Conference Blog

GOP Blog Archives for April 2009

April 01, 2009
Free Flow of Information Act Moves Ahead

House Republican Chairman Mike Pence took the floor yesterday to speak on the Free Flow of Information Act, which will protect reporters from having to reveal their sources. Here is an excerpt and see the video below:

April 02, 2009
Budget Debate Moves Forward Today

After Republicans revealed a detailed budget alternative plan yesterday, politicians debated past midnight in preperation for a votes today on opposing plans. While many moderate Democrats have been weary of President Obama "New Era of Responsibility," they have adopted similar, slightly less expensive legislation.

April 01, 2009
GOP Energy Group to Find Affordable Solutions

The House GOP American Energy Solutions Group was formed in order for Republicans to fashion efficient energy policies and lower prices for American families. As the Democrats attempt to pass controversial climate change legislation that will raise energy taxes on all Americans, Republicans are committed to offering an affordable alternative. House Republican Leader John Boehner chose House Republican Chairman Mike Pence as the group's chair.

April 01, 2009
Not All Records Were Made to Be Broken

*This post was originially published on Red County. It can be viewed here.

April 02, 2009
Shadegg Helps Kick Off Fox Nation

Rep. John Shadegg (AZ) has done a great job with new media and blogging during the 111th Congress. He is so on top of it that he already has a post on the newly unveiled "Fox Nation" -- a social networking and participant oriented website published by Fox News.

April 02, 2009
Judge Carter Makes the Call

Rep. John Carter (TX) let it be known that he is unhappy with the massive spending proposed in the Democrats' budget today in a YouTube video. He repeats the now familiar mantra of a budget that "spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much." It may sound ike a song you can't get out of your head, but it's the truth being ingrained in American minds. As the budget heats up today, House Republicans are standing strong for the American peoplel -- who deserve better than a debt that can't be repaid and will burden coming genrations. Here's Judge Carter:

April 03, 2009
GOP Will Reach All Communities

Republicans are often criticized for their lack of popularity among minority populations but the GOP has embarked on practices to increase their profile specifically among Latino voters in the next two weeks.

April 01, 2009
Words From the Bicameral Republican Press Conference

Good morning everyone.  We had a joint meeting of the House and Senate Conference to talk about the moment that we find ourselves in.  The budget that we have before the Congress spends too much, it taxes too much and it borrows too much from our kids and grandkids.  Short term this will hurt our economy and hurt jobs.  In the long term, the consequences of this budget will be more grave for our children and grandchildren tripling us into unsustainable debt that will be on their backs.  And I think it is unconscionable for us to deal with the challenges we’re dealing with by doing nothing more than mortgaging the future of our kids and our grandkids.
You know, the Greatest Generation is called the Greatest Generation because it met the challenge that America faced.  It was willing to make the sacrifices for our country so that our country could enjoy the blessings of liberty.  This budget puts all the sacrifice, not on this generation, but on our kids and our grandkids.  Republicans in the House will offer a better solution.  A better solution that will be less on spending, less on taxes, and a lot less on debt for our kids and grandkids.
Thank you very much.  Good morning everyone.  What we are facing here is a mountain of debt.  The Democratic budget will double the national debt in five years and triple it in ten.  Looking at it another way, they will accumulate more debt than all of the Presidents from George Washington up to and through George W. Bush.
This is indeed an explosion of taxation and debt and spending.  And as Leader Boehner has indicated, obviously this will have to be paid for by our children.  Every American generation from the very beginning, right up to the present, has always felt that it could and in fact did leave the country in better shape for its children than it was for themselves.  If this budget passes, that American dream is in serious doubt.  That’s why you see Senate and House Republicans behind us in virtual unity in opposition to this plan which spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much.

April 02, 2009
Welcome to the Spend-O-Meter

House Republican Leader John Boehner has launched the "Spend-O-meter," in order to keep track of massive Democratic spending. Right now, they've wound it up to $1,793,000,000,000. House Republicans aren't kidding when they advocate government discipline themselves just as they instruct American people to do. According to their website,  "The Spend-o-Meter tracks this spending binge by documenting spending legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives since Democrats took control of Washington on January 20, 2009."

