Conference Blog

GOP New Media Caucus Launches Web Site
August 24, 2009

The House Republican New Media Caucus has launched a website. The Caucus is co-chaired by Rep. Bob Latta (OH), Rep. John Culberson (TX), Rep. Buck McKeon (CA) and Rep. Rob Wittman (VA).

According to the new site, the RNMC was established for the following reasons:

  • Provide a forum for Members and staff of the Republican Conference to share new and innovative ways to use technology to carry our message to more of our constituents
  • Provide education and training opportunities to Members and staff to implement new media technologies into their overall communications strategy
  • Provide the necessary leadership to ensure the House of Representatives keeps up with advancing technology by working with the CAO and the Committee on House Administration
  • Develop a collaborative dialogue with outside practitioners that promotes creativity
You can sign up to receive email updates and follow the Caucus on Twitter. A blog, news updates and multimedia features will be added to the site shortly so stay tuned!

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