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photo: Fra Mauru

Trail of Discovery at Fra Mauru

August 20 - A month has already passed since LROC acquired its first images of the Apollo landing sites. In this time the Moon completed one rotation beneath LRO's orbit, thus providing another set of overflights. Because LRO is not in synch with the lunar day we see the same ground with different lighting - this time the Sun is 24 degrees higher above the horizon providing a clearer view with fewer shadows. Albedo contrasts are greater, and more clearly show soil disturbances from landing, astronaut surface operations, and blast off.

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LRO conducts investigations that prepare for and support future human exploration of the Moon


Back to the Moon : Its official!
Back to the Moon. It's Official.
Liftoff... To the Moon!
Liftoff... To the Moon!

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LRO Laser Ranging Support LCROSS My Moon

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