April 03, 2009
Senate and House Republicans Vote 100% Against Democrat Budget

Republicans stood united last night, voting unanimously against the $3.5 trillion Democrat budget, which passed 55-43 in the Senate, just after the House approved it 233-196. The budgets still fell short of President Obama's mandate and a final version still remains to be completed. Two Democrat Senators -- Ben Nelson and Evan Bayh -- opposed the budget, as well as 20 House Democrats. Once again, the only thing biparitsan about this plan is on the side of the Republicans.

April 08, 2009
The Crazy World of Politics Never Ends

Just because Congress is on recess doesn't mean plenty isn't happening in the political world. Now is the time for representatives to travel back to their districts, meet with constituents and enforce a truly local presence in their communities. Most House Republicans are bringing home the message of fiscal discipline and steps towards long term prosperity in America.

April 06, 2009
Your Weekly Republican Address With Rep. Paul Ryan

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI), ranking member on the Budget Committee, delivered this week's Weekly Republican Address. Republicans were united last week in the budget battle, voting unanimously in both House and Senate against President Obama's multi-trilion dollar plan. Says Ryan in the address:

April 09, 2009
Pence Calls on President to Withdraw Appointment

President Obama's Administration appointees have often been less than impressive. After numerous individuals -- including Republican Sen. Judd Gregg -- decided against accepting a position, others were forced out of their opportunities due to tax problems. Most recently, there was great controversy in his decision to appoint Dawn Johnson to head of the Office of Legal Counse due to her extremely pro-abortion stances in the past. 

April 08, 2009
Republicans on Defense Spending

Budget cuts to the defense department proposed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates have stirred controversy among Americans this week. While money for bailouts and stimulus packages skyrockets, defense spending has been on the backburner. Gates outlined three reasons for his proposal:

April 14, 2009
Americans Gear Up for Tax Day Tea Parties

Tomorrow is Tax Day so last minute types are scrambling. For many conservatives, tomorrow also presents their chance to speak out against the government's massive overspending of their tax dollars. Across the nation, grassroots activists have organized Tax Day tea parties in order to gather citizens for protests against the government. The tea parties began several months ago, when CNBC's financial guru Jim Cramer likened President Obama's tax and spend agenda to the Boston Tea Party in an on air rant. Since then, conservatives have found power in their ability to recruit and organize to spread a simple message: stop spending our money.

April 06, 2009
Fighting for My Constituents

Guest blog post by Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY)
I hail from Kentucky’s fifth congressional district.  The district I represent happens to be one of the poorest in the nation.  People in my region of the country have been hurting for a long time and are desperately looking for viable solutions.  My priorities have always been job creation, economic development and preserving the natural beauty of southern and eastern Kentucky.
In my 29 years of service to Kentucky, I have seen a lot of legislation pass through these halls, but President Obama’s and the Democrat’s budget is flabbergasting.  Their budget spends too much, it taxes too much and borrows too much.  I can’t bear to pass on to our children and grandchildren this enormous debt.
Apparently, the fashionable thing to do in Washington these days is to go on trillion dollar spending sprees with taxpayers’ money. I know my constituents and they are hard working people who live within their means.  It is outrageous that members of Congress think it is okay to blindly throw my constituents money at a problem that they didn’t create.
The Republicans should be applauded for offering an alternative budget that curbs spending, controls debt, keeps taxes low and creates 2.1 million more jobs than the Democrat plan.  I am proud to have supported this alternative budget because it provides the types of solutions the people of southern and eastern Kentucky are looking for. 
I am trying to bring new opportunities, hope and a better life to the people of Kentucky and the nation; unfortunately, the Democrat budget does just the opposite.  Rest assured that I will continue to fight against these outrageous, irresponsible bills that leaves our country drowning in debt, raises their taxes and kills already scarce jobs.

April 09, 2009
Hoekstra Hasn't Forgotten Energy Importance

The energy debate has taken a backseat to economic issues as of late but it will resurface soon enough. Rep. Pete Hoekstra (MI) wants America to know he hasn't forgotten how important it is to address regularly. He released a press brief today outlining four steps the country must take to move toward energy freedom.

