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Urine Testing for Drugs of Abuse

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 73 [Printed in 1986]

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Table of Contents


List of Contributors-----viii

Establishing a Urinalysis Program--Prior Consideration-----1
Richard L. Hawks

Drug Testing Programs-----5
Robert E. Willette

Choosing a Laboratory-----13
Robert E. Willette

Proficiency Testing and Quality Control Programs-----20
Robert E. Willette

Specimen Collection and Handling-----24
Joseph E. Manno

Analytical Methodology-----30
Richard L. Hawks

Accuracy in Urinalysis-----43
Robert V. Blanke

Interpretation of Urinalysis Results-----54
Joseph E. Manno

Implications of Drug Levels in Body Fluids: Basic Concepts-----62
C. Nora Chiang and Richard L. Hawks

Examples of Specific Drug Assays-----84
Richard L. Hawks and C. Nora Chiang

  • Marijuana/Cannabinoids-----85
  • Cocaine-----93
  • Amphetamine and Methamphetamine-----95
  • Opiates-----98
  • Phencyclidine-----101
  • Alcohol-----103
  • Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-----105
  • Methaqualone-----108
  • Barbiturates-----109
  • Benzodiazepines-----111


List of NIDA Research Monographs-----115

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