton : The most likely cause is from an arrythmia (heart rhythm problem) but the actual cause for the student would be determined by the medical examiner in your area. This is really hard on the family and friends of the person who died. Perhaps your school can use this sad event to get people to talk about the dangers of drugs.

Did you know that drugs can contribute to lots of health problems, including lung and cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and mental disorders?

To find a wealth of research and facts on the science of addiction and treatment, please go to:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
By clicking on the link Students and Young Adults from NIDAs home page you will be able to access resources tailored for students and young adults , whether you are in middle school and doing research on the effects of marijuana use, or high school student looking to find out about drug use and HIV.

If you need help, you will also find a link there to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at or 1-800-662-HELP, where you can find private and confidential help 24/7.

You will also find facts, trends, statistics, graphics and reports on specific drugs on NIDAs Web sites:

user icon Mini101 - Rockville High School : how long does it take for date rape drugs to take effect?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Date rape is unwanted sexual contact from someone you know, may have just met, and/or thought you could trust. A number of drugs have been used in date rape because they can be slipped into someone's drink and have no taste or smell; these include ketamine, rohypnol and gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB). These drugs can sedate a person and make them forget what happens to them. Rohypnol and GHB are predominantly central nervous system depressants and can be very dangerous, even fatal, because of their effects on the respiratory system.

To learn more about the side effects and medical consequences of these drugs, visit:

If you have experienced any sexual assault report the attack by calling 911. You can also call 1-800-656-4673 to speak with a counselor at any time. More information can be found at

user icon Chelsea_luvs_u - Sequatchie County High School : does weed affect a baby if you are pregnant?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Thanks for asking this question! Yes, weed/marijuana can affect the baby if the mother uses it while she's pregnant. We've got a couple of scientific studies on this - including one that followed kids from the prenatal/pregnancy stage until they were adults. And these studies found that prenatal exposure to marijuana caused subtle developmental effects on things like paying attention and thinking. Tobacco use can also affect the baby if the mother uses it while she's pregnant. We recommend pregnant women not use alcohol or drugs, including marijuana and tobacco, and ask their doctor for some help if they are having trouble stopping. You can find more answers to important questions like this anytime on our Teen Web site,

moderator icon Gynecomastia, a condition that can be caused by steroid abuse, is ____________.

  1. breast development in men (correct)
  2. fat deposits in arteries
  3. baldness
  4. bad breath

user icon redskins - South County Secondary School : When starting doing drugs why is it so hard to stop?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Good question! Nearly all drugs of abuse are chemicals that directly or indirectly target the brains reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine, a brain chemical that makes us feel good. They work in the brain by tapping into the brain's communication system and interfere with the way it works. Repeated drug abuse can reduce the pleasure we get from natural highs" (such as eating ice cream, hanging out with friends and playing sports) and since each person is different, its a little like playing Russian Roulette if you choose to use drugs. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. Can the brain recover after you stop using drugs? Probably, yes, but that depends on many things, like how young somebody is when they start. We know from scientific research that the earlier you start, the more likely you are to have drug and other problems, for example, in school or with your family. It is therefore best to never start; however, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more info on how drugs affect your brain and cause addiction check out Thanks!

user icon Coolguy39 - Yonkers High School : Do people die more of addiction to tobacco or driving under the influence?

answer icon Wilson Compton : This is a tricky question. Driving under the influence is immediate and short term. Right after drinking or using drugs, someone gets into a car crash. The impact of tobacco happens after many year--when people die of cancer or lung disease. Overall the number of people dieing from tobacco is huge (about 440,000 per year) but for teens, Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs kills more than tobacco.

Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year?

Infofacts on Drugged Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2007 over 13,000 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes.

Government studies say that drugs are used by 10 to 22 percent of drivers involved in vehicle crashes, often in combination with alcohol.

user icon Lecile - Hopewell Memorial Junior High School : What do ssteriods do when they're injected into your body/muscle?

answer icon Ruben Baler : Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances related to the male sex hormones, called androgens. They have a number of physiological effects, most notably an anabolic effect that promotes the growth of skeletal muscle and androgenic effects that foster the development of male sexual characteristics. If you'd like to learn more about steroids and steroid abuse, please go to:

user icon mmmegan(: - South County Secondary School : can inhaling sharpies make you high?!?!?!

answer icon Anna Staton : Sharpies do contain solvents that shouldn't be inhaled. Inhalants in general can be very dangerous if intentionally inhaled or "huffed." By displacing air in the lungs, inhalants deprive the body of oxygen, a condition known as hypoxia. Hypoxia can damage cells throughout the body, but the cells of the brain are especially sensitive to it. For more info please check out

user icon zuli_v93 - Centerpoint High School : Why do most people consume drugs ?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question! Generally, people take drugs because they like the way drugs make them feel. Drugs have direct effects on the brain systems called the "reward systems". Drugs cause a release of a brain chemical called dopamine, and it is this release or surge of dopamine in the brain that is associated with the rush and feeling of high.

We also know that drugs are used to make people feel better (in a sense, to self medicate themselves). Many people take drugs because it is seen as "cool" to do, and they submit to peer pressure.

Whatever the reason people decide to take drugs, we know that drugs can lead to continued use and addiction. We also know that some people are more vulnerable to the effects of drugs and thus run the risk of addiction and the negative affects of drugs on the body and brain. For more information on the science behind drug abuse, facts on drugs, and questions and answers, please visit Thanks for the question!

user icon heatherknapp - St. Michael's Middle/High School : Can brain cells regenerate after they die from drug use?

answer icon David Shurtleff : That is a good question. Taking drugs can have very serious and long-term effects on a person's body and brain. It is possible that neurons, which are nerve cells in the brain, could recover after long-term drug use. This depends on several factors, one of which is if a person is able to stay off drugs for a long period of time. While the nerve cells may be able to regenerate, they may not be able to have their levels restored to what they were before the person began using drugs ("normal" levels). It is also not understood whether these nerve cells are able to respond the same as before the person began taking drugs. If you want more information, click on for more information!

user icon jamie1 - Freeland High School : What is the most common drug use?

answer icon Eve Reider : The Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey is given each year to study drug use among 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders. It is funded by NIDA and is conducted by the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. Results of the 2007 surveyed show that alcohol (44%), tobacco (22%) and marijuana (19%) were the most commonly used drugs by 12th graders in the past 30 days. For comprehensive information on teens' drug use, take a look at

user icon the strange - South County Secondary School : Waht are the social conquences of meth?

answer icon Eve Reider : Methamphetamine is a very addictive stimulant drug that affects the central nervous system. Taking even small amounts of methamphetamine can result in increased wakefulness, increased physical activity, decreased appetite, increased respiration, rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and hyperthermia. Long-term methamphetamine abuse has many negative consequences, including extreme weight loss, severe dental problems, anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, and violent behavior. Chronic methamphetamine abusers can also display a number of psychotic features, including paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and delusions (for example, the sensation of insects creeping under the skin). The intoxicating effects of methamphetamine, regardless of how it is taken, can also alter judgment and inhibition and lead people to engage in unsafe behaviors. These problems can have an effect on people's social behaviors, how they function on a daily basis, including how they do at work or school and how they relate to family and friends. For more information on methamphetamine, see

user icon Vikings - South County Secondary School : What are some of the consequences of taking too much of a prescribed medicine?

answer icon Wilson Compton : Just like illegal drugs can cause problems, some prescription drugs can be very dangerous and addictive. It depends on the type of medication that is taken. The ones that are most addictive include opioid painkillers (like hydrocodone, vicodin, oxycodone, percocet, codeine), sedatives (like xanax, valium, librium) and stimulants (like ritalin, adderal, methylphenidate, amphetamines). These drugs should ONLY be taken as prescribed by a physician, and only by the person they are prescribed for.

For more information, visit and search "Prescription Drugs."

user icon tomotuhombre - South County Secondary School : When you smoke cigarettes are both your lungs and your brain affected? how about marijuana?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, cigarettes produce lung damage and cause changes in the brain that can lead to cigarette addiction. People who smoke report feeling stressed much of the time.

Marijuana can damage the lungs, and can produce inflammation of the lining of the lungs. Marijuana is addicting and can produce mental effects in some people. In fact, marijuana use has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation or attempts. Currently, the strongest evidence is for the link between marijuana and psychosis. Marijuana may be a means of self-medicating an existing illness; it may also indicate other problems like abuse or trauma. See for more on marijuana and for more on cigarettes.

user icon the strange - South County Secondary School : What are the physical changes of meth?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi, great question! Taking even small amounts of methamphetamine, or meth, can result in lack of sleep, hyperactivity, increased respiration, rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and hyperthermia. Long-term methamphetamine abuse has many negative consequences, including extreme weight loss, severe dental problems, anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, and violent behavior. Chronic methamphetamine abusers can also display a number of psychotic features, including paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and delusions (for example, the sensation of insects creeping under the skin). You can learn more about meth at and to see how meth can cause some pretty scary changes in how you look check out

user icon angelgothheart - South County Secondary School : can alcohol effect your really relationship with friends, family, and boyfriend/girlfriends?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : It sure can. Relationships can be one of the casualties of drinking. It's hard to maintain a good relationship if you are not really available - you are wasted or hung over or you are hiding what you are doing. Instead of spending energy on friends/boyfriend/girlfriend and family, you spend that energy/time/money on drinking. Alcohol can devastate family relationships, friendships, romantic relationships. The good news is that there is help available, both for people who are drinking (1-800-662-HELP, or ) and for the people in their lives.

user icon BumxXxChaos - Sanborn Regional High School : i loved doing drugs with my friends but now i think about my futurer and i feel horribal about it.

answer icon Joe Frascella : It is great that you are thinking about your own situation with respect to your own drug use. As you probably know, chronic use of drugs can lead to addiction, which can result in changes to your brain and to your body. If your future is a concern (and it should be), you might consider stopping your drug use. If you need help stopping, you should seek treatment help. I would suggest that you try to stop using, as continued use can lead you down a dangerous and difficult path. Please seek treatment to help you quit. With treatment, you can stop the cycle of addiction and one way to start this process is to call 1-800-662-HELP. We know that treatment does work. Also, it is easy to locate treatment centers in your geographic area at: Thanks so much for your question and for your thinking about the future consequences to your drug use.

user icon CrystalAlyssa. - Yonkers High School : How does smoking contribute to lo lung cancer?

answer icon Frank Vocci : The lung is lined with cells that normally die after a certain period of time. Smoking causes changes in the cells lining the lungs. The DNA of these cells is damaged. Some of these changes are irreversible, causing the cells to someimes become "immortal". The lung cells that don't die become cancer. See for more info.

user icon asdfghjkl; - Rockville High School : What is the drug acid? What are the effects?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good morning! ACID is LSD, a hallucinogen. Acid can can cause unpredictable psychological effects including delusions and visual hallucinations. Physical effects can include dangerously increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. People taking acid can also experience sleeplessness, and rapid, intense emotional swings. This experience, as you can expect, can be extremely confusing and frightening to the person taking acid. For more information on acid and other hallucinogens, please click on and

moderator icon Infofacts on Drugged Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2007 over 13,000 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes.

Government studies say that drugs are used by 10 to 22 percent of drivers involved in vehicle crashes, often in combination with alcohol.

user icon joe91@yonkershs - Yonkers High School : can taking steroids really afect your growth of your genital areas.

answer icon Ruben Baler : The abuse of steroids can have many serious consequences, which include effects on the reproductive system. In males, long term use of anabolic steroids can shrink the testicles.

Health consequences associated with anabolic steroid abuse include:

  • Hormonal system disruptions. Reduced sperm production, shrinking of the testicles, impotence, and irreversible breast enlargement in boys and men. Decreased body fat and breast size, deepening of the voice, growth of excessive body hair, loss of scalp hair, and clitoral enlargement in girls and women.
  • Musculoskeletal system effects. Premature and permanent termination of growth among adolescents of both sexes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Heart attacks and strokes.
  • Liver diseases. Potentially fatal cysts and cancer.
  • Skin diseases. Acne and cysts.
  • Infections. In injecting steroid abusers, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, and infective endocarditis, a potentially fatal inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
  • Behavioral effects. Increased aggressive behavior, particularly when high doses are taken. Depression, mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, and reduced sex drive when steroid abuse is stopped.
  • For more information about drugs of abuse go to:

moderator icon Gynecomastia, a condition that can be caused by steroid abuse, is ____________.

  1. breast development in men (correct)
  2. fat deposits in arteries
  3. baldness
  4. bad breath

user icon igloosRcool - South County Secondary School : What is the estimated amount of kids under the influence in highschool? :P

answer icon Wilson Compton : We worry a lot about drug use in teens because it can lead to a lot of problems including a lifelong pattern of drug abuse. We have lots of information about the rates of drug abuse in teens. I suggest that you take a look at for answers. Overall, about 36% of 12th graders reported drug use in 2007.

Did you know that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse?

Did you know teens are taking better care of themselves? Illicit drug use declined by 24% from 2001 to 2007. Did you know teens are taking better care of themselves? Illicit drug use declined by 24% from 2001 to 2007.

user icon wmarsh - Sanborn Regional High School : what age group has the most drug addicts?

answer icon Anna Staton : Good question. In 2007, the rate of substance dependence or abuse (aka addiction) among adults aged 18 to 25 (20.7 percent) was higher than that among youths aged 12 to 17 (7.7 percent) and among adults aged 26 or older (7.2 percent). For more info check out the National Survey on Drug Use and Health at

user icon AsianInvasion - South County Secondary School : can u overdose of marijuana

answer icon Jan Lipkin : I have a complex answer for you here. Using marijuana can produce adverse physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral changes, and it can even be addictive. Chronic or long-term exposure to marijuana smoke, like cigarette smoke, can harm the lungs. The use of marijuana xan impair short-term meory, verbal skills, and judgment and can also distort perception. Data show that students who smoke marijuana regularly get lower grades and are less likely to graduate from high school, compared with their non-smoking peers. In addition, marijuana has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, and anxiety. We don't know yet whether marijuana can cause mental illness, particularly in healthy people who are not otherwise vulnerable to these disorders. There is good new though, since there is evidence that if you quit using marijuana, even after long-term or heavy use, your cognitive abilities (learning and memory) can recover.

user icon talex - Yonkers High School : What should you do if your friend is smoking weed and their life is in danger?

answer icon Wilson Compton : I'm glad you're concerned about your friend. Some schools have a counselor you can talk to or maybe the principal would be a good person to see. For one thing, telling your friend about your concern makes sense and letting their family know what you've seen. In case they need treatment, here's a resource that has more information: You can also look at for more info.

To find a substance abuse treatment facility locator, call 1-800-662-HELP or go to anytime, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.

user icon kristinahunt - South County Secondary School : how can people stop being addicted to drugs?

answer icon Frank Vocci : There are behavioral therapies and medicines that can be accessed to treat addiction. To find a wealth of research and facts on the science of addiction and treatment, please go to: http:/// By clicking on the link Students and Young Adults from NIDAs home page, you will be able to access resources tailored for students and young adults, If you need help, you will also find a link there to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at or 1-800-662-HELP, where you can find private and confidential help 24/7.

user icon mr simley - Yonkers High School : can a drug abuser could get impriosonment?

answer icon Ruben Baler : People can be charged and put in jail for possession of an illicit substance.


answer icon Joe Frascella : Mixing drugs can definitely be more dangerous and lethal, depending on the drug combination, the amount of drugs consumed, and one's own individual vulnerabilities to the drug effects. Try to avoid mixing drugs. For more information, please visit I hope this helps.

user icon tay - Freeland High School : What is the most common drug used in teens?

answer icon Anna Staton : Alcohol is the most commonly abused drugs by teens. In 2007, according to NIDA's Monitoring the Future Survey 56% of 10th graders and 66% of 12th graders had used alcohol in the past year. For more info check out

user icon Vikings - South County Secondary School : How long does it take to get addicted to a drug?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Good question. Some people report that they were hooked after their first drink, first hit of crack cocaine, first cigarette, or first hit of heroin. Medical professionals use certain criteria to make a diagnosis of drug dependence, For one thing, the pattern of use must be persistent and last over a certain period of time, about a year. See our illustrated and easy-to-read booklet for more info:

To find a wealth of research and facts on the science of addiction and treatment, please go to:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
By clicking on the link Students and Young Adults from NIDAs home page you will be able to access resources tailored for students and young adults , whether you are in middle school and doing research on the effects of marijuana use, or high school student looking to find out about drug use and HIV.