April 09, 2009
Cap and Trade Costs Revealed

Cap and Trade is coming in the form of a national energy tax. House Leader John Boehner calls it an "irresponsible and dangerous economic policy."

April 20, 2009
The War Was Not Lost

Two years ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared, "This war is lost." Since then, Reid has been proved wrong and the media has had little to say about it. Conservatives today aim to remind Americans of the Leader's statement -- recognized as wholly inapporpriate while U.S. soldiers stood embedded in Iraq at that very moment. If America had followed the doomed lead of Reid, perhaps the war would have been lost.

April 17, 2009
GOP Energy Group Moving Forward

The budget debate commanded the spotlight recently but energy issues are making a comeback.  With a Democrat-controlled Congress, Republicans are taking a strong stand against cap and trade legislation and pricy energy policies.

April 20, 2009
Rep. Duncan Hunter: Stop Funding for Guantanamo Closing Until You Have A Plan

Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA) is spearheading an effort to stop funding toward the closing of Guantanamo Bay until President Obama and the Democrats have an actual plan about what they will do with the detainees currently living there. While President Obama repeatedly refers to the prison's impending close, he says nothing about how to handle the mess that will ensue. This failure to plan makes the decision to close the prison foolishly premature. Many Republicans oppose the closing of the prison all together and this added detail makes their opposition even greater.

Hunter says:
“Since President Obama signed the Executive Order to close the facility, there has been no formal consultation with Congress.  In fact, respective Committees in the House and Senate have yet to hold a single hearing to review the complex issues associated with closing Guantanamo Bay, including the transfer of terrorists in custody and future detainee operations.

"If the President is serious about closing Guantanamo Bay without jeopardizing our security, then the Administration needs to work directly with Congress to create a detention process that keeps detainees off U.S. soil and prevents terrorists from returning to the battlefield.  Until there is a plan in place and detainee operations are thoroughly reviewed, Congress should withhold funding to proceed with the closure of the facility."

April 20, 2009
Energy Debates Commence Wednesday

Recess has come to an end and Congress is back in action, ready to debate "The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009" (ACES). The fun starts Wednesday as representatives make it their business to get America's energy policies back on track. Democrats and Republicans are divided on the issue, no doubt, and hard hitting debates are set to ensue.

April 14, 2009
Tracking Earmarks and Taking Names

One of the most bi-partisanly problematic and controversial issues in Washington is that of earmarks and pork-barrel spending. Several organizations exist to track this -- often irresponsible and secret -- spending of taxpayer dollars. Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) keeps painstaking tabs on each bill and appropriation so you don't have too. Today, they released their 2009 Congressional Pig Book, especially relevant due to the recent omnibus spending bill and huge stimulus package passed in the House and Senate.

April 14, 2009
Rep. Lincoln Diaz-balart Speaks Out on Cuba

After the Congressional Black Caucus recently visited Cuba -- and met with it's ailing leader Fidel Castro and his brother, Raul -- America's emotions ran high. In districts where the Cuban population is prevelant, it was even more obvious. Adding to the controversy surrounding the trip, in which several members praised Fidel Castro's friendliness, President Obama recently announced a financial cooperation with the Cuban government, including a relaxation of financial and travel restrictions to the country.

April 20, 2009
Boehner Talks With George Stephanopoulos

House Leader John Boehner appeared yesterday on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos, saying legislators should beware of "trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see." Boehner applauded last week's hurricane of taxpayer tea parties and attended one in Bakersfield, California.

