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Pence Calls For Spending Freeze - 'Enough is Enough'

Pence Calls For Spending Freeze: "Enough is Enough"

FEBRUARY 24, 2009

“Let's do what every American family, what every small business is doing - let's freeze federal spending immediately and come together to get this Congress' house in order.”

- U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in anticipation of this week's vote on the Democrats' latest spending proposal:
"During these challenging economic times, American families and small businesses are making sacrifices to make ends meet. And Congress should do the same. With all the talk about fiscal responsibility in Washington, D.C., it's time for our Democratic colleagues to put our money where their mouth is. And Republicans are willing to come together across the aisle and make the hard choices necessary to put our fiscal house in order.
"Judging from what's scheduled to come to the floor tomorrow, Mr. Speaker, it looks like the Majority just doesn't get it. Just slightly over one week after passing a $1 trillion so-called ‘stimulus' bill, Democrats in Congress are planning to pass another big spending bill, $410 billion, 9,000 earmarks as usual, the largest increase in discretionary spending since the Carter Administration. House Republicans and millions of Americans are saying enough is enough. Let's do what every American family, what every small business is doing - let's freeze federal spending immediately and come together to get this Congress' house in order."
To view the video, click here.


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