If you need help, you will also find a link there to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at or 1-800-662-HELP, where you can find private and confidential help 24/7.

You will also find facts, trends, statistics, graphics and reports on specific drugs on NIDAs Web sites:

moderator icon These questions are so good we are bringing in a scientist who can answer just about anything about drug abuse - Dr. Nora D. Volkow. Dr. Volkow is the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Her work has been instrumental in demonstrating that drug addiction is a disease of the human brain. As a research psychiatrist and scientist, Dr. Volkow pioneered the use of brain imaging to investigate the toxic effects of drugs and their addictive properties. Dr. Volkow was born in Mexico, and earned her medical degree from the National University of Mexico in Mexico City, where she received an award for best medical student of her generation. She was recently named one of Time Magazine's "Top 100 People Who Shape our World", and was included as one of the 20 people to watch by Newsweek magazine in its "Who's Next in 2007" feature. Dr. Volkow is also an artist and avid runner - logging dozens of miles a week.

user icon Jeremiah - Hopewell Memorial Junior High School : Is Ecstasy commonly combined with any other drugs to make more powerful ones? If so, are their more side affects?

answer icon Wilson Compton : That's a great question. Most of our studies show rates of each drug separately (see but in real life, people often take multiple drugs at the same time. Combinations are especially dangerous. For example, alcohol combined with drugs can produce unexpected side effects and complications. Ecstasy is often taken in combination with other substances and the results are unpredictable. It's kind of like playing "russian roulette."

For more information on Ecstasy, visit and search "ecstasy/mdma.

user icon patmcgroin - Centerpoint High School : What is the difference in the z pack (steroids) that are prescribed to you by the doctor, and the steroids illegaly taken by athletes? can the steroids perscribed by a doctor have the same influence on your body?

answer icon Ruben Baler : The main difference is that you know what's in the pack that your doctor prescribed to you as a patient. The steroids that people get in the illegal market are often contaminated with other products, which make steroid abuse even more dangerous. Some of these products are not even suitable for human consumption. Some other differences are that the doses abused are often 10 to 100 times higher than the doses used to treat medical conditions. Users typically take two or more anabolic steroids at the same time in a cyclic manner believing that this will improve their effectiveness and minimize the adverse effects. Anabolic steroid abuse is often accompanied by the use of other drugs. If you want to learn more about steroid abuse, please visit

user icon HogueAndAzn - River Hill High School : what is ectasy?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good morning and thank you for your question! Ectasy or MDMA is a drug that has stimulant and psychedelic properties. Many people taking X report feelings of emotional warmth, enhanced sensory perception, and increased physical energy. They also report adverse side effects such as nausea, chills, sweating, teeth clenching, muscle cramping, and blurred vision. Long-term X use can result in depression, anxiety, memory damage and not to mention dental problems such as 'meth mouth'! Want more information on X? Consult NIDA's website at : or

user icon chuck norris - Yonkers High School : who would win in a fight chuck norris or a t-rex?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Chuck Norris, of course. He might need a bazooka but, in the end, the T-rex would just be a big crispy critter.

user icon mvpballa7919 - South County Secondary School : What is the most used drug in America?

answer icon Wilson Compton : We have a lot of information about rates of drug abuse. For information about teen drug use see

Most common are alcohol, tobacco and marijuana. We've seen an huge increase in prescription drug abuse recently, too. This is a really dangerouse situation.

Did you know that in 2007, one in ten high school seniors reported the non-medical use of the prescription pain reliever Vicodin?

user icon somethingsimple - River Hill High School : what do you think is the most dangerous aspect of LSD?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Thank you for your question. I think one of the biggest problems with LSD is the unpredictable psychological effects. People can experience delusions and visual hallucinations that can be frightening. In fact, "bad trips" can include terrifying thoughts and nightmarish feelings of anxiety and despair that include fears of insanity, death, or losing control. Need more information about LSD? Click on NIDA's website:

user icon yhsPatricia - Yonkers High School : How can taking drugs affect you socially?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Two ways: when you are under the influence they could disinhibit you and make you do things that otherwise you would not do. Some drugs (marihuana and cocaine) in some people can make them paranoid and very scared that others are trying to hurt them. Once the drugs have left your body you may be left depressed and tired decreasing your motivation to socialize

user icon SimonL<3vesHope - Rockville High School : What does weed do to a fetus if the woman is pregnant?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hi and thanks for your question. Weed/marijuana can affect the baby in utero/during pregnancy. We have a couple of studies that look at the long-term effects of marijuana exposure during pregnancy - including one that followed babies until they were adults! And yes, these studies have found subtle developmental effects on attention and thinking and other brain functions. Lots of people who use weed also smoke cigarettes and we also know that tobacco use can also affect the developing baby. We recommend that pregnant women not use alcohol, marijuana/weed, tobacco or other drugs during pregnancy and that they talk with their doctors if they do, and ask for help if they are finding it difficult to quit.

user icon ambuhhhxo3 - South County Secondary School : can drugs affect your DNA and growth??

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good question. This is a complicated answer! Drugs of abuse can "turn on" or "turn off" genes. This change in gene funtioning in your brain that may change your brain chemistry and structure and this could lead to drug addiction--This is your brain on drugs....

user icon Shmaery - Seminole Middle School : Why isn't my question coming up?

answer icon Cindy Miner : Please be patient, we are getting several thousand questions already this morning....many of them the same questions. So we might not answer your question, but if someone else asked a similar question, you should read through the chat to see if we answered it!

moderator icon Joining us now is Dr. Redonna Chandler, a psychologist who specializes in drug abuse treatment and services, with a particular interest in incorporating drug treatment into the criminal justice system. She has three children, one cat, and five fish. Her most interesting travel experience was spending a semester living in a remote rural village in El Salvador with no running water or electricity where she slept on the ground and bathed in the river.

user icon sanborn - Sanborn Regional High School : do drugs genrally make people depressed after using them

answer icon Nora Volkow : They can. It depends on the drug and the amount taken. Cocaine and methampethamine are more likely to cause depression than other drugs, but marijuana can leave you feeling tired and wihtout energy.

user icon rphillips - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : What drug is most addictive?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Check out our previous answers to this very popular question. Basically it is difficult to rank drugs by their addictiveness because there are a large number of variables that come into play. How addictive you find a drug depends on your genes, the way your parents raise you, the impact of your school and neighborhood, what level of stress you are exposed to, and so on. We have a good publication online on the science of addiction. Go to

user icon nakela:) - Sequatchie County High School : can doig drugs effect the reproductive system? hurry up i only have 5 mins left in class.

answer icon Cindy Miner : we might not be able to answer you in 5 minutes....check back later if you can!

user icon jonatangaleano - Rockville High School : most substances are direected towards some part of your body which substance can direct mostly your brain??

answer icon Joe Frascella : All drugs of abuse affect the brain reward areas and some drugs affect other brain areas as well. The web site below gives more information on how drugs affect the body.

user icon tomotuhombre - South County Secondary School : How would smoking or doing drugs affect my physical appearance? will my hair dry out? will my eyes droop? what happens?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Smoking causes less blood flow to the skin. Chroinic smoking causes wrinkling of the skin because the proteins that give skin its elasticity are reduced in smokers.

Many drug uses have bloodshot eyes, from lack of sleep or direct drug effects.

Stimulants cause weight loss, Loss of fat under the skin of the face results in a bony appearance. Loss of sleep can cause a tired look, and meth and heroin users have poor dental hygeine, resulting in tooth loss. Not a pretty sight.

user icon Sanborn16 - Sanborn Regional High School : what can be the hardest factor in getting over a drug problem

answer icon Nora Volkow : The hardest can be if you dont have any support system (family and friends) to help you overcome the desire to take the drug. I also can be very difficult if you ave a psychological problem (ie depression, inattention) that you are unaware of or that isn't being treated. You may think that the drug makes you feel better, but ultimately it will not help the problem. In that case a proper evalution and treatment of the psychological problem will help you get over the drug problem.

user icon shanana - Sequatchie County High School : how many drug deals are made in chattanooga tennessee?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Wow, that's a hard one! According to there were almost 47,000 drug-related offenses in 2007 for Tennassee. For more information on specific offenses check out their website as well as the DEA's at: You can also check out the website for Hamilton County and ask if they can help you with more specific information for Chattanooga.
Thanks for your question!

user icon somethingsimple - River Hill High School : I walk home through a path of smokers. I am afraid I will get lung cancer

answer icon Frank Vocci : I don't think so, if that's your only exposure to smoke. You're right to avoid it though.

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : What is meth?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Methamphetamine is a drug that has similar properties to cocaine but is more potent and the effects last much longer. It is also believed to cause addiction faster than cocaine.

user icon NBEagles - North Bullitt High School : what drug is most addictive?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : You are asking one of our most popular questions! The answer isn't clear-cut. Scientists are reluctant to rank drugs in terms of their addictiveness. There are many factors that can make a drug addictive and a lot depends on the user. Some of the contributing risk factors include the genes you inherited from your parents, the style of parenting you are exposed to, the level of stress in your life, any vulnerability you may have to mental disorders, and so on. One good source of information is our online publication on the science of addiction. Go to

user icon rashid yhs - Yonkers High School : How long does it take for the effects of chewing tobacco to take affect?

answer icon Frank Vocci : It's fairly rapid, in a minute or two.

Chewing tobacco can cause gum disease and has been linked o pancreatic cancer. See for more.

user icon yhskayla - Yonkers High School : What is the most deadliest drug around?

answer icon Nora Volkow : That depends on the person and their genes. Some people are more sensitive to the deadly effects of cocaine whereas other are sensitive to those of heroin. Similarly there are people who die from overdoses with alcohol, inhalants, or prescription drugs. Since you do not know your genetics it is not possible for an individual to know what drugs may be particularly harmful for him/her

user icon RockerGirl 101 - Sequatchie County High School : How does drugs Effect your brain more than any other place on the Body?

answer icon Joe Frascella : All drugs of abuse affect the brain reward areas and some drugs affect other brain areas as well. The web site below gives more information on how drugs affect the body.

user icon shootingstar23 - Sequatchie County High School : If a person is around drugs as a child and teenager in what ways can they exclude themselves from the wrong situation and put there selfs in the right one,without involving outside forces?

answer icon Eve Reider : This is a good and important question. When someone asks it, it means they know that drugs are unhealthy, and this knowledge is already a good protective factor.
One of the best strategies for avoiding drugs is to get involved with adults who are good role models and other people of one's age who don't use drugs. And, get involved in activities that interest you and don't involve people using drugs--sports, theatre, art, debate, chess, etc. etc. The more someone hangs out with people who are not using drugs the easier it will be for them to avoid using drugs.
I'm not sure what you mean by "outside forces." Are you concerned about the person's privacy. If that's it, maybe there still is someone he or she trusts enough to talke with about the issue.

user icon AAnonymous - Rockville High School : What is the most popular drug among teenagers?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : That is a great question, and probably somewhat dependent upon the teenagers themselves (where they live, what is available, age, etc.). In the US overall the most widely used drug is alcohol - yes alcohol is a drug! Hit htAccording to the Monitoring the Future study (MTF), about a third of 8th graders, more than half of 10th graders, and about two thirds of high school seniors reported drinking in the year prior to the study. Next would be cigarettes- 7% of 8th graders, 14% of 10th graders, and 22% of high school seniors were current cigarette smokers at the time of the survey. I am happy to say that cigarette smoking has been decreasing over the years, especially among young people. But I will bet you really want to know about illicit drug, and in that case Marijuana is the most prevalent drug of abuse among teenagers- about 10% of 8th graders, 25% of 10th graders, and 30% of high school seniors used marijuana in the past year. A pretty alarming finding from the MTF study is that the next most prevalent drug among high school seniors is illegal prescription drug abuse, such as prescription pain killers that are used medically to treat severe chronic pain. You can learn more at

user icon ambuhhhxo3 - South County Secondary School : does effect your child?? can your partner be effected by drugs if you use them but they dont??

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hi and thanks for your question. Yes, drug use affects the whole family. Moms' drug use can affect their babies in utero (during pregnancy). And secondhand smoke (from cigarettes, marijuana, and methamphetamine) can affect kids and partners who live with or spend time with the drug user. In addition to the physical effects of exposure to drugs, drug use can damage a person's relationships with their children and partner. Basically, using drugs hurts everyone around you! If you have a loved one who uses drugs, you can get help for them at or 1-800-662-HELP.

user icon Reginaxo92 - Rockville High School : One time there were a bunch of us hanging out and alot of the guys smoke cigarrettes, it was my first time trying one. Afterwards they were all laughing and i asked why, they said it was laced with coke. i felt sick for the rest of the night afterwards. How will this affect me?

answer icon David Shurtleff : With friends like those, who needs enemies??!! Using cocaine, whether smoking it or using it any other way is bad news and can be very dangerous! Cocaine constricts blood vessels, increases your heart rate, and blood pressure. Using large amounts can lead to tremors, vertigo, muscle twitches, or paranoia. Since you have not used the drug, you should not experience any long-term effects and whatever symptoms you did experience should go away. You should also know that tobacco use is dangerous too! Tobacco use can lead to addiction and long-term use can cause cancer. One more careful of those "friends". This may not be the only time they try to endanger your well-being.....

user icon yhskristine - Yonkers High School : what is the worst drug that you could take that would affect your memory?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Many drugs can affect your memory, some by directly by activating molecules in the brain that are involved with memory (for example, marijuana and alcohol) . Others act indirectly by affecting the delivery of blood to the areas of the brain involved with memory (cocaine and methampethamine).

user icon cuchi_cuchi - Yonkers High School : why is it when you drink and smoke weed you get higher quicker?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Alcohol and marijuana, when used together, amplify effects on our brains (known as additive effects). To find a wealth of research and facts on the science of addiction, please go to: By clicking on the link Students and Young Adults from NIDAs home page you will be able to access resources tailored for students and young adults. For instance this website talks about the brain and addiction.

user icon element - Sanborn Regional High School : is weed mentally addicting or physically

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Great question, Yes! About 1 in 10 people who use marijuana become addicted. When they stop, they experience a "withdrawal syndrome"--they are irritable, can't sleep, lose weight, and are anxious, often prompting them to start using again. Whats more--long term marijuanna users themselves report not only poorer educational and job outcomes, but less life satisfaction and worse mental and physical health compared to those who don't use marijuana. Check out for more info. Thanks for joining in on Chat day!

user icon yhsalveera - Yonkers High School : How many minors get caught with drugs in the US? And what are the charges on them?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Federal statistics estimate 1.9 million people were convicted of drug related offenses in the U.S in 2006. The charges vary from driving under the influence to dealilng drugs. The severity of punishment also varies with the crime but can result in spending time in prison or jail. For kids under 18, probation, time in a juvenile detention center, or an option to participate in drug treatment are common consequences. No one wants to live with the consequences of conviction for any type of crime hanging over their head. In some cases you can loose your drivers license, your right to vote, ability to apply for college and financial assistance, not to mention the stigma which could make it difficult to get a job.

user icon old greg - Sanborn Regional High School : do drugs genraly make depression set in after using them

answer icon Nora Volkow : Not all drugs and not in all people. Some drugs do it more than others, for example cocaine and methampethamine make people feel depressed as they come off of the drugs, whereas marijuana may make a person indifferent to his/her surrounding and with no motivation to do anything. For those that take alcohol at high doses they can feel depressed when not intoxicated.

user icon YeNdYs - Seminole Middle School : How can you stop taking a drug if your already adicted???