April 28, 2009
McCarthy and And Scalise on Why Cap and Tax Is Wrong

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA) and Rep. Steve Scalise (LA) spoke with bloggers today about the cap and tax energy bill being debated in Congress currently. Scalise participated in the hearings last week, questioning 60 professional witnesses and presenting statements on why the bill is wrong for America.
“The more people see the negative impact of this cap and trade tax, the more they don’t like it,” Scalise said. “The cost to American families is really big….[and] it has not been disputed by any Administration official that jobs will be lost.”
He pointed out that Budget Director Pete Orzag estimated last year that a former cap and trade bill (Leiberman-Warner) would have cost American families $1300 per years in taxes. The Waxman-Markey bill is estimated to double that cost.
Though former Vice President Al Gore attempted to convince the Energy and Commerce Committee last week man made global warming is not a disputed theory, Scalise noted that is not the case. He spoke of an instance overseas, when parents in Britain objected to their children’s viewing of Gore’s acclaimed film, “An Inconvenient Truth.” When a judge took over the case, nine factual errors surfaced.
“What is in agreement is the jobs that we would lose.,” said Scalise, pointing to an experiment in Spain, when they tried to cap and trade their economy. The result was for every green job created, 2.2 full time jobs were lost. He said only one of 10 jobs were permanent.
McCarthy agreed, adding that in addition to job loss, the bill offers no details, numbers or specific ways the cap will be successful.
Scalise then spoke on last week’s hearings, recognizing that most of the expert witnesses avoided speaking about the costs of the bill because they knew the public would turn against them.
Additionally, he said Democrats are “feeling the desperation,” trying to ram the bill through because they realize the prime time to lobby for global warming legislation is running short.
“It’s similar to what we did on the stimulus bill…people started seeing how much of a boondoggle it was…and that’s why [Democrats] rammed it through so quick,” he said. “The people that would win big from this bill want to ram it through because they realize some of this stuff is going to fall apart on itself.”
McCarthy pointed to moderate Democrats and others, like former head of the Energy Committee, Rep. John Dingell, who acknowledge the bill for what it is – “a great big tax.”
Both Congressman agreed that the recent tea parties were a great benefit to Republicans and a detriment to Democrats who have supported the stimulus and other tax costly policies.
“Most of those members had town hall meetings [over recess] and they didn’t go very well,” McCarthy said.

April 28, 2009
Republicans Push Waxman for Details

From the House Republican Energy and Commerce Committee:

April 27, 2009
Bill Will Cap and Tax the Country

After three days of hearing on the cap and tax global warming legislation last week, Republicans are billing it a "national energy tax," according to a piece in the Hill today.

April 27, 2009
Senator Kit Bond Speaks Out on Intelligence Issues

Sen. Kit Bond (R-MI), Vice-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, spoke with bloggers today on the recent scandal over the release of CIA memos on interrogation tactics and the idea that former government officials involved in planning them should be prosecuted for their role. President Barack Obama formerly said he would not consider prosecuting those individuals but has since changed his mind.

Bond openly wondered whether future CIA officials can count on a President that to “have their back or stab them in the back” when it comes to their abilities to protect Americans. Now, Bond said, officials won’t know what they can and can’t do.

“The detainees — al Qaeda and other leaders — know that if they are captured they can expect no more harsh techniques than we use on our volunteers that go into training...this sends another big black eye to the US when we are trying to re-establish our relations with the Islamic world,” said Bond.

Bond assured callers that the full Intelligence committee was briefed on what was going on with the interrogation techniques in the fall of 2006 and language was approved saying that the program was valuable and providing results.

“If Nancy Pelosi thought it was illegal or immorally wrong, there was plenty she could have done and should have done,” Bond said, adding that the Speaker could have met with members, sent letters or called for a closed session of Congress.

Bond said that the CIA will not carry out plans if they are told those plans aren’t favored — but leadership authorized them to move ahead. Because of this and an Administration that kept America safe from more terrorist attacks after 9/11, Bond does not believe the aforementioned government officials should be prosecuted.

“The question is, what is THIS [emphasis mine] Administration going to do to protect the American people? It seems to me that looking backwards is the wrong direction to be looking when we know that al Qaeda and others are...committed to inflicting harm on the United States,” said Bond.

Bond said he believes that and other George Soros-inspired agendas have a “heavy influence” over those making decisions for the Democrats in this country.

