Welcome to CoCoRaHS! "Volunteers working together to measure precipitation across the nation."

Delaware Maine Maryland New Jersey Connecticut New Hampshire Vermont New Hampshire Connecticut Hawaii West Virginia Vermont Arkansas Massachusetts Ohio Idaho California Mississippi Michigan Utah Washington North Dakota Georgia Rhode Island South Carolina New Jersey Louisiana Oregon Kentucky Alabama Florida New York North Carolina Iowa South Dakota Tennessee Wisconsin Nevada Alaska Montana Illinois Missouri Indiana District of Columbia Maryland Virginia Pennsylvania Texas New Mexico Nebraska Kansas Colorado Wyoming Oklahoma  Minnesota HIDEN Arizona

As we expand across the nation the saying "Rain doesn’t fall the same on all" really proves to be true. CoCoRaHS now has 46 states as part of its network. As a result of the overwhelming popularity of the CoCoRaHS program and thanks to a grant from NOAA we will continue to expand across the USA in 2009.

CoCoRaHS Maine will start on August 1, 2009, with Arizona and Delaware following on September 1st. Our goal is to have 20,000 observers by 2010.

CoCoRaHS is a grassroots volunteer network of backyard weather observers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and map precipitation (rain, hail and snow) in their local communities. By using low-cost measurement tools, stressing training and education, and utilizing an interactive Web-site, our aim is to provide the highest quality data for natural resource, education and research applications. The only requirements to join are an enthusiasm for watching and reporting weather conditions and a desire to learn more about how weather can effect and impact our lives.

Our Web page provides the ability for our observers to see their observations mapped out in "real time", as well as providing a wealth of information for our data users.

For more information, please click here: Information about CoCoRaHS

If you would like to sign-up as a volunteer observer and become part of our expanding network, please click here: "Join the CoCoRaHS Network".

Complimentary training is provided to help you become an effective weather observer.  Please check out your state page above (by clicking on your state) for a list of current training sessions in your local area.  If none are taking place at the current time, watch our "Training Slide Show" and read our on-line training manual.

The views and opinions expressed by CoCoRaHS's diverse group of volunteers may not necessarily reflect those held by the CoCoRaHS organization, its collaborators or its sponsors.

National Weather Service logo
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo
National Hydrologic Warning Council
Wyoming State Climate Office logo Colorado State University logo
Click here to sign-up to become a weather observer with the CoCoRaHS Network


Click here to view the article in Weatherwise magazine

Would you like your state to be a part of the CoCoRaHS Network?
Contact us at info@cocorahs.org.