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question! Stopping after addiction can be very difficult, as addiction is characterized as a chronic, relapsing disease. Most people have found that professional treatment help to be the most effective in stopping their drug use. One step in the right direction is to avoid the people that you do your drugs with, the places where you hang out and do your drugs, and those things that can remind you of the drugs and can result in craving and memories of drugs.

Remember that drug addiction is a disease of the brain (a changed brain) that can be difficult to stop. Relapsing is common. But treatment works!

Be sure to talk to your parent and the school conselor for more help.

Hope this helps and thanks for the question.

user icon cms - Cherokee Middle School : My friend Hayley does drugs, how can i help her?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : There are a couple of ways that you can help Hayley. The first is to ask her about why she is using and to listen to what she has to say. If she understands that drug use is dangerous-to her health and for her life-then the second thing to do is to offer to go with her to talk with a trusted adult and you may also want to go to or call 1-800-662-HELP to find a doctor, therapist, support group or treatment program for your friend. If your friend doesn't realize how drugs can really mess up her life in a big way, then visit and look over all of the information we have and share it with her. She's your friend and her health is on the line, so even if she doesn't appreciate it at first, as a friend, you keep trying and don't give up on her. It's a hard situation, but keep trying and hopefully someday soon she'll get the professional treatment she needs to get off drugs.

user icon heygirlhey - Rockville High School : If marijuana is being used for medical purposes, then can the person still be arrested for posession?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : I am not aware of marijuana being used legally to treat medical conditions for adolescents. That being said, the medical use of marijuana is based on state laws which vary. Currently at the federal level there is no sanctioned use of marijuana for the treatment of any medical conditions.

user icon Ryan73 - Hopewell Memorial Junior High School : How long does weed stay in your system?

answer icon Frank Vocci : A long time. Some of the chemicals in weed go into body fat and leave the body slowly. We can detect marijuana use for several days up to a week after a person's last use.

The effects on the brain can also last several days, and some studies have shown effects lasting for a month. See for more info.

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : I was wondering if marajuana has any health benifits and if so what are they

answer icon Nora Volkow : Marijuana acts by activating cannabinoid receptors in your brain. These cannabinoid receptors affect many fucntions including memory, pain , movement. They are also involved in the immune response which is what helps your body defend itself from bacteria and viruses. This has led to the development of medications that aim to copy some of the effects of marijuana while decreasing the addictiveness and other negative health effects of marijuana.

user icon Jo - Hopewell Memorial Junior High School : Can a person exposed to second hand smoke also be exposed to nicotine?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, a person exposed to second hand smoke will inhale nicotine. Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? For more, see

user icon Gageymonster - Sawgrass Springs Middle School : way to make drugs safe and fun and not addictive?

answer icon Nora Volkow : No one has been able to develop a drug that is safe, fun and not addictive . However there are a lot of natural things in the world that are safe fun and non-addictive like sport, friends, movies.

user icon Carmella101 - Sanborn Regional High School : DO PEOPLE GET ADDICTED TO DRUGS THE FIRST TIME THEY USE????

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question!!! Generally people do not get addicted after using a drug once, but it really depends on the drug and the individual taking the drug. It is a bit like playing Russian roulette with some drugs as there have been reports of people taking a drug for a single time that lead to a lifetime of addiction. Its better to not try any drug even once!

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : Is there any difference on the danger of smoking under the age of 18 and smoking over the age of 18.

answer icon Nicolette Borek : That's an interesting question - we've got a bunch of studies that are looking at how drugs effect the brain and other parts of the body during different stages of development. This developmental research suggests that adolescents may be more susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs, including tobacco, than adults. Did you know the brain doesn't stop developing at age 18? Recent research shows that the brain continues to develop until age 25! The frontal brain - what we call the prefrontal cortex - is that last part to fully develop, and that's the part that has to do with decision making and other complex thinking tasks. We'd recommend staying away from smoking under or over age 18... there are just too many health risks!

If you'd like to see an amazing picture and movie created by scientists that shows how the brain develops from age 5-20, with those important decision-making prefrontal areas of the brain developing last, go to:

user icon Sanborn - Sanborn Regional High School : What is the dangers of pcp because im thinking about trying it?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Thank you for asking your question! PCP is phencyclidine which was originally developed as an anesthetics for surgery. PCP is a hallucinogen that can distort your perceptions of sight and sound and produce feelings of detachment and invincibility. PCP also affects our perception of pain. Many PCP users are brought to emergency rooms because of injuries that they have sustained while on 'trips'. One more thing, people on PCP can become violent or suicidal. Please consider all of these factors. PCP use is dangerous, and no one can predict how a person will respond to it. You could be one of those people that ends up in the hospital. For more information on PCP or other drugs, please click on

user icon yhsandrew - Yonkers High School : What is going on with that new version of crystal meth that looks like pop rocks?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Not sure about the pop rock type, but you probably know that crystal meth is a very dangerous drug with very real consequences. It a very strong stimulant that affects both your brain and body. Use of crystal meth can have very serious consequences - so it's best to stay away from it!

user icon helga - Sanborn Regional High School : can you get addicted to Nite Qiol

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Do you mean Ny-Quil -- the cold/flu medication? Many over the counter drugs can be abused if you don't use them as directed. You have to be careful about side effects and make sure you don't use certain other medications that might cause a bad reaction. It is important to read the label and the instructions before taking these kinds of medications. It's always best to get advice from your doctor or pharmacist before taking even over the counter medicine.

user icon yhs Damon - Yonkers High School : can drug take over your life

answer icon Eve Reider : Yes--that's one of the main problems with drugs. Even without being addicted, you can end up spending more time focused on drugs than being involved in other important activities, such as school or work, and your relationships with family and friends. A person who is addicted compulsively seeks and uses a drug despite negative consequences such as losing a job or doing poorly at school, having money problems, physical or mental problems brought on by using or abusing drugs, or family problems. People can overcome addiction with treatment, but by that time they've already lost a lot.

user icon Ryan73 - Hopewell Memorial Junior High School : What is worse for your health, cigars or cigarettes?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Boh are bad but cigarettes are worse. Both can cause cancer. Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? See for more info.

user icon plausible kid - Rockville High School : What leads some people to drugs?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : There are a couple of reasons some people try drugs-often its because "everyone else is doing it" and the peer pressure is too hard to resist and they don't have the skills to walk away. Some people try drugs because they are depressed and they think that the temporary relief they get from using will last, it never does. Others try drugs for the experience, thinking it will be fun and that they won't get addicted, but every person who is addicted didn't start off that way-so it's a pretty bad gamble. Ultimately, no matter why someone tries the drug they end up feeling a lot worse once the drug is out of their system.

user icon Vikings - South County Secondary School : Can you become addicted to performance enhancing drugs like steroids?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi, that is a really good question. At first steroids affect your brain differently than other drugs of abuse. The most important difference is that steroids do not trigger the high that often drives abuse of drugs. However, if you continue to use steroids they will change and affect your brain the same way that other drugs do. In addition to affecting mood and behavior in significant ways, seroids can also stunt your growth (if you haven't reached your full height yet), they can feminize your body if you are male--enlarge your breasts, shrink your testicles; and they can masculinize your body if you are female--deepen your voice, cause hair growth in places you dont want, and cause severe acne. In the long run, they can wreak havoc with your cardiovascular system. For more information on steroid abuse and their health effects please go to

user icon CrystalAlyssa. - Yonkers High School : From what body parts can drugs be taken in?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Drugs can be ingested orally, through the nose, smoked, or injected into the skin, muscle, or a vein. To learn more, look at our illustrated and easy-to-read booklet at

user icon rhhs - River Hill High School : is marijuana addictive?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Yes! About 1 in 10 people who use marijuana become addicted. When they stop, they experience a "withdrawal syndrome"--they are irritable, can't sleep, lose weight, and are anxious, often prompting them to start using again. Whats more--long term marijuanna users themselves report not only poorer educational and job outcomes, but less life satisfaction and worse mental and physical health compared to those who don't use marijuana. Check out for more info. Thanks for joining in on Chat day!

user icon hopscotch52 - Sanborn Regional High School : my friends eric is a cokehead what should i do to stop him from doin it

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Well you're in a tough spot because you can't really stop him from doing drugs. What you can do is express your concern for him and try to be a good friend by talking to a trusted adult about the situation. You can listen, point out any problems you see with his drug use, be supportive of any efforts by him to stop using, and be ready with information on how he can stop if he decides to take that step. See for more information on the problems associated with drug use. Also you can call 1-800-662-HELP to ask about treatment options in your area.

moderator icon Cigarette smoking is linked to what percent of lung cancer cases?

  1. 10
  2. 25
  3. 50
  4. 90 (correct)

user icon fransein - Sanborn Regional High School : my name is dorey i do drugs andi finally want to quit but i dont no how to get help were is a good place to get help?

answer icon Nora Volkow : I want to congratulate you since you are aware you want to stop. Your parents can be of great help in a situation like this. If they are not availble then the school may have a person that can direct you towards a proper referal to help you stop using drugs. There are also some resources that are anonymous - for example, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK. They don't just talk about suicide; they can help with a lot of issues including drug abuse, and can connect you with a professional close by. There is also a website with information about treatment programs: which includes information about programs based on where they located. Please do follow through--treatment can work and can change your life.

user icon =] - Sanborn Regional High School : what happens to babies that were born addicted to a drug?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hi there and thanks for your question. Babies who are born addicted to drugs (opiates specifically - such as heroin, morphine, and prescription pain killers such as oxycotin and vicodin), can go through a period of withdrawal once they are born (neonatal abstinence syndrome). These babies may be given some medication to help with the withdrawal symptoms and may have to stay in the hospital and away from their moms longer than babies who are not going through withdrawal. But these babies aren't doomed. What happens after the babies withdraw from the drugs and leave the hospital is also important. It is important that these babies are in a supportive, nurturing environment. If their moms are continuing to use drugs, we recommend moms get some treatment and support so they can be there for their babies!

There is research in the works that is looking at whether these babies are more susceptible to drug abuse when they become adolescents/adults. One study found that prenatal tobacco exposure was associated with tobacco use and addiction as a teenager. This suggests that while it is important for all teens to stay away from tobacco, this may be especially the case if your mom used tobacco while she was pregnant with you.

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : Why are some drugs so addictive?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question! Drugs are addictive because they affect the structure and functioning of the brain. People like how drugs make them feel because they cause the release of a brain chemical called dopamine. This release or surge of dopamine in the brain causes the feeling of high that people like. People continue taking drugs because they want to get the good feeling back. But if a person continues to use drugs, eventually the drugs will cause the amount of dopamine in the brain to be depleted, so the person not only won't be able to feel the same high from the drug, but they will feel bad when they are not using the drug. But because they have become addicted, they continue to use the drug. It is this return to this feeling that leads people to keep taking drugs and can lead them to becoming addicted. Some drugs are very effective at making these changes in the brain.

Thanks for this question.

user icon justin - Sanborn Regional High School : what happen whan your high

answer icon Nora Volkow : Depends on the drug. Alcohol at low doses could make you friendly and at higher doses, sleepy or depressed. Marijuana can make you mellow but could also make you anxious and paranoid. Cocaine can make you hyperactive and alert, but with repeated use, it can make you anxous and paranoid.

user icon yhskayla - Yonkers High School : How do drugs affect your body? Physically,Mentally, and Socialy? l

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Drugs have a powerful impact on your entire body but particularly your brain. Initially, all drugs of abuse, either directly or indirectly, increase the activity of the chemical dopamine in the brain's reward centers, which is what makes people feel good. However, with continued drug use and excessive activation of dopamine neurons, the brain starts to adapt to the good feeling, so more drug is needed to achieve it. This causes people to become dependent on the drug, to feel bad when it is not in their system, and to seek and take the drug compulsively--without even thinking about it. Another way that drugs change the brain is to affect the ability to make decisions, such as judging what's important, what's healthy, and what's dangerous. The compulsive seeking and using of drugs even in the face of potentially devastating consequences is the essence of addiction.

user icon legallyblonde<3 - Seminole Middle School : Would someone be put in jail for taking a perscribed drug without needed?? can they be arreseted for taking over counter meds without needed too???

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Great question! Yes it can happen and it's never a good idea to take something that is not prescribed for a specific medical condition. Prescription drugs when not taken as prescribed can be highly addictive. OTC drugs can also be harmful if not used appropriately. Go to our online research report on prescription drugs for more information at

user icon torgo - Seminole Middle School : What made you guys (girls) want to research drugs?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Wow...great question! I have always been interested in biology and psychology, so I have been interested in understanding the connection between the body and the brain. Doing research gives one the opportunity to ask questions and to search for answers to unlocking some of the mysteries of the brain. The brain is such a complex and cool organ that controls everything we do and say that is so fascinating to study.

I hope you will consider doing research.

user icon =] - Sanborn Regional High School : WHat doesnt he date rape dug actually do?

answer icon David Shurtleff : "

Thank you for your question. Rohypnol and GHB are commonly referred to as 'date rape' drugs. They are often added to beverages and ingested unknowingly by an individual because they can't smell or taste it. Date rape drugs work by "depressing" the brain, usually rendering it's target unconscious, unable to move or remember large blocks or periods of t ime. It is for this reason that date rape drugs are referred to as drug-assisted assault drugs. Because of concern about their abuse,Congress passed the Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act in October 1996. This legislation increases penalties for use of any controlled substance to aid in sexual assault. For information on date rape drugs, or any other drug, please click on

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : What is the earliest age adolescents experiment with drugs?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : That is an interesting question, and I'm not sure I can give you a good answer. We rely on people responding to questionnaires to tell us about their drug experiences, and some wonder whether a really young person is able to answer the question with a full understanding of what it means. There are three big National surveys that look at drug using behaviors: Monitoring the Future (MTF), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS). MTF surveys kids in schools and the lowest grade is 8th grade- 19% of 8th graders reported using an illicit drug at least once in their lifetime. So clearly some of them are starting earlier than 8th grade. The NSDUH reported that about 10% of 12 year olds had used an illicit drug at some point in their lifetime. What we do know for sure is that the teen brain is a work in progress, undergoing dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood, and the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse.

user icon RCMS Health - Randolph Community Middle Schools : How long does it take to get bad/ black lungs?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Not long. There are particles in cigarette smoke that stay in the lungs and accumulate there. Army recruits who smoke have poorer lung function than non-smokers, probably due to inflammation of he airways. Quitting smoking causes a reversal of the inflammation and lung function improves in just weeks. For more on nicotine visit this link at our teen website:

Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year?

user icon cherokeemiddle - Cherokee Middle School : If yoy all ready have a disease, do drugs harm you more than a normal person??

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question! The answer is not simple or straightforward in that it really depends on the disease that one might have and then how drugs of abuse might affect that disease. We know that all drugs of abuse affect the body and brain in specific ways. We also know that many, if not all drugs of abuse, affect the immune system in a negative way, so in general, combining drugs of abuse with an existing disease can be pretty harmful. Take epilepsy/seizure disorder, for example, the use of many abused drugs can increase seizures. Of course, there are many drugs that are used as medications that can treat and cure many diseases when they are taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Thanks for this thoughtful question.

moderator icon Gateway: Is marijuana a gateway drug? The gateway concept is one that generates a lot of controversy, is not yet scientifically settled, and could also be applied to nicotine or alcohol. And, while it is true that most people who use other drugs have also used marijuana (and nicotine, alcohol), it is not true that most marijuana users go on to use other drugs. Moreover, it is important to recognize that marijuana itself presents significant health risks, including the risk of addiction.

user icon =] - Sanborn Regional High School : Can doing drugs change a persons attitude or personality?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Yes. It can change both when you are under the infuence as well as when the drug has left your body. The changes are dependent on the person, so for example alcohol can make some people friendlier, but others can become aggressive. Similarly marijuana can make some people mellow and others paranoid and anxious. Repeated use of drugs also leads to isolation from social activities with kids not using drugs, leading to hanging out with peers that are using drugs. With time this not only changes attitudes, but can become very restrictive and isolating

user icon Shmaery - Seminole Middle School : How can you detect someone doing drugs?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Sometimes you can tell when someone is using drugs because their behavior begins to change. They may become less interested in school, spending time with non-drug using friends, being with family, etc. They may also start making decisions that just don't make sense like skipping school, not participating in activities they use to love like sports, or deceiving friends/family about how they are spending their time. If you think someone you care about is using drugs talk to a trusted adult and/or call 1-800-662-HELP if you need advice on treatment options.

