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News and Resources from House Republicans
“Big Pharma” and David Axelrod: $2 Million of Change You Can Believe In?

“Big Pharma” and David Axelrod: $2 Million of Change You Can Believe In?

Even as President Obama campaigned on a platform of change and transparency, recent dealings between the pharmaceutical industry and the...

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August 24, 2009
Recess Cap-and-Tax Update

The House Republican Conference has compiled new data that has become available since the House passed the national energy tax...

August 21, 2009
State Unemployment Numbers

Democrats promised Americans that their trillion dollar "stimulus" bill would create 3 to 4 million jobs, and get the nation’s...

August 20, 2009
The Orwellian Chart Barack Obama Doesn’t Want You to See

The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total...

August 06, 2009
Reading Guide - Democrat Health "Reform"

In order to assist Members, staff, and interested parties seeking to read and review the health "reform" legislation (H.R. 3200)...

June 30, 2009
June 30th Iraq Withdrawal Deadline: Background and Issues

BAckgroundIn November 2008, the United States and Iraq signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) which sets the legal parameters...

June 23, 2009
Democrat Health “Reform” by the Numbers - UPDATED

The Republican Conference has compiled a list of important numbers relevant to the House Democrats’ 1,018-page “America’s Affordable Health Choices...

June 22, 2009
House Democrat Draft Health “Reform” Legislation

BackgroundOn June 19, 2009, the Chairmen of the three House Committees with jurisdiction over health care legislation—Education and Labor Chairman...

June 18, 2009
Waxman-Markey Electricity Consumer Allocation Map

Based on the allowance allocation formula in H.R. 2454 for electricity consumers, the red states will not have enough allowances...

June 01, 2009
Obama's Fuzzy Stimulus Math

"In these last few months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has saved or created nearly 150,000 jobs." - President...

May 07, 2009
Keep Terrorists Out of America Act

On January 22, 2009, President Obama signed an executive order to close the Guantanamo Bay prison that holds hundreds of...

April 22, 2009
History Repeats Itself: President Obama’s Cap-and-tax Plan

SummaryBoth Presidents Clinton and Obama called for a sweeping national energy tax in their inaugural budget submissions.  In 1993, Clinton...

April 21, 2009
The Waxman-Markey Climate Legislation: Higher Energy Prices, Fewer Jobs, and More Government Intrusion

STATUSOn March 31, 2009, House Energy and Commerce Chairman Waxman (D-CA) and Energy and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Markey (D-MA) released...

April 03, 2009
Question and Answer: Medicare and the Republican Budget

"The real problem with our long-term deficit actually has to do with our entitlement obligations...The big problem is Medicare, which...

April 01, 2009
Fiscal Responsibility: Republicans on the Budget

House and Senate Press Conference on the Budget The House Republican Budget Alternative: Ryan Proposes "The Path To American Prosperity"House...

March 17, 2009
Republican Principles for Economic Recovery

PROTECTING JOBS AND LOWERING TAXESInstead of raising taxes on all Americans in the midst of a recession, Republicans seek to...

February 26, 2009
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget

President Obama's budget includes nearly $1 trillion in new health spending-a $634 billion reserve fund as a "down payment" for...

February 24, 2009
Coming Tomorrow: Omnibus Appropriations Act Of 2009

Get a preview of the Legislative Digest here:

February 10, 2009
Question and Answer: Government-rationed Health Care

In light of the inclusion of $1.1 billion in the Democrat "stimulus" legislation for the Agency for Healthcare Research and...