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Chandra Proposal Information

(DDT and/or TOO Requests)

Important Cycle 11 Links

Updated Effective Areas for Cycle 11 released: 15 Jan 2009

Cycle 11 Call for Proposals
Deadline is March 17, 2009 6:00 p.m. EDT
(See the CfP errata)

The Cycle 11 Proposers' Observatory Guide (POG)
This is the definitive guide to proposing for Chandra time.
(Be sure to check the POG errata)

Chandra RPS

Detailed Cycle 11 Proposal Information

Targets Observed and Scheduled with Chandra
Instrument and Observatory Information
Proposal Threads
Count Rate Estimation and Simulators
  • PIMMS Web-based count-rate predictions (including ACIS pileup). PIMMS is part of the Proposal Toolkit, and can be run over the web or downloaded as a command-line program, part of the
    latest CIAO package.
    PIMMS helpfile
  • The Chandra data simulator MARX and MARX FAQ/Features
  • The Chandra data analysis package CIAO can be used to analyze Chandra data. Sherpa, the CIAO spectral analysis package can be used to simulate Chandra spectra.
  • XSPEC XANADU/HEASARC spectral analysis and simulation package
  • WebSpec - the web version of XSPEC
  • Chandra Instruments Response Files for SIMULATIONS ONLY
Useful Proposal Preparation Tools
Observation Visualization and Planning
Archive and Theory Proposals
  • Proposals to fund archival research on public Chandra data may be submitted. RPS must be used to submit archival proposals. Archival proposals must include a short justification of costs.
  • Proposals to fund theoretical work using public Chandra data may also be submitted. RPS must be used to submit theory proposals. See the CfP for details.
Observing Proposal Preparation and Submission
Cost Proposals and Grant Information
Education and Public Outreach Proposals

Last modified: 08/13/09

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.    Email: cxcweb@head.cfa.harvard.edu
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