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : can sniffing glue make you high?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : As ridiculously bad as it seems (and as it is) some people sniff glue to get high. By displacing air in the lungs, inhalants deprive the body of oxygen, a condition known as hypoxia. This can cause slurred speach, or dizziness, lack of coordination, dizziness, and euphoria. Go to to learn more about sniffing glue and why it is a terrible idea (I mean, you like your brain, right?)

user icon funkychicken96 - River Hill High School : What's the earliest age you have ever seen a drug abuser?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Unfortunately, babies can be born addicted to drugs as a result of their mom's drug use while pregnant, and will experience a withdrawl syndrome similar to drug abusers who are using by their own choice. We also rely on people responding to questionnaires to tell us about their drug experiences, and some wonder whether a really young person is able to answer the question with a full understanding of what it means. There are three big National surveys that look at drug using behaviors: Monitoring the Future (MTF), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS). MTF surveys kids in schools and the lowest grade is 8th grade- 19% of 8th graders reported using an illicit drug at least once in their lifetime. So clearly some of them are starting earlier than 8th grade. The NSDUH reported that about 10% of 12 year olds had used an illicit drug at some point in their lifetime. What we do know for sure is that the teen brain is a work in progress, undergoing dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood, and the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse.

user icon somethingsimple - River Hill High School : Does it mean your addicted if you do it for comfort?

answer icon Nora Volkow : No, when you are addicted you take the drug because your body experiences it as a NEED--just as your body experiences the NEED for food when you have not eaten. But, you should recognize that the shift from "comfort use" to addiction is not a predictable one--so you could wind up addicted even before you realize the full extent of your problem.

moderator icon Did you know vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for young people aged 15 to 24?

user icon TennesseeStar - Big Sandy School : Why does smoking cause shortness of breath?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Smoking causes chronic bronchitis, an inflammation that narrows the airways. Smoking also destroys air sacs ( where oxygen gets into your blood via the lungs), Both of these disorders are called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. COPD is not reversible, but medications can improve breathing. To find a wealth of research and facts on the science of addiction and treatment, please go to: Also, see for smoking facts.

user icon yhsPatricia - Yonkers High School : What are some drugs NOT approved by the FDA? Do you think they make good choices?

answer icon Nora Volkow : The FDA tries to make good decisions based on the information they have when the drug is evaluated. However, once the drug is on the market and used for medical reasons by many people for a long period of time, side effects can appear than had not been anticipated. In this situationt the FDA may have to withdraw a drug that it had approved in the past, or issue warning restricting its use.

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : Can pot hurt a baby in the womb?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hey there - yes, pot/marijuana can affect the baby in utero (which means during pregnancy). We have a couple of studies that look at the long-term effects of marijuana exposure during pregnancy - including one that followed babies until they were adults. And yes, these studies have found subtle developmental effects, on attention and thinking and other brain functions. Lots of people who use pot also smoke tobacco, and we also know that tobacco use can affect the developing baby. We recommend that pregnant women not use alcohol, marijuana/weed, tobacco or other drugs during pregnancy and that they talk with their doctors if they do, and ask for help if they are finding it difficult to quit. You can find more info on marijuana at .

user icon dora - Seminole Middle School : Is beer a drug?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Beer contains alcohol and alcohol is a substance of abuse, so in that respect alcohol can be considered a drug

user icon mslice - South County Secondary School : how long do you have to use a drug to become addicted?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi, that's a great question! It depends on the drug, on how you take it (smoked, orally, intravenously), how much of it you take, and it also depends on you. Some people are more vulnerable than others. If you have a family history of drug problems--that's a big red flag, but even if you don't you may have other risk factors that make you vulnerable.

There is a lot we still dont know about who becomes addicted and why, and after how much drug exposure. We do know that each person is different, so its a little like playing Russian Roulette if you choose to use drugs. The teen brain is a work in progress, undergoing dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood. We also know that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse, and that risk of drug abuse increases during times of transition, such as changing schools, moving, or divorce. But, if you do, the earlier you stop, the more likely you will be to avoid addiction and the harmful brain changes that lead to it. For more information go to

user icon hawks1 - River Hill High School : do steroids actually make reproaductive organs samaller?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Important question. The answer is yes, they can. Steroids can cause a whole bunch of medical complications including atrophy (reduction) of the testicles. More info available at Thanks

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : How can drugs lead to suicide or homicide?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Drugs can lead to suicide in those individuals in whom they induce depression. Some drugs are more likely than others to induce depression, such as steroids. Homicide is usually related to criminal activites linked with trying to get drugs when you become addicted to them, although some drugs like methamphetamine can make people aggressive.

user icon party all day - Sanborn Regional High School : is smoking weed everyday bad .

answer icon Eve Reider : "Here are some facts, and you can make up your own mind.
Marijuana affects memory, judgment, perception, and coordination. Under the influence of marijuana, you study and learn less effectively--not just school things, but anythying. The more you smoke the more of the time you are in this state. Your risk of accidents is elevated more of the time, and the likelihood that the effects will mount up and result in things like a drop in grade point average, or not achieving your potential in sports or other recreational activities.

Some people may suffer sudden feelings of anxiety and have paranoid thoughts after smoking marijauan. This is more likely to happen when higher doses are used or when the drug is taken orally. In general, it's hard to tell what marijuana effects a particular person will experience, because the drug's effects vary based on the person, their drug history, how much marijuana is taken, and its potency.
Also, since marijuana can affect judgment and decision making, using it can lead to risky sexual behavior, resulting in exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, like HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. For more on marijuana, see

user icon mr simley - Yonkers High School : can drinking help regulate cholesterol level?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Alcohol, in moderation, can increase HDL levels ( the good cholesterol). Guidelines are 2 drinks a day for men and 1 for women. Beyond those limits, alcohol can cause negative health effects, including addiction. See for more information.

user icon rhsstudent228 - Rockville High School : What makes you addicted to drugs? Why doest it only take a person one time to become addicted while others can use a few times before addiction occurs?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good morning and thank you for your question. Scientists are not certain as to what makes a person become addicted to drugs, but we do have some very good clues. A person's genes, their age as well as the environment that they llive can affect a person's chances of becoming addicted to drugs. For example, having a parent that is an addict, being young and associating with friends who use drugs can all increase our chances of doing drugs and thus increase our likelihood of becoming addicted. Scientists are doing research to learn more about addiction and how these factors contribute to addiction. Generally people do not get addicted after using a drug once. It is a bit like playing Russian roulette with some drugs as there have been reports of people taking a drug for a single time that lead to a lifetime of addiction. Its better to not try any drug even once! Click on for more information!

user icon x dark angel x - Sanborn Regional High School : last december i went through a really hard time with depression and i self medicated to try to make my problems go away.. i got admitted to a hospital were i had to stay for 2 weeks and while i was there my boyfriend cheated on me and i missed christmas but this december 14 will be a year since ive smoked weed .. i get panic attacks if i smoke weed and if im around it but a lot of my friends dont even care they just do i t anyway .... but i think im doing good by staying away from it all.

answer icon Joe Frascella : Dear Dark Angel,

Thanks for sharing your situation. You have shown us some of the reasons people take drugs - to "self medicate" and to use them as a crutch to somehow avoid ongoing problems. You probably already realize that we all have problems in our lives, but what is most important is how we deal with them. Your decision to stay away from drugs, which can make you feel good on the very short term but can cause additional problems for you, was an excellent choice. You should be commended for staying away from drugs/marijuana for a are absolutely doing the right thing with your choice to stay away. For additional information on abused drugs, please visit our web site at I wish you much continued success in your life and thanks again for this message.

moderator icon Marijuana users experience short-term memory loss because of the drug's effect on ___________.

  1. the heart
  2. the hippocampus (correct)
  3. the basal ganglia
  4. the liver

user icon upsidedown - Rockville High School : can you get addicted to drugs after only one try?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good morning and thank you for your question. Scientists are not certain as to what makes a person become addicted to drugs, but we do have some very good clues. A person's genes, their age as well as the environment that they llive can affect a person's chances of becoming addicted to drugs. For example, having a parent that is an addict, being young and associating with friends who use drugs can all increase our chances of doing drugs and thus increase our likelihood of becoming addicted. Scientists are doing research to learn more about addiction and how these factors contribute to addiction. Generally people do not get addicted after using a drug once. It is a bit like playing Russian roulette with some drugs as there have been reports of people taking a drug for a single time that lead to a lifetime of addiction. Its better to not try any drug even once! Click on for more information!

user icon yhsKevin - Yonkers High School : my dad has a high chance of dying from alcohol abuse, what should do to make him stop?? please answer, he's arguing with my mom right now.

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Sounds like you are in a touch spot and dealing with some really difficult stuff. The decision to stop using alcohol is ultimately your father's and you can't make him stop. You might consider having an frank conversation with him and point out that his alcohol abuse has a significant impact on your entire family - especially you. You might consider reaching out to get support yourself during this difficult time. There are groups for people whose family members are struggling with drug addiction like Ala-non - in some areas there are special groups for teens. Regardless of your father's decision don't be afraid to reach out and get the support you need. There are also some phone numbers you should note. By calling 1-800-662-HELP you can get advice about treatment in your area and if you need someone to talk to about what you're going through please call 1-800-273-TALK.

user icon CC101vids - Homestead Elementary : my dad smokes. how can i stop him from doing it?

answer icon Frank Vocci : That is good you want to help your dad quit smoking. You can tell him that you know it's hard to quit but he can get into a quit smoking program or see his doctor for a medicine to help him stop. Good luck.
he National Cancer Institute has help on their website and you can also check out

user icon ozlin-o6 - Denbigh High School : why is it when you are high or drunk you are do things that you wouldn't do if you wasn't

answer icon Joe Frascella : Good question. Some drugs of abuse cloud our perception and affect/reduce our inhibitions, as you describe. While high, we can do things that we will regret or that can be very dangerous, for example, getting high and then getting AIDS. This is because abused drugs act in the brain and cause changes that may make you may not want.

Thanks for this question.

user icon yhskristine - Yonkers High School : is it true that smoking speeds up your metabolism?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good morning and good question! It is true. One of the active ingredients in tobacco -- nicotine -- can raise resting metabolic rates two to three times. It is NOT recommended, however, that tobacco products be used as diet aides. Remember, tobacco use, especially long-term tobacco use, can result in very bad results, including cancer. For more information, please consult

user icon ???? - South County Secondary School : does drugs effect the size of growth to ur body?????

answer icon Jan Lipkin : The basic answer is yes. Some stimulants have been shown to stunt overall growth. And, of course, steroids can increase some body growth, they can also have other serious medical complications including shrinking testicles. More info at

moderator icon NIDA is frequently asked whether alcohol is a drug, and where to find information about alcohol abuse. There is another government agency that studies alcohol's effects. For information on alcohol, go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism Web site at: Similarly, information about smoking and prevention can be found at

user icon Special One - Seminole Middle School : Do people mix drugs?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Yes. They mix all types of drugs, legal drugs like alcohol and cigarrettes, legal and illegal drugs like cocaine and alcohol and illegal drugs like cocaine and heroine. Mixing drugs increases the probability of overdoses and medical complications

user icon yhsKevin - Yonkers High School : I drink a lot, mainly because I know that it helps lower heart disease. So why do people say it bad? I don't think its bad.

answer icon Nora Volkow : It depends on the amount of alcohol taken. One or two glasses have been shown to be beneficial in some people for heart disease. It becomes probelamtic though when a person starts to drink larger amounts and/or becomes addicted to alcohol. Alcohol can also be dangerous even at lower doses if you are driving a car or operating machinery, and its effects on the developing brain (that is, the teen brain) may also be harmful.

user icon patmcgroin - Centerpoint High School : why is it that people addicted to meth get meth sores? i take adderal and it is an amphetamine. Why is it that i do not develop sores or act like i am high? can i become addicted?

answer icon Frank Vocci : That's from a hallucination called "formication," Meth users think that bugs are crawling on their skin and so they pick at the non-existent bugs until their skin bleeds.

Your Adderal use sounds fine. You should not experience the problems that meth users have since you are using the drug medically. You should not become addicted to your Adderal.

user icon yhsesther - Yonkers High School : why are prescription drugs dangerous?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Prescription drugs when used inappropriately can be dangerous since they can result in addiction and can have severe medical consequences including death from overdose.

moderator icon Valium (also known as diazepam) and Xanax (also known as alprazolam) are types of:

  1. benzodiazepines
  2. central nervous system depressants
  3. prescriptions drugs
  4. all of the above (correct)

user icon ppbf - Sawgrass Springs Middle School : can you die from drugs like tylenol

answer icon Nora Volkow : If you take very high doses it can damage your organs (e.g., the liver) and you could die from it

user icon legallyblonde<3 - Seminole Middle School : What drug is most dangerous to your body and to your health???

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Well-you asked one of the hardest and most complicated questions to answer. Basically, the only drug that is universially the worst drug for everyone is ANY drug they use. Nicotine kills the most people-so that's one answer. Basically it depends on the person's genetics, on their age (younger kids are more likely to get addicted), on the way the drug is taken-smoked vs. injected, etc and on the drug itself. Visit to get the full answer.

user icon awright - Bedford County Schools : Is alochol a type of drug?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Survey says - "Yes, alcohol is a drug." It impacts the same brain areas as other drugs of abuse and additionally it's the most commonly abused drug among teens. For more information on alcohol abuse you can visit

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : Does the use of drugs increase the chance of hair loss?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Some drugs like steroids can result in hair loss.

user icon yhswillz - Yonkers High School : Do drugs affect the elderly in negative ways?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Important question. As we age our bodies process medications and drugs differently. We are now seeing an increase rate of drug abuse in older adults which may result in big problems. Since elderly people are often on prescribed medications from their doctors for various health conditions, taking other drugs may interact badly with these medications.

user icon =] - Sanborn Regional High School : WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU JUST WANTED TO TRY IT ONCE?

answer icon Eve Reider : There is no easy answer to this question. Different people respond differently to drugs. It depends partly on what type of drug you are try. Using certain drugs one time can have very bad consequences. There's lots of information about the different drugs at

user icon Tomato - Yonkers High School : What are the side affects of ketamine?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good question! Ketamine is a very powerful anesthetic -- it reduces our perception of pain. Ketamine can distort our perceptions of sight and sound and produces feelings of detachment and invincibility (can make you feel all powerful!). Ketamine use has a long list of side effects, including: impaired attention, learning ability, and memory; hallucinations, delirium and amnesia. Ketamine, in high doses, can also cause potentially fatal respiratory problems. All in all, ketamine is bad news!! Want more information on ketamine and its effects? Click on

user icon taco and jazmin - Sawgrass Springs Middle School : DRugs are really good for you why do people lie about it, saying its bad?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Drugs can make you feel good but they can also harm your body and affect the way your brain functions. This can result in imapired memory, decreased attention, and depression. Also in vulnerable people it can produce addiction. That is why people say that drugs can be bad.

user icon Vikings - South County Secondary School : If i smoke marijuana right before a football game are my chances of injury increased?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hmmm....interesting question. Yes! Smoking marijuana not only affects memory, judgement, and perception, but also your timing, movements, and coordination. You are more likely to be injured if you smoke marijuana right before playing in a football game. Taking drugs such as marijuana will prevent your body from performing at its top physical condition, so if iyou'd like to perform at your full athletic potential steer clear of the drugs. For more informations check out

user icon dora - Seminole Middle School : What is the estimated amount of times people take drug before they get addicted?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Some drugs produce addiction faster than others, for example methampethamine can produce addiction more quickly than cocaine, which on average produces addiction within 3 years of starting. However the time it takes for a person to become addicted is also determined by your age (children and adolescents tend to become addicted faster) AND YOUR GENES.

