
Dates Announced for 2009 SPO/Admin Workshop

Workshop Registration Deadline is 7 August!

Registration is simple! To register, e-mail CPO Zandra Sneed at zandra.sneed@uscg.mil. The registration deadline is 7 August 2009. We are limited by our venue at the Kansas historical Museum to 200 people, so please don't delay - register now. When you register please include the top three subjects of interest you want to hear about at the workshop!

We are pleased to announce the dates for our annual PPC Topeka SPO/Admin Workshop to be held 22 through 24 September 2009, here in Topeka. The conference theme will be "Customer/Supplier/Partner" and reflects the role of SPOs with PPC and other stakeholders, working to deliver critical personnel services to the field.

We have scheduled a great agenda of relevant topics for SPOs and administrative yeomen based upon your feedback from last year's training workshop and the many changes currently taking place within the Coast Guard. It is important to note that this training workshop is considered "mission critical" for field personnel working in the personnel services arena for travel guidance purposes. We will have many subject-matter experts from Headquarters and other units providing the instruction, as well as our own PPC experts presenting a wealth of information.

Commander, Personnel Service Center Arlington will be our key note speaker. Rear Admiral Neptun will cover the latest developments in CG modernization, SPO transitions, and his vision of SPO service line management within the context of CG PSC Arlington's mission to deliver integrated personnel support for the Coast Guard's military workforce.

Similar to past years' events, PPC Topeka and other subject-matter experts will provide training and information on Direct Access, e-Travel and T-PAX, accessions, enlisted contracts, and reserve transactions. You will also learn about advancements, separations, PCS orders, as well as the most effective and efficient ways to interact with PPC to quickly address challenges.

Additional topics include the Coast Guard-wide data self validation, and other audit initiatives that affect PDR management, document retention, transactions, and other critical data maintained within Direct Access (D/A). You will also learn more about the SPO Metrics cube to query D/A data and report on the timeliness and accuracy of SPO data entry. We will update you on how you may gain the greatest benefit from using this tool to monitor your SPO, and help identify training and other needs. Get an advance look at this tool by clicking on the following link: (http://cgbi.osc.uscg.mil/) [Enter "SPO Metrics" in the Search field at the top, right-hand, corner of the page. Ed.]

Finally, the YN Rating Force Manager and YN Assignment Officers will be available to discuss rating-specific career information and issues of concern for yeomen at all levels. This is a great opportunity to speak to them directly and hear their thoughts in an open forum.

Workshop Registration:

Registration is simple! To register, e-mail CPO Zandra Sneed at zandra.sneed@uscg.mil. The registration deadline is 7 August 2009. We are limited by our venue at the Kansas historical Museum to 200 people, so please don't delay - register now. When you register please include the top three subjects of interest you want to hear about at the workshop!

I strongly encourage SPO chiefs and other leaders to attend this important workshop if at all possible. Put in your request for travel funds with your command (No PPC funding is available) and come out to learn the latest in your world of work so that you can take the information and improved skills back to your unit!

Thank you -- I look forward to seeing you in September in Topeka!

Commanding Officer
Pay & Personnel Center (PPC) Topeka

Sept Calendar


Last Modified 7/27/2009