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Pence Calls Democrats’ Budget More Debt and Taxes

Pence Calls Democrats’ Budget More Debt and Taxes

"In just 100 days the new Administration and this Democratic majority have decided to greatly expand the mistakes of the past."

APRIL 29, 2009

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today in response to the passing of the conference report on the Democrat budget:

"I rise in opposition to the Budget Conference Report because it borrows too much, spends too much, and taxes too much and the American people know it. At a time when every American family is sitting down around kitchen tables, making sacrifices and making the hard choices necessary to get through these difficult days, here in Washington, D.C. we see a Democrat majority and a new Administration bring forward a budget that will double the national debt in five years and triple the national debt in ten years.  A $1.2 trillion deficit in 2010 and deficits of nearly $1 trillion a year every year for the next 10 years.

"The distinguished Majority Leader spoke of political courage on the floor just moments ago, but let me say there are no profiles in courage in this budget. The truth is, the Democratic majority and this Administration have brought to this floor the most fiscally irresponsible budget in American history. Congress should be doing what every American family is doing: cutting expenses, finding within themselves the faith and, yes, the courage to get through these times with sacrifice. Instead, here in Washington, D.C. it's more government, more spending, more debt and more taxes.

"In just 100 days the new Administration and this Democratic majority have decided to greatly expand the mistakes of the past. But we can do better. And I believe for the sake of our children and our grandchildren we must do better. Let's reject this conference report and start over with a budget that will lead to fiscal prosperity through fiscal responsibility."


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