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Astronomers Find Hyperactive Galaxies in the Early Universe

Even some galaxies may have been hyperactive youngsters. Looking almost 11 billion years into the past, astronomers have measured the motions of stars for the first time in a very distant galaxy. They are whirling at a speed of one million miles per hour-about twice the speed of our Sun through the Milky Way. Even stranger, the galaxies are a fraction the size of our Milky Way, and so may have evolved over billions of years into the full-grown galaxies seen around us today. Astronomers are puzzled by how galaxies like these formed. They may be what will eventually become the dense central regions of very large galaxies.

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HST Mission Update

Multi-Cycle Treasury Program Call for Proposals
NASA and The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) are pleased to announce this Multi-Cycle Treasury Program Call for Proposals for Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Observations.

Plan Windows for Cycle 17 Programs The first versions of Plan Windows for Cycle 17 Programs are now available. They can be accessed via the Visit Status Information page under the

Exposure Time Calculators

The ETCs are web-based applications that assist Hubble users in preparing Phase I and Phase II observing proposals. The ETCs calculate exposure times or SNRs for simulated astronomical observations using any of HST's primary instruments:


Program Status

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HST Observations

A synopsis of programs scheduled for observation with HST.

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