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LANL: Education

Students and Educators: Undergraduate

What's New

Student helps improve life-saving air monitoring system

Air monitoring can save workers' lives by alerting them to the presence of harmful pollutants and directing them to vacate the area. Continuous air monitoring (CAM) systems constantly sample the air in radiological laboratories and other workspaces, such as the Lab's Plutonium Facility, for the presence of airborne radioactivity. read more

Current Undergraduate Internship Opportunities

Undergraduate internship positions are available in many academic disciplines. Projects and programs with currently identified internship positions include:

Feature Story

From Mid-School to College, Bernstein pursues scientific knowledge at LANL

Ian Bernstein's life has changed because of his participation in educational programs offered by the Laboratory. Eight years ago, Ian was accepted into the Epsilon program, a precursor to the Robotics program. After three years, his participation in the Robotics program changed from student participant to student mentor.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Provide documentation of acceptance into an undergraduate academic program,
  • Enroll in and successfully complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester in an accredited college or university degree program, and
  • Initially have and maintain a cumulative 2.8/4.0 GPA

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