user icon Smiles - Denbigh High School : hmmm what happens if i smoke.. will i get raped? :)

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Well-first it depends on what you smoke and who you are with. If you smoke a drug that causes you to lose control of your senses or causes you to fall into a deep sleep AND you are with hateful people that would take advantage of you in that altered state...then yes, you run the risk of being raped. Best bet...stay away from smoking and keep your wits about you, and always, stick with friends you trust.

moderator icon Drug Testing in Schools: Some schools have adopted a random student drug testing policy hoping it will: (1) serve as a deterrent and give students a reason to resist peer pressure to take drugs; (2) identify adolescents who have started using drugs so that parents and counselors can intervene early; and (3) identify adolescents who already have drug problems, so they can be referred for treatment. It is not intended to be punitive, but rather to prevent drug use or promote early intervention. The Supreme Court has ruled drug testing as legal for any students participating in extracurricular activities. Currently, there is insufficient research in this area to show whether random drug testing is an effective approach.

user icon Gageymonster - Sawgrass Springs Middle School : How come ciggerettes are not illegal?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Well actually cigarettes are illegal in every state for anyone under the age of 18. For those over 18, the legal systems let adults make their own decisions regarding smoking. Also, cigarette smoking is increasingly being banned in public spaces in many states. So governments have been recognizing the health effects that cigarettes can have.

user icon helga - Sanborn Regional High School : can drugs make someone go crazy?

answer icon Nora Volkow : YES - but it depends on the drug, the amount taken, and the person's genetics. Some drugs, such as methampethamine or marijuana can produce paranoia and hallunciantions when used at high doses or in those that are sensitive to them because of their genes.

user icon BaRocko sHOre - Yonkers High School : Why are prescription drugs hazerdous to your health.

answer icon Nora Volkow : Because they can have serious medical consequences such as overdose from respiratory depression that can result in death, and cardiac arrythmias (heart problems) that can also be very dangerous. Also prescription drugs can produce addiction

user icon fred - Seminole Middle School : My friend sniffs markers and jokes around, but im afraid it will affect his brain. its no laughing matter if he's going to get hurt. what should i do?

answer icon David Shurtleff : You are absolutely right, sniffing is no joke! Most markers are probably non-toxic, but some markers do contain volatile solvents. Inhalant abusers risk devastating medical consequences because prolonged sniffing of chemicals in solvents or aerosol sprays can induce irregular and rapid heart rhythms and lead to heart failure and death within minutes of a session of prolonged sniffing. Sudden sniffing death, as it is known, is usually not found in individuals sniffing markers, but we want your friend to know that there are dangers associated with sniffing inhalants. Share this information with them!

user icon softballlover94 - South County Secondary School : What are Brain Changes of use of Marijuana? Alcohol? Inhalants? Methamphetamine? Tabacco?

answer icon Joe Frascella : All drugs of abuse affect the brain in similar ways and the drugs you list can affect the brain (and body in specific/different) ways. All drugs of abuse affect the "reward systems" in the brain and result in the release of a brain chemical called dopamine. Sudden surges of dopamine in the brain is what causes the feelings of rush and high that can then lead individuals to continued use, abuse, and then addiction. But if you continue to use the drugs, the amount of dopamine in the brain decreases so you end up feeling bad from using the drugs. You list different classes of drugs, and the specifics of each can be found at:

Thanks for this question.

user icon dirty white boi - Bedford County Schools : my friend lil c is a recovering crackhead but i fear he is starting to do ice how can i help?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Be a friend - tell him you are glad he stopped doing crack and hope he doesn't turn to other drugs. Support his efforts to quit using drugs and encourage him to get help through a school counselor, treatment provider, or self help group like Narcotics Anonymous. You can also call 1-800-662-HELP to get info on treatment options in your area or you can call 1-800-273-TALK if you need to talk to someone anonymously about the situation.

user icon yhsRenee - Yonkers High School : what could be a good way for someone to stop a friend from doing drugs or having sex?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Open communication and support are probably the best way you can help a friend. However, you also have to realize that you may not have the power to stop them by yourself, and that referral to someone that may be able to help (a trusted adult) is necessary.

user icon person - Sawgrass Springs Middle School : how long is the high for cocaine???

answer icon Nora Volkow : 20 -30 minutes.

user icon s.alyssa.oliver - McCullough Middle School : Why does crack make people skinny?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Crack cocaine is a stimulant, and it is a powerful appetite suppressant. This property of the drug can lead people to stop eating/eat less and thus lose weight. But crack cocaine has other serious and very harmful effects so there are better ways to lose weight.

Great question.

user icon patmcgroin - Centerpoint High School : Why is it that some people become addicted to drugs, yet others can stop cold turkey?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Great question! We all have different susceptibilities to different diseases, including addiction. So some people are more prone to develop addictions than others. Much of this vulnerability is based on our genes. In other words, some people have genes that make them susceptible to addiction whereas others have genes that may protect them. In fact, scientists estimate that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a person's vulnerability to addiction. Environment and age also affect whether a person becomes addicted (starting as a teen makes you more prone to addiction later). Although it is possible for people to quit drugs, it is not easy once they're addicted. The best advice--don't start. see our illustrated and easy-to-read booklet at for a fuller answer.

If you need help, click on the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) link at or call 1-800-662-HELP, where you can find private and confidential help 24/7.

user icon jadegirl88 - Sequatchie County High School : Please hurry only five minutes in class left.If you smoke weed,the chemical from it,what part of the brain does it affect?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good question. Remember, if I don't get to your question before the end of class, you can check the thread later for your answer!

THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, acts on specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors. THC causes cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the high that users experience when they smoke marijuana. Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; others have few or none. The highest density of cannabinoid receptors are found in parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thoughts, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement. This is why some 'weed' smokers experience problems with memory, concentration and coordination. Want more info on marijuana? Click on

moderator icon Dr. Jim Bjork is a program official at NIDA. He helps scientists who do brain imaging apply to the government for money to do their research. Before coming to NIDA, Dr. Bjork has researched how typical teenagers behave in self-control tasks, and how healthy teenagers' brains operate - especially compared to teenage children of alcoholics with and without behavioral problems. Dr Bjork has also compared teenager brains to those of typical young adults. He has studied these things to help understand why certain people may be at risk for developing a drug or alcohol problem. When he is not in his office looking at brain pictures or helping brain imaging research along, Dr. Bjork spends time with his wife and 4-year-old and 2-year-old sons - often watching or playing baseball. Once his kids are tucked in, Dr. Bjork is either playing on-line adventure games like Lord-of-the Rings Online, or is playing the saxophone professionally somewhere in the Washington, D.C., area (or at least in his basement if he doesn't have a gig).

user icon s.lottie.wise - McCullough Middle School : what affects do drugs have to your body?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Kind of depends on the drug. Prolonged drug abuse can cause all sorts of medical problems--like lung cancer, heart disease, liver disease, and addiction. When someone is addicted to drugs, they become the most important thing in that person's life, causing them major problems at school, home, and work.

user icon saisd - Irving Academy : How does marinol affect the body? If it is prescribed, can you drive or are you considered to be under the influence.

answer icon Frank Vocci : Marinol is the active ingredient in marijuana. A person taking Marinol should not drive, as they would be impaired.

user icon sunshine - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : How can I talk to students about the warning signs of inhalants without introducing them info. on how to use inhalants?

answer icon David Shurtleff : This is a great question, and one that scientists and teachers stuggle with constantly! I would suggest you visit the website it gives the straight fact about inhalant abuse.

user icon bumxxxchaos - Sanborn Regional High School : My boyfriend tells me if i do weed then he won't leave me. I love him but i don't want to do them. i guess you can say that if he wants me to do that then hes not being a good boyfriend.

answer icon Eve Reider : You'll have to decide for yourself whether your boyfriend is good for you or not
But--good for you for knowing that marijuana, besides being illegal, is a health hazard. There are many negative effects of smoking marijuana. It can cause loss of coordination, and affect memory, judgment, and perception. Under the influence of marijuana, you could fail to remember things you just learned, watch your grade point average drop, or crash a car. Some people may suffer sudden feelings of anxiety and have paranoid thoughtswhich is more likely to happen when higher doses are used or when it is taken orally. Its difficult to tell what the effects of marijuana will be for any given person at any time, because they vary based on the person, their drug history, how much marijuana is taken, and its strength. There's lots more information about marijuana at

user icon x dark angel x - Sanborn Regional High School : im around my aunt alot and we are really close and shes always different and her teeth are gross and her moods change frequently and she seems like she hides things a lot i think shes using drugs but i dont know what to do

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Sounds like you know your aunt really well and if your gut is telling you she is using drugs you are probably right. The physical and mood changes you describe are often associated with drug use. If it is true that she is using drugs, there are plenty of things you can do. You can express your concerns to her. You can educate yourself about drugs and treatment options ( and be ready with that information when you have a chance to talk about this. And, you can tell her you love her and want to help. To talk to someone about the situation further you can call 1-800-273-TALK or to get info on treatment options in your area you can call 1-800-662-HELP.

user icon s.muccaougl - McCullough Middle School : how do i stop drinking

answer icon Joe Frascella : If you are addicted to alcohol, my suggestion is that you get into treatment. Treatment does work. Ffor more information on resources on alcohol addiction and where you can seek help you can call 1-800-662-help. You can also visit

user icon sanbornnnnnn - Sanborn Regional High School : is it true that if you use acid, that it will stay in your spinal cord for the rest of your life??

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good question. The short answer is, no. Drugs are metabolized in your liver and cleared from you body over time. LSD is no different. Acid can, however, cause unpredictable psychological effects. With large enough doses, users experience delusions and visual hallucinations. Physical effects include dangerously increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure; sleeplessness, and loss of appetite. Want more information on acid? Click on

user icon s.cope95 - Homestead Elementary : what is the most used drug in TN?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : That's a tough question. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) collects some state level data ( where you can see the percent of people in tennessee who responded to the questionnaire on illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, as well as information on abuse and treatment among other things. According to those numbers, marijuana was reported most followed by non-medical use of pain relievers. Thanks for joining us!

user icon slotheadsU - Sanborn Regional High School : All my friends try and get me to smoke crack with them and snort herion what should i tell them?

answer icon Eve Reider : You can tell them "No Way!" I think you need new friends! Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug. Common health effects include heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, and seizures. Large amounts can cause bizarre and violent behavior. In rare cases, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly thereafter. Heroin is a very addictive drug as well and use of it is associated with fatal overdoses. For more information, take a look at

user icon yhsesther - Yonkers High School : how long do you think it will take for somebody who is extremely addicted to drugs to become drugfree?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Depends on the drug and how long they have taken them The longer a person has taken the drug in general the longer it will take them to be drug free. However another factor that affects the process is the support system that the person has. For those with strong support from family and friends the process may be faster.

user icon sanborn - Sanborn Regional High School : if you are above the age of 90 is it safe to do cocaine

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Intersting question. Using cocaine at any age is not a good idea. It can have serious medical consequences such as cardiovascular complications that elderly people may be particularly vulnerable to. In addition, although you don't often see a lot of 90 year old cocaine addicts, in reality, no age group is immune to possible addiction.

user icon mendythepenty - South County Secondary School : is it possible taht you do so much drugs, that your brain can chagne into the size of a pea?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Drugs of abuse can change the structure and functioning of the brain. Brain cells can be damaged or killed by certain drugs, and certain brain areas have been to be shown to be changed in size in some individuals addicted to drugs. These changes can have serious consequenses and are permanent; however, no drugs will cause the brain to change as drastically as you describe.

thanks for the question.

user icon caroline - South County Secondary School : how does using drugs affect your acedemic life?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : As a student, it's important that you get good grades, right? And you need your brain to work properly in order to study, learn, pay attention, right? So when you take drugs it makes it very hard to focus and stay motivated to do what you have to do. When you take drugs they become more important than anything using drugs is really bad for your academic life, not to mention life in general.

user icon helga - Sanborn Regional High School : in your opinion why do kids do drugs?

answer icon Eve Reider : Alot of people want to know why do kids do drugs. Kids take drugs for different reasons. Some take drugs because they have are hanging out with other kids who do drugs, some kids take drugs to feel good, some to take their minds off problems, and some because they think they will have more friends. Even though it isn't true, some kids take drugs because they think alot of other kids their age are using drugs.

user icon razorfang - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : can you get viruses frrom drugs?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Not directly from drugs, but when you are under the influence of certain drugs such as alcohol, or methampethamine which increase sexual desire and decrease inhibitions a person may end up infected with hiv or hepatitis from enaging in risky sexual behaviors. Also when people inject drugs they can get viruses from the use of contaminated needles.

user icon yhskayla - Yonkers High School : Are there rehabs for people who were addicted to prescription dugs and are having problems quitting? and if so what are they called?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, there are treatment centers all over the country. To find a treatment center, use the electronic locator for doctors who prescribe SUBUTEX and SUBOXONE--medications to help people with prescription drug addiction. If you need help, click on the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) link at or 1-800-662-HELP, where you can find private and confidential help 24/7.
This link will help you locate doctors in your area who can treat prescription drug addiction with effective medications.

user icon yhsPatricia - Yonkers High School : Do you think drug use will be different in the year 2020?

answer icon Nora Volkow : It is very likely that there will be new drugs. But its also very probable that people will still be abusing the classical drugs--alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, and heroin.

user icon brock - Denbigh High School : i dont like drug users why do people think there cool if they do drugs they look stupid

answer icon Eve Reider : Brock, I agree! There is nothing cool about doing drugs.

user icon rhhsjbmg - River Hill High School : what are your views on medical marijuana?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi there! Smoking anything is bad for the lungs and marijuana can interfere with your memory--making it more difficult to learn, causing problems with coordination and making it harder to do sports. However, there are some chemicals in marijuana that may be useful for certain health problems, and scientists are working to isolate those and develop medications based on them. That's why there's an oral form of THC (the main active chemical in marijuana) that's used to treat the nausea and appetite suppressing effects of cancer chemotherapy. Check out the following link for more information: Thanks for your question!

user icon ehsknights - Episcopal High School : How do I tell friends stop drinking?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : You say - stop drinking. Seriously, you can express your concern to them about their drinking and the problems it may cause. Ultimately, the choice to drink is theirs and you can't stop them. But you can be a good friend and encourage them to make better choices for themselves. For more information on alcohol abuse visit

user icon mathmation13 - Homestead Elementary : if you are gonna have a child and you are using drugs will it cause you child to have a mental problem?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : This is an important question, because when you are talking about drug use during pregnancy, you are talking about two people who could both be hurt by drugs. We do know that babies who are exposed to drugs before birth are at risk for problems later, but what kind of problem depends on what kind of drug the mother uses. For example, some of our research shows that boys whose mothers smoked while pregnant are at greater risk for disruptive behavior when they are toddlers, and delinquent behavior when they are teens. Children of mothers who smoked while pregnant are also are more likely to use tobacco when they are teens, and to become addicted if they do use it. Isn't it amazing that something you are exposed to before you are even born could still affect you when you are a teenager?

We have some more studies looking at conditions like depression and anxiety as well, and we don't have the answers yet. But the only way to be sure your child is not hurt by drugs is not to use drugs.

user icon fifi09 - C.H.Yoe High School : what is the most common drug used in texas?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : That's a touch question. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) collects some state level data ( where you can see the percent of people in tennessee who responded to the questionnaire on illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, as well as information on abuse and treatment among other things. According to those numbers, marijuana was reported most followed by non-medical use of pain relievers. Thanks for joining us!

user icon xyare lambert - McCullough Middle School : how did people find out about how medicine work and why do drugs kill off brain cell

answer icon Joe Frascella : You ask a very interesting question. Much research is being done to develop medications and treatments for diseases. Research shows how diseases affect the body and brain, and medications are developed to try to treat, or cure the effects of disease. The same type of research is done to show how drugs of abuse affect the brain and body. Studies show the toxic effects of some drugs on brain cells. At the National Institute on Drug Abuse, many studies are being supported and done to help us understand better the how drugs affect the many systems in the body and brain. We hope to be able to discover treatments that can help drug abusers and addicts.

