Features: Video & Audio

Aug. 06, 2009 | Features

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Jul. 22, 2009 | Features

"Reckless" highlights the Democrats' rush to force legislation that will radically change healthcare for every man, woman, and child in America without providing them answers to important, fundamental questions. The Democrats' legislation would lead to a government takeover of healthcare that will force millions of Americans to give up the coverage they have, increase health care costs, and be paid for thru a crippling tax on small business job creators.
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Jobs Floor Debate: Pence - Hoyer
Jul. 21, 2009 | Features

Where are those jobs, Mr. Hoyer?
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Obama vs Obama on the Stimulus
Jul. 17, 2009 | Features

President Obama changes course on the stimulus. Where are the jobs? House Republicans offer a real plan to create jobs and get our economy moving again.
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The Walden-Pence Broadcaster Freedom Amendment
Jul. 14, 2009 | Features

Congressman Greg Walden (OR) and Congressman Mike Pence (IN) have co-authored the Broadcaster Freedom Amendment which would prevent the FCC from re-implementing the 'Fairness Doctrine' or imposing proposed broadcast localism regulations for one fiscal year.
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Done Its Job?
Jul. 08, 2009 | Features

Has the Democrat "Stimulus" done its job? President Obama thinks so. House Republicans offered Real Solutions for a Real Recovery.
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Pence Remarks on Iran Resolution
Jun. 19, 2009 | Features

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Highlights from the National Energy Summits
Jun. 03, 2009 | Features

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American Energy Soultions Group Summit - Pittsburgh, PA
Jun. 03, 2009 | Features

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American Energy Soultions Group Summit - Indianapolis, IN
Jun. 01, 2009 | Features

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Rep. Waxman: "I don't know the details. I rely on the scientists."
May. 21, 2009 | Features

Author of the Democrats' National Energy Tax admits he doesn't know what is in the bill.
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What did Speaker Pelosi know?
May. 19, 2009 | Features

What did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know it?
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Oliver North and Sean Hannity Discuss GOP "Detainees" Video on FOX News
May. 08, 2009 | Features

Oliver North and Sean Hannity Discuss GOP "Detainees" video that profiles three of the most dangerous Guantanamo Bay detainees.
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The Detainees - 9/11
May. 07, 2009 | Features

House Republicans are committed to preventing the release or transfer of terrorists to American soil.
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Cap and Trade: A Great Big Tax
Apr. 24, 2009 | Features

Chairman Emeritus of Energy and Commerce Committee, John Dingell (D-MI), calls cap and trade as it is: Nobody in this country realizes that cap and trade is a tax, and its a great big one.
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Obama Promises Skyrocketing Energy Costs
Apr. 23, 2009 | Features

Obama Promises Skyrocketing Energy Costs under his Cap and Tax Program. San Francisco Chronicle Editorial Board Meeting - January 2008.
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The Democrat Energy Plan
Apr. 22, 2009 | Features

Cap and Trade: Caps Economic Growth and Trades Jobs Overseas
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Democrats' False Hope for Change Democrats' False Hope for Change
Mar. 20, 2009 | Features

As Republicans fought to protect taxpayers from $350 billion in additional Wall Street bailouts, Democrats assured the American people President Obama would control how taxpayers' dollars would be spent.
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AIG: An Outrage AIG: An Outrage
Mar. 18, 2009 | Features

Republican Leader John Boehner, Whip Eric Cantor, and Conference Chairman Mike Pence on the AIG Bonus Outrage.
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Boehner Budget Message for President Obama Boehner Budget Message for President Obama
Mar. 18, 2009 | Features

President Obama's budget spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much from future generations. Republicans are putting forth responsible solutions to get America's economy back on track.
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House Republican Conference on YouTube

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