U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.Visit www.hhs.gov.
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National Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

About the Day
The Facts
Take Action

About the Day

June 8 is Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The National Planning Committee convened by Caribbean People International Collective, Inc. is the lead for the Day.

The Facts

HIV/AIDS has devastated the Caribbean, which ranks second only to sub-Saharan Africa for AIDS prevalence. In 2006, the United Nations estimated that 19,000 Caribbeans died of AIDS, and that an additional 250,000 were living with the virus. In 2005, there were a reported 38,133 new HIV diagnoses among Caribbean Americans in the U.S.


  • Posters
    View, download and customize these posters to promote Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day events!
  • Websites
    www.AIDS.gov is the gateway to all Federal domestic information on HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, treatment, research, policies and resources.
    www.caribbeanhealthaidsday.com Exist Disclaimer - Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day events listings, facts, and other resources.
    www.hivtest.org -To find an HIV testing location near you.
  • Events and Other Materials
    Find events and download materials for Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
  • Mobile Resources
    Send a text message with your zip code to KNOWIT (566948) to find an HIV testing center near you.

Take Action

There are many ways you can take action in response to HIV/AIDS:

  • get tested for HIV
  • practice safer methods to prevent HIV
  • decide not to engage in high risk behaviors
  • talk about HIV prevention with family, friends, and colleagues
  • provide support to people living with HIV/AIDS
  • get involved with or host an event for Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in your community