Thanks for this question.

user icon mendell - Rockville High School : Can drinking lead to unprotected sex?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Yes. Drinking causes you to do lots of things that don't make sense and that are dangerous for your health. Among them, making poor decisions like having unprotected sex. Do yourself a favor...don't drink alcohol and you won't have to worry about all the dumb things you might end up doing while drunk. Just a thought.

user icon imacoolkid123 - South County Secondary School : if people use beer or any alchohol substance to flavorize their food can you get drunk off of it

answer icon James Bjork : Probably not. It would require enough alcohol to make the food taste funny!

user icon SimonL<3vesHope - Rockville High School : What would happen if you drank morphine that was meant to be injected?

answer icon Frank Vocci : You'd get an effect. It would be slower than if injected and have less effect than an injection. To see different drug effects, go to

user icon yhskayla - Yonkers High School : If you do drugs at a young age, how will it affect my body when i get older?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hi and thanks for your question. There's a bunch of research on the long term effects of drug use on the body, including the brain. Drugs can affect many systems of the body. Let's take tobacco - it can affect the brain, lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys. If you do drugs at a young age, by the time you reach 30 you've been doing drugs for a long time - lots of time for damage to accumulate. Also, did you know the brain continues to develop until 25??! So, when you do drugs at a young age your brain is still developing and the drug use has the potential to change the trajectory of brain development! We have studies that are looking specifically at this using high tech tools such as neuroimaging (taking pictures of your brain). Some research indicates that using drugs when you are younger may mean you are more vulnerable to becoming addicted. We don't recommend drug use at any age, but when you're younger, it can really affect you. If you are using, stopping can help your brain recover.

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : I HAVE A PUG!!! ITS NAME IS BOBO

answer icon Frank Vocci : COOL! IS he a fawn or a black pug?

user icon Tomato - Yonkers High School : What is the most dangerous date rape drug?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Some prescrition medications that have cholinergic effects and/or can alter memory are particularly problematic. GHB and rohypnol (which is not a legal drug in this country) are examples of date rape drugs, but even alcohol at high doses can facilitate rape.

moderator icon Anabolic steroids may trigger aggressive behavior known as:

  1. roid rages (correct)
  2. steroid stable
  3. hypo-hilarious
  4. drug-drowsy

user icon blah - Sawgrass Springs Middle School : what makes drugs so addictive?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Drugs are addictive since they activate the areas fo the brain ivnvoelved with pleasure. These centers are normally activated by natural rewards to ensure that you will do them again, such as food. However, drugs activate these areas much more powerfully that natural stimuli and thus generate the mtoivation to want to take them again.

user icon fabian searfoss - McCullough Middle School : is it posible for a crack abuser to get good grades in school

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Possible....but very unlikely. . People often think that they perform better under the influence of stimulants like cocaine but the research actually shows that this just isn't the case. Plus the risk of addiction is especially high for crack. For more info check out Cocaine: Abuse and Addiction [Revised 2004]

user icon Babygirl16 - Sequatchie County High School : how can acid kill you?

answer icon Joe Frascella : In some people, acid can lead to altered states of perception, as well as increase body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Some of these effects can cause death in certain people, but even if they don't kill you, using acid is harmful. Acid can also change your perception which can lead you to do things that can be dangerous, harmful, or even fatal.

Thanks for the question.

user icon taco and jazmin - Sawgrass Springs Middle School : does anyone smoke crack in your family? And if they do what did you do to stop them?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : I have had family members and friends who used drugs and I learned that I can't stop them from using. What I have done is point out my love for them and concern about the impact drugs are having on them. You can get information on treatment resources in your area (1-800-622-help) and pass it along. Also if you need to talk to someone further about this you can call 1-800-273-TALK.

user icon alan123 - South County Secondary School : does drugs affect your studying habbats?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Absolutely. Drugs make it hard to focus, make it hard to motivate, make it hard to do all the things you need to do to study. AND if that wasn't bad enough, you do enough drugs and they become what your life is all about-so if you do drugs then forget about studying or doing well in school, because once your addicted doing well in school might just be the least of your concerns. So, if you take drugs that people say help you to study...they don't help and if you end up becoming addicted, then they certainly hurt.

user icon Tomato - Yonkers High School : What does OxyContin do to your body?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Oxycontin is an opiate. Opiates are a class of drug that dull pain, reduce breathing, produce nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Chronic use can lead to addiction in susceptible individuals. For lots more on how drugs affect the body and behavior, see our illustrated and easy-to-read booklet at

user icon knight_time - Episcopal High School : Do children with fetal alcohol syndrome grow up to be addicts?

answer icon James Bjork : Not all of them, but they are at increased risk! Compared to children whose mothers didn't drink during pregnancy, even children whose alcohol exposure in the womb was too little to cause fetal alcohol syndrome, are several times more likely to develop alcohol and other drug addiction. Research in rats artificially exposed to alcohol in utero show differences in how they respond to drugs and stress in general.

user icon yhskayla - Yonkers High School : Good Morning, My question to you is how can drugs affect your body as well as your mind and the people around you?

answer icon Nora Volkow : When you take drugs they not only go to your brain but to your body. Some drugs effect organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys and hence can result in medical problems such as heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. Drugs affect the people around you since they affect your brain including areas that are important for social behaviors. And addiction can be devastating to families trying to help the affected person.

user icon melissa - Bedford County Schools : can pot lead up to other drugs? i dont think it does because you just get a little high.

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Good question. Is marijuana a gateway drug? The gateway concept is one that generates a lot of controversy, is not yet scientifically settled, and could also be applied to nicotine or alcohol. And, while it is true that most people who use other drugs have also used marijuana (and nicotine, alcohol), it is not true that most marijuana users go on to use other drugs. Moreover, it is important to recognize that marijuana itself presents significant health risks, including the risk of addiction.

user icon s.lottie.wise - McCullough Middle School : how do drugs affect your body and brain

answer icon David Shurtleff : Good question! When you take a drug of abuse like cocaine, it affects your brain and every organ system in your body. In the brain it attaches to brain receptors and can cause the nerve cells to release abnormally large amounts of natural brain chemicals (called neurotransmitters). It can also disrupt or even prevent other normal activities of the brain cells. This disruption utimately affects the ability of our brain cells to be able to communicate with each other. The difference in effect can be described as the difference between someone whispering into your ear and someone shouting into a microphone. Drugs can also affect the body. Cocaine, for example, has also been found to trigger chaotic heart rhythms, called ventricular fibrillation; accelerate heartbeat and breathing; and increase blood pressure and body temperature. Check out NIDA's website for more information!

user icon rhhsjbmg - River Hill High School : is alcohol addictive?

answer icon James Bjork : Absolutely! In the US and around the world, more people are addicted to alcohol than any other drug.

user icon s.kimberly.kell - McCullough Middle School : how does self esteem affect your body?

answer icon Nora Volkow : If your self esteeem is very low this can be stressful which can make you anxious and more vulenrable to feeling depressed, and using drugs.

user icon fluffykittycats - Lewis-Palmer High School : why has the drug rate increased so much during the past few years?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Actually, overall it hasn't! The use of certain types of drugs have increased (such as non-medical use of pain relievers) and certain age groups have shown increases (such as the 50-59 age group) but for the most part I am happy to say we have too many increasing trends in drug use over the past few years. In young people in particular we have seen a trend of decreasing use over the years, again with a few exceptions. You can look at the National Survey on Drug Use and Health ( or Monitoring the Future ( surveys to see the numbers and trends. Thanks for your question!

user icon reddie22 - Notre Dame High School : How does an overdose of drugs kill you?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Different drugs can kill you in different ways. Opiates such as heroin or prescription pain killers can depress breathing, sometimes to the point of respiratory arrest. Cocaine can produce abnormal heartbeat, leading to cardiac arrest. Alcohol also can depress respiration to the point of respiratory arrest.

And believe it or not, the nicotine in a cigarette can be toxic to babies and toddlers. It's considered a medical emergency when a baby eats a cigarette. For more on health consequences of drugs, click on

Did you know that in 2007, one in ten high school seniors reported the non-medical use of the prescription pain reliever Vicodin?

user icon katgreeneyes - Sequatchie County High School : did elvis preasly realy over dose and die

answer icon Nora Volkow : Yes, he died from an overdose of prescription drugs

user icon john - Big Sandy School : what is the youngest kid that has been on drugs?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : Unfortunately, babies can be born addicted to drugs as a result of their mom's drug use while pregnant, and will experience a withdrawl syndrome similar to drug abusers who are using by their own choice. We also rely on people responding to questionnaires to tell us about their drug experiences, and some wonder whether a really young person is able to answer the question with a full understanding of what it means. There are three big National surveys that look at drug using behaviors: Monitoring the Future (MTF), the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS). MTF surveys kids in schools and the lowest grade is 8th grade- 19% of 8th graders reported using an illicit drug at least once in their lifetime. So clearly some of them are starting earlier than 8th grade. The NSDUH reported that about 10% of 12 year olds had used an illicit drug at some point in their lifetime. What we do know for sure is that the teen brain is a work in progress, undergoing dramatic changes during adolescence and into adulthood, and the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse.

user icon s.howard.wharto - McCullough Middle School : How many brain cells do you have?

answer icon David Shurtleff : That is a good question! There are several brain cells including neurons and glia. It is estimated that there are 100 billion neurons in the brain and 10-50 times more glia. That is a lot considering that the brain only weighs about 3lbs.!!!!

user icon felicia - McCullough Middle School : how bad does marijuana affect your brain?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question! Marijuana has direct affects on brain systems. It interacts with some of the receptor systems in the brain and causes a release of the brain chemical called dopamine. Continued use can result in slowed thinking, impaired balance and coordination, decreased memory and difficulties in learning, anxiety, and it can result in addiction.

The amount of negative effects on the brain depends on how much marijuana one uses, how early one starts, and individual vulnerabilities one might have to the negative effects of this drug. For young people it is always more harmful to use any drug not prescribed by their doctor because their brains are still developing.

Thanks for this message.

user icon cody salisbury - Cherokee Middle School : do people ever die instantly from drugs?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Yes. Some drugs in some people can cause instant death. Just one more reason that doing drugs is a totally bad idea, wouldn't ya say?

user icon s.kimberly.kell - McCullough Middle School : WHen you drink does your brain really turn into mush???

answer icon Nora Volkow : Depends on the dose. Very high doses can damage the brain. Small doses have not been showed to be damaging.

user icon yhskristine - Yonkers High School : do you think smoking should be banned from tv?

answer icon Frank Vocci : It's already banned from TV. Smoking does occur in movies and, of course, movies are shown on TV after they've had their run on Netflix. To see why it's so dangerous, learn more about cigarette smoking at

user icon awright - Bedford County Schools : Can drugs affect your brain

answer icon Nora Volkow : Yes, drugs act by affecting how the brain works. All activate pelasure centers, but they also affect areas involved with memory and learning, mood, sleep and a variety of other functions.

user icon RHS Rider Room - Roosevelt High School : Why are some people affected by using drugs and some are not?

answer icon Nora Volkow : It is beleived that your genes determine whether you are more or less sensitive to the effects of drugs.

user icon rockville - Rockville High School : how do drugs affect brain functions in teens?

answer icon James Bjork : Drugs not only affect mood and behavior in teens like they do in adults, there is a special ADDED risk when using drugs as a teen. This is because YOUR BRAIN IS STILL IN THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPING and finishing off how it connects with itself- it is like riding a bike over the sidewalk while the cement is still wet-- you're left with a rut that can endure! Adolescent rats exposed to drugs show lifelong altered responsiveness to drugs of abuse in laboratory behavior tests! For more comprehensive information on the brain and addiction, see

user icon ham223 - River Hill High School : how long do drugs in general stay in your system?and can they have long term affects if if used once?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Hi! How long a particular drug stays in your system depends on the drug itself. Drugs of abuse are excreted from the body over time. Use of drugs can definitely lead to long-term changes in the brain and body and can lead to addiction and other adverse consequences and problems. For more information on the long-term effects of drugs, clilck on

user icon ehsknights - Episcopal High School : On average, how many bottles of beer does it take to make someone fully drunk?

answer icon James Bjork : It depends on how much exposure or history a person has with drinking, and how much lean body (muscle mass) they have. Someone new to drink, and who is smaller, may only need 2-3 to start feeling tipsy. A larger person who drinks regularly might need 5-6, and a full-blown alcoholic may need many more servings than that due to having developed physiological tolerance to alcohol. For an average sized person, 4-5 beers in one hour can bring one to the legal intoxication threshold for drunk driving.

user icon mendell - Rockville High School : What is the most popular drug among teenagers?

answer icon Marsha Lopez : That is a great question, and probably somewhat dependent upon the teenagers themselves (where they live, what is available, age, etc.). In the US, overall, the most widely used drug is alcohol - yes alcohol is a drug! According to the Monitoring the Future study (MTF), about a third of 8th graders, more than half of 10th graders, and about two thirds of high school seniors reported drinking in the year prior to the study. Next would be cigarettes- 7% of 8th graders, 14% of 10th graders, and 22% of high school seniors were current cigarette smokers at the time of the survey. I am happy to say that cigarette smoking has been decreasing over the years, especially among young people. But I will bet you really want to know about illicit drug, and in that case Marijuana is the most prevalent drug of abuse among teenagers- about 10% of 8th graders, 25% of 10th graders, and 30% of high school seniors used marijuana in the past year. A pretty alarming finding from the MTF study is that the next most prevalent drug among high school seniors is illegal prescription drug abuse, such as prescription pain killers that are used medically to treat severe chronic pain. You can learn more at

moderator icon Frequently Asked Questions about Drug Abuse and Prevention: To find a substance abuse treatment facility locator, call 1-800-662-HELP or go to anytime, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.

user icon PJ - River Hill High School : How are stress and drug abuse connected?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Drugs can temporarily relieve stress. However with repeated use, your body will activate the stress response when you are not taking them. So while initially decreasing stress, with repeated use they tend to increase it.

user icon Shawna - Lewis-Palmer High School : If you are drunk at a party, and you get drunk and fall asleep, is it possible for someone to force you to have sex with them?

answer icon James Bjork : Absolutely, because you could be in a sleep that would be very difficult to wake up from. This is NOT a situation you want to be in!!!

user icon Bre315 - Lewis-Palmer High School : if i ask a stupid question will you answer it???

answer icon Gaya Dowling : There are no stupid questions. Fire away!

user icon ehsknights - Episcopal High School : How much alcohol is needed to become addicted?

answer icon James Bjork : There is no one set answer, as it depends on the person. Young people, especially boys with alcoholic biological fathers may need much less exposure in drinking sessions to get hooked.

user icon Brandon Calhoon - Lewis-Palmer High School : What are the affects on the brain from LSD?

answer icon Joe Frascella : In some people, LSD can lead to altered states of perception, as well as increase body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Some of these effects can cause death in certain people, but even if they don't kill you, using acid is harmful. LSD can also change your perception which can lead you to do this that can be dangerous, harmful, or even fatal.

