OMB Letterhead

March 5, 2008
Contact: OMB Communications, 202-395-7254

Democrats Reflect Tax and Spend Agenda in Congressional Budget

Washington, DC — As the House and Senate Budget Committees began consideration of their budget resolutions, OMB Director Jim Nussle expressed serious concerns about its direction.

“The Democrats’ Budgets include more of the same – tax hikes and higher spending. Their tax and spend agenda will not help our economy or the budget bottom line,” said Director Nussle. “We believe the federal budget should prevent tax increases on American families and restrain spending in order to balance the budget.”

On Monday, March 3, Director Nussle sent a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Budget Committees and Appropriations Committees. In that letter, he highlighted the President’s priorities of (1) spending taxpayer dollars wisely by addressing our most critical needs while holding overall discretionary spending in check; (2) reducing the unsustainable growth of mandatory spending; and (3) preventing tax increases on American workers and businesses.

In his letter, Director Nussle also reiterated the President’s veto threats on spending levels, earmarks and tax increases. Quotes from the letter follow.

Spending Levels:

  • “I want to reiterate that appropriations bills that exceed the President's reasonable and responsible spending levels will be met with a veto because every dime Congress spends beyond these limits will push the budget deficit higher.”


  • “As the President said in his State of the Union Address, he will veto any appropriations bill that does not reduce the number and cost of earmarks in half from its FY 2008 level.”

Tax Increases:

  • “Finally, the President made it clear in his State of the Union address that he will veto any attempt to increase taxes. Given the economic challenges our country faces, we need to keep taxes on families and job creators low, not increase the burden on those that fuel economic growth.”