“It seems to me that there are a lot of people still suffering from ‘Bush Derangement Syndrome’....we watched for 8 years...Democrats in every area trying to find out what they could do to take a poke at George W. Bush -- the Administration that kept us safe after the horrendous 9/11 attacks,” Bond said.
In response to the release of Guantanamo Bay detainees, Bond said he and many others — including Democrats — will not stand for terror suspects being released in their states.

“The President has not told us how these detainees won’t pose a threat to Americans,” he said. “The record so far — 18 confirmed, 43 suspected Guantanamo graduates returning to the fight (terror activities).”

Bond touched at the recent cap and trade legislation debate at the end of his remarks, calling the bill “inefficient” and an “ineffective way to cripple jobs.”

April 28, 2009
Pence Calls President’s First 100 Days An Opportunity Lost

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today in recognition of President Obama’s first 100 days in office:

“While many of the President’s supporters welcome the 100 day marker with enthusiasm, many millions of Americans see the last 100 days as an opportunity lost, and greet this time with much disappointment. One-hundred days ago the President promised a new era of bipartisanship, a new era of fiscal responsibility. But, under the Democrat leadership, both the bipartisanship and fiscal responsibility are a distant memory.
“The reality is that we have witnessed the most partisan legislative agenda in my short tenure in Congress, or in the memory of many who have served longer.  In many ways it is altogether fitting that the President would celebrate his first 100 days with congressional approval of the most fiscally irresponsible budget in American history.  A President who began on promises of bipartisanship, fiscal responsibility and respect for the beliefs of pro-life Americans, has in just 100 days become the most partisan, most fiscally irresponsible, pro-abortion President.

“The American people know we can’t borrow and spend and bail our way back to a growing economy. Today, House Republicans will redouble our efforts to stand up for millions of Americans who demand that this Congress come together, practice what we preach about fiscal responsibility, and reject any efforts to increase the cost of energy on Americans in the form of cap and trade. We have to get back to the basics and admit the opportunities lost in the first 100 days.  It is time we got back to a larger vision of bipartisanship and fiscal responsibility in Washington.”

April 29, 2009
Rep. Mike Pence Responds to the Conference Report on the Budget

As we pass the 100 Day mark of President Obama's Administration, Republicans still disagree with the economic direction the Democrats are taking our country. In response to the passing of the conference report on the Democrat budget, House Republican Conference Chairman Rep. Mike Pence (IN) said it is merely a continuing of a "budget that will double the national debt in five years and triple the national debt in ten years." Pence cited a $1.2 trillion deficit to appear in 2010 and a nearly $1 trillion per year total spending every year for the next decade.

"The truth is, the Democratic majority and this Administration have brought to this floor the most fiscally irresponsible budget in American history," said Pence today. "Congress should be doing what every American family is doing: cutting expenses, finding within themselves the faith and, yes, the courage to get through these times with sacrifice. Instead, here in Washington, D.C. it's more government, more spending, more debt and more taxes."

Pence said the Democrats have taken the past 100 days to "greatly expand the mistakes of the past" but assured Americans that "we can do better." He urged a rejection of the conference report and suggested a clearn (clean?)start with a more fiscally responsible budget.

April 29, 2009
Hate Crimes Act Threatens Free Speech and Lacks Details

Many bills are deceivingly worded to evoke support. Such is the case for HR 1913, the "Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009," introduced by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI). The problem with this so-called hate crimes legislation is a severe lack of definition. Furthermore, the bill threatens to criminalize thought in an unprecedented Orwellian nature.

House Republicans want all violent crimes to be punished appropriately, including those motivated against someone due to their personal traits like race, nationality or religion. This bill, however, goes far beyond reasonable means, threatening religious freedom, freedom of speech, equal justice under the law and basic principles of federalism, according to Republican Leadership.

The bill includes “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as part of a big tent agenda to prosecute violent crimes more harshly if they are motivated by "hate." However, the bill does not include certain other classes, like senior citizens, unborn children, pregnant women, members of the military, police officers, or victims of prior crimes. It is unfair, and unjust, to protect one group more than any other.