Thanks for the question.

user icon Tifffaaanybaby - Denbigh High School : Does drugs make you lose weight?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Hi Denbigh High! Yep, some drugs are or contain stimulants, which when taken can lead to weight loss and appetite suppression. However stimulants can be addictive. Consult for more information on stimulants!

user icon Quinten - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : I have heard that a beer a day is good for your kidneys. And i also hear that beer isn't good for you... If you drink a beer a day would you still have a chance of being addicted to it?

answer icon Frank Vocci : alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes an increase in urine volume. I don't think a beer a day will hurt anyone unless you have a history of pancreatic cancer in your family. And a beer a day would likely not make anyone addicted. We think 15 beers or more a week for men is when risky drinking starts and more han 29 beers or drinks a week is heavy drinking, possibly leading to addiction. see for more info on alcohol.

user icon cogan1 - Lewis-Palmer High School : Do drugs make happiness because im really depressed?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : You are not alone in being depressed. Lots of teens and lots of adults feel as badly as you do. And while it may seem like doing recreational drugs will make you feel better, the truth is, you need to see a doctor to find out if a prescription drug (one that is right for you) is what you need, or maybe you just need to talk with a professional. But I promise you, if start taking drugs to feel better you will DEFINITELY feel worse in the long run. Go talk to an adult you trust and tell them you need help...and then get help. You can do it, and it will get better.

user icon cogan1 - Lewis-Palmer High School : Why do drugs make you so happy and nice?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Good question! Short term use of drugs of abuse cause an increase in the brain of a chemical called dopamine. The sudden release of dopamine results in the high or rush that one feels in response to taking drugs. When used chronically, we know that these "good feelings" subside, and the risk of addiction becomes greater. The amount of dopamine in the brain also decreases so the person begins to feel bad. That said, not all drugs result in the positive feelings you describe. Some people can experience negative feelings, depending on the person and the drugs abused.

Thanks for this question.

user icon dj - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : what is the chances of getting alochol posion from drinking alochol

answer icon James Bjork : It's not really possibly to give definite odds. It depends on how familiar your body is with alcohol (i.e. how physiologically tolerant it is to large quantities experienced in the past). A person is at greatest risk if they have never consumed much alcohol and suddenly drink MANY MANY drinks in a very short period of time.

user icon Thomas - Denbigh High School : Is it hard to stop smokin?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, but millions of people have done it. Using medications like Welbutrin and Chantix can double your chances of quitting. to find out more, go to

user icon jelissamitcell - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : how does alcohol affect your brain???

answer icon James Bjork : Alcohol acts as a stimulant and a depressant, depending on quantity, and whether the body is in the process of absorbing the alcohol, or whether it is in the process of metabolizing the alcohol and getting rid of it. Alcohol reduces inhibitions and behavior control, and can cause us to not perceive or respond to social interactions appropriately, and of course affects the brain's motor coordination centers. Finally, over time with frequent heavy use, alcohol increases the rate at which the brain shrinks with age.


answer icon Nora Volkow : You should seek help--stopping an addiction can be done, but its hard, and you shouldn't do it alone. Speak with your parent about this if you can, or another trusted adult, such as a school counselor. There are also some resources that are anonymous - for example, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK. They don't just talk about suicide; they can help with a lot of issues including drug abuse, and can connect you with a professional close by. There is also a website with information about treatment programs:, which lists them by location. Treatment can work and can change your life, so please be persistent and get help.

user icon jspecialblend - Lewis-Palmer High School : how do you get a license for medical marijuana?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : You don't. First, your teen. Second, I'm guessing your not sick or a doctor. Third, it's illegal...medical or not.

user icon Shmaery - Seminole Middle School : How can drugs affect pregnancy?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hi - thanks for your question. Drug use affects both the mom and her baby. Babies of mothers who use drugs can be born early (prematurely) or at low birth weight. Exposure to some drugs, like opiates (heroin, oxycontin, vicodin, morphine) can lead to neonatal abstinence syndrome - which means babies can be born addicted, and then experience withdrawal from the drugs. Moms who use drugs may not be taking as good care of themselves during pregnancy as they should - like not going to their doctor, or taking prenatal vitamins, or eating a good diet that can keep themselves and their babies healthy. All of these things can affect the pregnancy.

We've got a bunch of studies that look at the long term effects of exposure to drugs during pregnancy. The good news is that a lot of these kids are ok, but sometimes there are subtle developmental effects on behavior, attention, and thinking - effects that may only show up as the baby grows older. Alcohol and tobacco can cause developmental problems too: fetal alcohol syndrome can really affect kids and cause serious birth defects. Here's a link with more information on all the effects of alcohol use during pregnancy:

We recommend that moms not use alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other drugs during pregnancy and tell their doctors if they do so. If moms are having trouble not using, they can ask their doctors for help.

user icon ehsknights - Episcopal High School : Does marijuauna slow reflexes? Affect the brain?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Great question! Marijuana has direct affects on brain systems. It interacts with some of the receptor systems in the brain and causes a release of the brain chemical called dopamine. Continued use can result in slowed thinking, impaired balance and coordination, decreased memory and difficulties in learning, anxiety, and it can result in addiction.

The amount of negative effects on the brain depends on how much marijuana one uses, how early one starts, and individual vulnerabilities one might have to the negative effects of this drug. For young people it is always more harmful to use any drug not prescribed by their doctor because their brains are still developing.

Thanks for this message.

user icon T.O.P - South County Secondary School : When people pregnant use drugs, do they affect the genes of the baby?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : That's a great question! We're looking into that question right now. Studies are looking at the effects of environmental factors on genes, and how what we call the "expression" of the gene is affected. That is, we are looking at the gene "turning on" and "turning off". We want to learn how drugs turn genes on or off, but we need more info on that. What we do know is, even if drugs do not change the baby's DNA sequence, drugs could affect how the baby's genes work as it grows and develops.

We also know that your genes can affect how you respond to drugs, and may make you more likely to become addicted if you start using drugs. So genes and drugs definitely interact, and our scientists are working hard to understand how.

user icon ms.Medlin;; - Big Sandy School : Where can people go for help with drugs besides rehab?

answer icon Redonna Chandler : There are lots of places people can get help with drug problems. Kids can often find help at school, the family doctor, within the community, and self-help programs (AA and NA for adolescents). For adults, anonymous help may be offered at their job. The fact is drug treatment can take many forms. Often people benefit from outpatient treatment where they participate in individual or group counseling a few times a week. You can find more information regarding treatment options at 1-800-662-HELP or at

user icon =] - Sanborn Regional High School : Can using drugs or dinking alcohol daily change your atitude/ personality?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Yes, it depends on the drug and your own personality. Repeated use of some drugs produces depression and anxiety. In some people this can lead to irritability and intolerance for others. Some drugs can produce paranoia that can make people aggressive. Other drugs decrease innhibitions which can make people behave in ways that would embarass them.

user icon somethingsimple - River Hill High School : What chemicals in drugs make people act wild when they are high?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Hi River Hill High School! Drugs are chemicals...some natural and some synthetic. These chemicals in drugs affect natural brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters, in our brains. Neurotransmitters are the brain's chemical messengers and they transmit messages between neurons. Drugs work by tapping in and 'high-jacking' the brain's communication system and interfering with the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. So, the erratic behavior you are seeing may be the result of brain cell 'high-jacking' by drugs! Click on for more information!

user icon Tania.castano - Denbigh High School : que se gana unos con las drogas!

answer icon Nora Volkow : no gans nada y pierdes much

user icon nkelley - Bedford County Schools : How does people get addicted to drugs?????

answer icon Nora Volkow : People get addicted by using drugs repeatedly, which changes their brain in such a way that they now need the drug just as you need water when thirsty or food when hungry.

user icon vacummallday - Lewis-Palmer High School : can you still get fertilized while on drugs?

answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hey there - yep, you can get pregnant while on drugs. If you do get pregnant tell your doctor if you are using drugs - alcohol and tobacco too. All of these can effect the developing baby!

moderator icon When an inhaled substance takes the place of oxygen in the lungs and central nervous system, an inhalant user can die quickly of:

  1. anemia
  2. suffocation or heart failure (correct)
  3. cancer
  4. thyroid disease

user icon Kialoves7 - Denbigh High School : what are the long- and short-term effects of Percoset?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Percoset is an opiate, a class of drugs that dull pain, slow breathing, cause nausea, vomtiing, and constipation. Long-term use can cause addiction in some people. People who become physically dependent on Percoset and try to stop could lead to a withdrawal syndrome. Prescription medications, when properly used, are of invaluable help in the treatment of serious medical conditions, including pain, but their use becomes dangerous and illegal when not under the supervision of a physician--even if they are taken for their intended purposest. Their abuse to get high is dangerous and illegal. For more effects, see

To find a wealth of research and facts on the science of addiction and treatment, please go to:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
By clicking on the link Students and Young Adults from NIDAs home page you will be able to access resources tailored for students and young adults , whether you are in middle school and doing research on the effects of marijuana use, or high school student looking to find out about drug use and HIV.

If you need help, you will also find a link there to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at or 1-800-662-HELP, where you can find private and confidential help 24/7.

You will also find facts, trends, statistics, graphics and reports on specific drugs on NIDAs Web sites:

user icon obiandnatalie30 - River Hill High School : Who was the first person to get cancer from marijuana?

answer icon Frank Vocci : I don't know.

user icon sammmiiieeeeee4 - South County Secondary School : does drug intake have any affect on your acne and skin?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Steroids definitely can cause acne. As for other drugs, if you become addicted-drugs become the most important thing in your life and that said, your skin probably doesn't get the attention it needs.

user icon Little Puppet - Denbigh High School : why is meth so bad?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Because it is very addictive, and it also has adverse effects in your body, particularly your heart and lungs.

moderator icon Marijuana and mental illness: Marijuana use has been associated with a number of mental conditions, including schizophrenia (psychosis), depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation or attempts. Currently, the strongest evidence is for the link between marijuana and psychosis. Marijuana intoxication can, though rarely, produce a reversible psychosis, and it may be a causal agent in development of schizophrenia, or schizophreniform disorders in vulnerable individuals. Data on causality are weak, although many studies have found an association present in certain groups: young users, frequent users, those with cannabis dependence, etc. Marijuana may be a means of self-medicating an existing or sub-clinical illness; it may be a marker of other problems (abuse, trauma); it may contribute to the development or worsening of the mental illness; or it may reflect combinations of the above.

user icon awright - Bedford County Schools : Can a woman get addicted more faster to a drug than a man?

answer icon Nora Volkow : It depends on the genetics of the person. Some people inherit genes that make them more vulenrable to addiction than others. We are studying whether women overall are more sensitive to addiciotn than men,but the results are not conclusive.

user icon aztecboi22 - Irving Academy : Are cigars good to smoke because you don't inhale the smoke ??

answer icon Frank Vocci : Not really. Cigars can cause cancer of the lips and mouth, even if you don't inhale. See for more info.

user icon d.smith - McCullough Middle School : when were drugs invented

answer icon Nora Volkow : We know of drugs since we have recorded information on civilization.

user icon Bre315 - Lewis-Palmer High School : how can drinknig lead to unprotected sex when it lowers the horimones that get you started?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Drinking causes poor decision making and loss of inhibitions. So it leads to unprotected sex because, like all bad choices, you're more likely to do it when you're not thinking clearly.

user icon shanjayallie - River Hill High School : What has a worse effect on your health, marijuana or tobacco?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : Both substances when smoked can have serious impact on your airways, lungs and many organs in the whole body since the smoke gets into your blood stream and goes everywhere in your system. Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? Did you know tobacco smoke causes cancer of the mouth, esophagus, larynx, blood, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix? Did you know NIDA research indicates that in 2006, more than 10 percent of high school seniors admitted to driving under the influence of marijuana in the two weeks prior to the survey? Drugs can alter perception, cognition, attention, balance, coordination and other faculties needed for safe driving. Did you know that in 2006, over 289,000 people entering drug treatment programs reported marijuana as their primary drug of abuse? So the answer is both drugs pose serious problems...

user icon ehsknights - Episcopal High School : What damage from alcohol is permanent?

answer icon James Bjork : Exposure to alcohol in the womb, especially in the last trimester, can have devastating lifelong consequences for a child. Our brains develop in the womn and across childhood. Alcohol disrupts how neurons grow and connect with each other, which can result in permanent reductions to a child's intelligence and behavior control.

In adulthood, this damage from drinking would be many forms of brain shrinkage that only partially gets better with quitting. Adults' brains shrink a little as they age, and chronic alcoholism increases the rate at which this happens. The result is less useful gray matter and more fluid that just fluid takes up space inside the skull. For the person, this means more problems with memory and physical coordination.

user icon k.renee.14 - River Hill High School : is salvia bad for you?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Hi River Hill! Salvia is Salvia divinorum, a psychoactive herb which can promote strong feelings of invincibility in people who use it...kind of like PCP and ketamine. Salvia has toxic effects on brain cells and taking salvia use can cause light-headedness, difficulty concentrating, mood swings and erratic behavior ---- not good!

user icon CODY - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : IS DRINKING BEER BETTER THAN SMOKING POT

answer icon James Bjork : No! Remember, to the brain, beer, wine, and hard liquor all have the same ethyl alcohol molecule that does its thing to the brain. Beer is no safer than Jack Daniels. Many alcoholics who drink beer are under the illusion that they don't have a problem because it;s only beer they are drinking. Laboratory studies in rodents and monkeys show that it is a bit easier to get an animal hooked on giving itself alcohol than to marijuana.

Bottom line- trying both drugs holds a risk of getting hooked on them.

user icon TALK TOME PLEes - South County Secondary School : Does your brain really wither away if use of drugs is constantly?

answer icon Joe Frascella : No, the brain doesn't typically wither away with chronic drug use, but, in fact, some drugs do affect the structure and functioning of the brain. That is, some drugs can kill brain cells and as well as altering the way other brain cells function. The more one uses drugs, the more likely one is to become addicted. Drug addiction can cause many changes to both the brain and body that have negative consequences.

Thanks for this question.

user icon sparky101 - Rockville High School : how can i tell if aomeone is usin drugs?

answer icon Nora Volkow : It is not always easy but there are signs that could alert you: changes in personality, lack of interest in school, changes in weight, sloppiness in clothes, borrowing money constantly, lying frequently, sleepiness during the day, irritability, funny odors on their clothes (marijuana or inhalants).

user icon 904373 - Rockville High School : is it true that if girls take steroids they grow penis'?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : No. But, in the female body, anabolic steroids abuse can cause masculinization. This means that females may experience decreases in body fat, coarsening of the skin, and deepening of the voice. Women may also experience excessive growth of body hair (chest, chin, back, etc.) and lose the hair on their head.

user icon laura.duenas - Irving Academy : Is taking pills bad for you if they are someone else's pills?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Great question. Sometimes kids share each other's prescribed medications, which could be a disaster. Medicines prescribed by a doctor for a medical condition are based on the doctor's judgment that the medicine will cause more good than harm FOR THAT PERSON! For example, your friend may not have high blood pressure but you do. If you take one of your friend's pills, your blood pressure could rise to very unsafe levels, causing a stroke. To learn more, see our illustrated booklet at

user icon devon - Denbigh High School : how come people foreget things after smoking weed?

answer icon Nora Volkow : Because marijuana directly activates the memory centers of your brain inhibiting your ability to remember.

user icon yesitsmichaela! - Denbigh High School : can drugs make you sucidal?

answer icon David Shurtleff : Hi Denbigh! Yep, taking some drugs of abuse can lead to depression-like effects that could lead to suicidal thinking. Also, taking drugs while depressed could also increase suicidal ideation. You should click on for more information.

user icon ehsknights - Episcopal High School : What is worse: drugs or alcohol?

answer icon James Bjork : Alcohol IS a drug. It;s just a legal one whose molecule is small and simple. Both street drugs like methamphetamine or cocaine and alcohol affect the brain, and alter the circuitry in the brain that processes how we make decisions, and have potential for addiction. Doing either alcohol or street drugs can get you hooked.

user icon spongebob - Irving Academy : whats the difference from crack and cocaine?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Powder cocaine and crack cocaine are simply two different chemical forms of cocaine. Powder (also called hydrochloride) cocaine dissolves in water and, when abused, can be administered by intravenous (by vein) injection or by snorting (through the nose). Crack cocaine is the street name given to a form of cocaine that has been created by dissolving powder cocaine in water, mixing it with baking soda, and heating it to form a hard but volatile (i.e., smokable) mass. The name "crack" comes from the crackling sound that this form makes when it's smoked.

user icon imacoolkid123 - South County Secondary School : why is it hard for people to quit somking or drugs

answer icon Redonna Chandler : Drugs have a powerful effect on the brain. Initially, all drugs of abuse, either directly or indirectly, increase the activity of the chemical dopamine in the brain's reward centers, which is what makes people feel good. However, with continued drug use and excessive activation of dopamine neurons, the brain starts to adapt to the good feeling, so more drug is needed to achieve it. This causes people to become dependent on the drug, to feel bad when it is not in their system, and to seek and take the drug compulsively--without even thinking about it. People also have trouble quitting drugs because the changes associated with drugs change a person's ability to make good decisions, such as judging what's important, what's healthy, and what's dangerous. The compulsive seeking and using of drugs even in the face of potentially devastating consequences is the essence of addiction.

user icon alan123 - South County Secondary School : drug facts i have a question for you how many brain cells for drugs kill?

answer icon Joe Frascella : Drugs can affect the structure and functioning of the brain and some drugs can kill brain cells and as well as altering the way other brain cells function. The more one uses drugs, the more likely one is to become addicted. Drug addiction can cause many changes to both the brain and body that have negative consequences.

Thanks for this question.

user icon Westglades Midd - Westglades Middle School : Mary: When is the most dangerous time to drink alcohol or take drugs if you are pregnant? Also, why is alcohol (within limits) consumed safely by humans when methanol, from the same chemical family is extremely poisonous?

answer icon James Bjork : This is still unclear. There are currently NO "safe" guidelines or limits for prenatal alcohol exposure! Bad idea. Period. That said, laboratory rat studies show that rat pups have the most brain and behavior abnormalities when mom rat is given alcohol in the THIRD trimester.

Methanol is a smaller molecule than ethanol (about half the size), and in even low amounts destroys the optic nerve between the eyeballs and the occipital lobe in the back of the brain that processes vision and makes sense of images.

user icon ozlin-o6 - Denbigh High School : can you get hooked on drugs over the conter and why if yes?

answer icon Nora Volkow : It depends on the drug and how its used Cough suppressants are over the counter drugs that can produce addiction when used at higher doses than those recommended for their medical intent. This is because, like other drugs, it can activate the pleasure centers in the brain.

user icon chris rivereri - Lewis-Palmer High School : What is the best way to quit smoking cigarettes?

answer icon Frank Vocci : Going to a doctor and getting a smoking cessation medication will double your chances of quitting. Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? For lots more useful info, please see:

user icon jonatangaleano - Rockville High School : smoking ususally leads to lung cancer, shortened breath, and other nasty side effects... what i mean to ask is what are the side effects of smoking directly to the brain....???

answer icon David Shurtleff : Hi Rockville High...Good Question! The major psychoactive drug in tobacco is nicotine and it acts on "nicotine" receptors in the brain. Through this action, nicotine, like most drugs of abuse "fools" receptors and allows the drugs to lock onto and activate the nerve cells. Although these drugs mimic brain chemicals, they don't activate nerve cells in the same way as a natural neurotransmitter, and they lead to abnormal messages being transmitted through the network. In short, drugs affect the way that the brain can receive and interpret messages from within the body and from within our environment. Click on for more information!!

user icon meghan - South County Secondary School : i have no friends. is weed a good alternative?

answer icon Elisabeth Davis : No, weed isn't a good alternative. It's not even a good idea when you have friends.

moderator icon Check out what teens in Harlem are asking about drugs - it's a video on our Teen Web site at

user icon x12Tyler12x - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : How long do you stay drunk when you drink

answer icon James Bjork : In a heathy, non-alcoholic person, the body clears away the equivalent of about one drink an hour. Also, the body and brain get "acute tolerance" to the alcohol within a single drinking session, where it adapts to the chemical assault to maintain its normal function as best it can, and this reduces the effective duration of drunkenness. In other words, if your breathylizer reads .06 while you're consuming drinks and getting more intoxicated, you will likely not feel as drunk when your BAC is .06 on the way back down.

user icon s.shaheem.davis - McCullough Middle School : Are cigaretts considered drugs?

answer icon Jan Lipkin : "Yup...they are addictive and illegal for anyone under 18. Did you know that tobacco is linked to an estimated 440,000 deaths per year? Did you know tobacco smoke causes cancer of the mouth, esophagus, larynx, blood, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix? Tobacco products have all kinds of chemical compounds in them including nicotine which makes them very addictive. For more info

  • Tobacco Addiction [Revised 2006]

  • user icon yesitsmichaela! - Denbigh High School : how do drugs affect your mental health?

    answer icon Nora Volkow : Depends on the drug, your age, and your genes. Smoking cigarrettes in young adolescent increases their risk of anxiety and use of marijuana in sensitive individuals can result in psychosis. Repeated use of cocaine or methamphetamine can also produce paranoia. Steroids can produce depression and increase the risk of suicide. Alcohol can facilitate aggressive behaviors in some poeple, All drugs of abuse can produce addiction.

    user icon martina - Centerpoint High School : What is the most common drug used in the U.S?

    answer icon Marsha Lopez : That is a great question, and probably somewhat dependent upon the teenagers themselves (where they live, what is available, age, etc.). In the US, overall, the most widely used drug among teenagers is alcohol - yes alcohol is a drug! According to the Monitoring the Future study (MTF), about a third of 8th graders, more than half of 10th graders, and about two thirds of high school seniors reported drinking in the year prior to the study. Next would be cigarettes- 7% of 8th graders, 14% of 10th graders, and 22% of high school seniors were current cigarette smokers at the time of the survey. I am happy to say that cigarette smoking has been decreasing over the years, especially among young people. But I will bet you really want to know about illicit drug, and in that case Marijuana is the most prevalent drug of abuse among teenagers- about 10% of 8th graders, 25% of 10th graders, and 30% of high school seniors used marijuana in the past year. A pretty alarming finding from the MTF study is that the next most prevalent drug among high school seniors is illegal prescription drug abuse, such as prescription pain killers that are used medically to treat severe chronic pain. You can learn more at

    user icon ozlin-o6 - Denbigh High School : Can people see things that are not there when they are high??

    answer icon David Shurtleff : Hi Denbigh..You bet! There are many drugs that can cause hallucinations. For example, LSD can induce experience delusions and visual hallucinations. These experiences can be extremely frightening and lead to pschotic-like behavior....Not good! Want more information on LSD and other hallucinogens? Click on

    user icon TJH - Irving Academy : If your mom/dad smoke a lot and drink beer a lot and they have kids will the kids be affected with drugs.

    answer icon Nicolette Borek : Hi there and thanks for your question. We have lots of studies that are looking at how exposure to alcohol and tobacco or other drugs during pregnancy can affect a kid's development. These studies have found that there are some subtle effects on behavior, attention, and thinking for some kids. One study found that kids who were exposed to tobacco smoke when their moms were pregnant were more likely to smoke and be dependent on cigarettes when they were teenagers. Also, kids whose mom or dad or other family members drink or smoke a lot may may have a tendency to want to smoke and drink a lot too. We don't recommend that kids ever drink or smoke, but for kids who were exposed to alcohol or drugs during pregnancy, or had lots of smoking and/or drinking in their family, it is especially important to stay away!

    user icon 12000651878 - River Hill High School : Are there drug problems in other countries or is America the place that uses the most drugs?

    answer icon Marsha Lopez : Hi, great question! Drug abuse is a worldwide problem in both developed and developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, there are 76.3 million persons with alcohol use disorders worldwide, and at least 15.3 million persons who have drug use disorders. Injecting drug use has been reported in 136 countries, of which 93 report HIV infection among this population. Here is some more information to learn how the rest of the world is being affected by drug use:

    user icon alan123 - South County Secondary School : my friend is addicted to smoking and drinking how do i stop them?

    answer icon Redonna Chandler : The first thing you can do is listen to what he or she has to say about their drug use and about why they are using. It is always a good idea to encourage your friend to confide and seek advice from a trusted adult. If they don't realize the negative health effects drugs have on their body, brain and life, there is a lot of information you can share that can be found on NIDA's website ( If they are already aware of the negative consequences drugs have on their health, school, family, etc., they may be prepared to make a change and seek treatment. You can help them find a doctor, therapist, support group or treatment program by visiting the website, or calling 1-800-662-HELP. If your friend is not ready yet to get help, don't give up. Keep reaching out, and hopefully some day soon they'll be ready. Helping them go through the process of starting treatment, keeping in touch while they are in treatment, and supporting and encouraging them while in recovery are the best things you can do for your friend struggling with addiction.

    user icon esg - Irving Academy : how does drugs affect your mind

    answer icon Joe Frascella : Good question. All drugs affect the brain, and therefore can affect the way you think and feel. One part of the brain affected by drugs is the "reward system" where a brain chemical called dopamine is released. Sudden surges of dopamine in the brain is what causes the feelings of rush and high that can then lead individuals to continued use, abuse, and then addiction. But if you continue to use the drugs, the amount of dopamine in the brain decreases so you end up feeling bad from using the drugs. You list different classes of drugs, and the specifics of each can be found at:

    Thanks for this question.

    user icon Yamarusta - South County Secondary School : when does the brain stop devoloping???

    answer icon David Shurtleff : Hi South County Secondary! Great question! The brain is not fully developed until about age 25. I'll bet that is longer than you thought!

    user icon s.lottie.wise - McCullough Middle School : how long does it take to make you addicted to a drug?

    answer icon Nora Volkow : Depends on the drug, your genes and your age. The younger you start the less time it takes. Some drugs like metamphetamine produce addiction faster than others. It also depends on the doses used and routes of administration. Forr example when a person smokes or injects cocaine, they are more likely to become addicted than if they snort it.

    user icon caroline - South County Secondary School : if you took out the nicotine in tobacco, would a cigarette still have the same effect on your body? would it still be a cigarette?

    answer icon Frank Vocci : Actually yes, A recent study found that de-ninicotinized cigarettes (containing a very low amount of nicotine) still saturate nearly all the brain's nicotine receptors, so they still produce an effect that can make them addictive. And by the way, "light" cigarettes aren't really light. You still get a lot of nicotine and cancer-causing chemicals in your system. To find out more, visit our website:

    user icon challenge - Challenge Charter High School : What are the effects of alcohol abuse?

    answer icon James Bjork : High dose alcohol (high blood and brain concentration from binge drinking) can damage the brain in two main ways. In the developing fetus, it disrupts how the brain wiring develops, resulting in retardation and behavioral problems in adolescence and adulthood. This is tragic. Also, even in adolescence, the brain is still developing, especially its frontal lobes, which are centers of thought, decision making, and behavio control. So doing alcohol (or other street drugs) that mess with neurons can cause lasting problems even when consumed as a teenager. In adulthood, chronic high-dose alcohol increases the rate at which our brain normally shrinks over time, and this is associated with problems in memory and thinking.

    user icon s.dakota.mitche - McCullough Middle School : Hav you ever tried any of the drugs you study?

    answer icon Nora Volkow : I have tried nicotine and alcohol

    user icon mat3x - Bair Middle school : how could tobacco kill people

    answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Whether someone smokes, chews, or sniffs tobacco, he or she is delivering nicotine to the brain and increasing their chances of becoming addicted. Once addicted, it is very difficult to quit and so repeated use means that there is a lot more exposure to all of those cancer causing chemicals in tobacco-so that's how tobacco kills people.

    user icon RHHS - River Hill High School : can you get high from bread mold?

    answer icon Jan Lipkin : Well...we haven't had that question today....but we're all pretty sure the answer is no.

    user icon mdaugherty - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : Does the brain and human emotions suffer irreversible effects from drug use? Abuse only? What's the research say?

    answer icon Joe Frascella : Great questions! All drugs of abuse have their effects in the brain, and these effects can certainly effect ones emotions and emotional states. Research is showing how chronic drug use does change the brain structure and ability to function properly. We are starting to see results from research that these changes in the brain can be reversible, depending on a number of factors. For more information and some current research findings, please visit our web site at:

    user icon juicyjuice34 - Rockville High School : Have you done drugs

    answer icon James Bjork : I tried a pot bong once when I was 16. I thought it tasted bad, and made me feel nauseus. That ended that.

    moderator icon The word hallucinate comes from the Latin words meaning:

    1. to wander in the mind (correct)
    2. to slip
    3. to slow
    4. to disrupt

    user icon looprednav - Lewis-Palmer High School : is smoking through a pipe more dangerous than snorting the drugs?

    answer icon Frank Vocci : Yes, smoking through a pipe produces a faster high than and intravenous injection. The lungs have a very large surface area and can absorb a lot of drugs. We know that crack cocaine users become addicted more quickly than people who snort cocaine. Did you know that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely he or she will progress to more serious drug abuse? For more on the brain and addiction, see

    user icon Frog_Princess - River Hill High School : If my sister is cranky all the time and is subject to frequent moodswings, is often violent, and participates in strange behavior, would it be possible that she is taking drugs? If so, which ones?

    answer icon Nora Volkow : It coudl be possible but it could also be possible that she has a psychological problem. This sounds like it deserves a proper medical evaluation to make sure that she receives the proper treamtent--whether it is for taking drugs or from the psychological problem, or both.

    user icon heroinhero(j.t) - Lewis-Palmer High School : is poking needles in your arm that other people used 4 heroin good 4 you?

    answer icon Elisabeth Davis : Definitely not. Doing heroin, with or without used needles is very bad for you. If you add using needles that someone else has used then you add in the risk of getting a disease such as Hep C and HIV.

    user icon somethingsimple - River Hill High School : is it true that before 1914 cocaine was a legal medication for addicts?

    answer icon Nora Volkow : Yes, then they realized that people were geting addicted to cocaine and stopped using it for treament of other addictions and made it illegal

    user icon Britt & Shorty - McCreary Academy- Alternative Education : if you are once a drug addict, will you always be?

    answer icon Redonna Chandler : Absolutely not. Many people are able to quit using drugs on their own while others need treatment. We know that treatment works and teaches people the skills they need to stop using drugs, resist urges to use drugs, deal with stress, and get support for their recovery. For more information check out

    user icon forest gump - Centerpoint High School : wat happens wen crack and alcohol mixes

    answer icon James Bjork : Crack is a form of cocaine. When the cocaine and alcohol molecules mix, they create a chemical called cocaethylene, which has been shown to make the heart speed up. Cocaethylene also has been found to create lesions in the "white matter" tracks of the brain, which are the connectors between neurons. Bad idea to do either alone, really bad to do both at the same time!

    user icon chicken lover - Big Sandy School : why do some drugs effect others different

    answer icon David Shurtleff : Very good question! What you are referring to is termed individual differences. This just means that responses can be different from one person to the next. Individual differences in response to drugs depends on a lot of factors. A person's age is a factor. For example, teenagers are much more vulnerable to become addicted to drugs. A person's genes also play a role because your genetic make-up can make you either more or less susceptible to the addictive properties of drugs of abuse. This is area of on going research at NIDA. Scientists still do not completely understand individual differences in response to drugs of abuse, but we're still working on it! Feel free to check out NIDA's website for more information on addiction:

    user icon RockerGirl 101 - Sequatchie County High School : How does Cocaine effect teenagers?

    answer icon Nora Volkow : Cocaine is a stimulant that can make a person paranoid especially with repeated use, and it can produce addiction

    user icon Westglades Midd - Westglades Middle School : Robbie: What negative effects do energy drinks have on the heart? Does the FDA require the milligrams of caffeine to be posted on the label?

    answer icon Frank Vocci : Great question. Many kids are now drinking energy drinks, unaware of their potential negative effects. The high levels of caffeine in these drinks can cause an abnormal heartbeat called premature ventricular contractions. These are usually not a medical problem in young, healthy people, but can be troubling because the person perceives their heart is beating "funny" . And there's no current law or FDA regulation that makes energy drink manufacturers post the amounts of caffeine on the label.

    user icon Tay - Freeland High School : What do you think is the most commonly used drug, besides tobacco.

    answer icon Redonna Chandler : Besides tobacco, alcohol and then marijuana are the most commonly drugs abused by youth.

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    National Institutes of Health logo_Department of Health and Human Services Logo The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) , a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Questions? See our Contact Information. Last updated on Thursday, October 30, 2008. The U.S. government's official web portal