More importantly, this bill threatens freedom of speech and religion because religious leaders or groups could be prosecuted for speaking out on their religious beliefs.  They could be seen as having biased motives for violence, though this would be uneasily defined or proved because of so few details defined in the bill.  The same people could be prosecuted under federal conspiracy law for “aiding and abetting” if a person influenced by their speech commits a supposed “hate crime.”

Most states already employ their own hate crimes legislation, but Democrats feel the need to put a federal law in place.

This legislation favors one group over another, protecting one class over another. Instead of passing a federal hate crimes law, the government should “respect it’s constitutional role and the principles of federalism and assist state and local efforts to enforce existing laws, instead of usurping state and local authority to investigate and prosecute hate crimes that are not committed across state lines,” according to the Republican Leadership and the Committee on Judiciary Republicans.

April 21, 2009
Kicking Off the Energy Hearings

The "American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009" (ACES), the Democrats’ controversial climate change legislation, hit the ground running this afternoon in a discussion draft session to preclude a series of hearings on the bill beginning tomorrow morning.

The legislation, introduced by Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Chairman of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee and Select Committee on Global Warming Edward J. Markey, is troublesome because it does not include crucial economic and regulatory details. Most notably, the cap and trade proposal included in the bill is incomplete, providing no specifics on how energy resources will be regulated or purchased.

The bill would set new greenhouse gas emission and efficiency standards, create a carbon cap and trade program and change a host of federal energy and environmental statutes, as well as introduce a variety of new, complex regulations.

Another major concern is the renewable energy standard included in the bill. This would require energy companies to purchase part of their electricity from renewable energy sources or be charged a fee. For states with little access to renewable energy resources, this will be an unnecessary and unfair financial burden.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, said "...we must be honest when we discuss this system. It will pull thousands more out of the family budget every year. There is simply no way around it and we are wrong to try and sugar-coat it."

Essentially, the climate change bill creates higher energy prices, fewer jobs and forces more government into the lives of American citizens. Rep. Joe Barton, Republican Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, recently wrote, "People who work and pay taxes aren’t buying the cap-and-trade solution to global warming because they’re learning what it means to them."

The hearings will include remarks from the CEO's of energy companies, scientists, researchers, environmentalists, economists, scholars and even former Vice-President Al Gore. Republicans are confident that Americans will reject the massive energy tax they will incur should this bill pass.

Stay tuned to the blog for regular updates on the debates beginning tomorrow morning. The hearings begin at 9:30am.

April 29, 2009
Pence Encourages Fiscal Discipline and Reform

Rep. Mike Pence (IN), House Republican Conference Chairman, yesterday urged Congress to embrace fiscal discipline and reform, opposing a budget that "does not embrace the sacrifice, resilience and virtue of the American people."

April 30, 2009
Pence on Greta Van Susteren Last Night

House Republican Chairman Rep. Mike Pence (IN) appeared on the FOX News program "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren to discuss the first 100 days of President Barack Obama's Administration:

April 30, 2009
Do You Feel Safer? Boehner and Hoekstra Want to Know

House Republican Leader John Boehner (OH) and Ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committee Pete Hoekstra (MI) released a web video asking Americans, "Do you feel safer?" 

April 30, 2009
Rural American Solutions Group Unveiled

The Rural American Solutions Group will focus on developing solutions to address issues facing rural America. House Republican Leader John Boehner (OH), Rep. Doc Hastings (WA), Rep. Frank Lucas (OK), Rep. Sam Graves (MO) and other House Republicans unveiled the group today.

April 28, 2009
Rep. King on "Thought Crimes" Bill

Rep. Steve King (IA) opposes the recent "Hate Crimes" legislation, which will be considered in the House on Wednesday. King believes it is nothing less than a "thought crimes" bill that "will damage religious freedom in America."

April 29, 2009
The Most Expensive Credit Card in History

Rep. Joe Pitts (PA) talks about Debt Day on the House floor:

April 30, 2009
Weekly Republican Leadership Press Conference

In case you missed our Weekly Republican Leadership press conference this week:

April 30, 2009
Pence Talks About the GOP on Fox News

Rep. Mike Pence (IN), House Republican Chairman, appeared today on "Studio B" on Fox News:

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