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GOP Talkers on the Economy

GOP Talkers on the Economy

The American people are hurting and continuing to lose jobs.The Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats promised that their trillion-dollar "stimulus"...

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July 17, 2009
GOP Talkers on Democrats’ Government Takeover of Health Care

During the worst recession in a generation Democrats propose a government takeover of health care that will lead to fewer...

July 13, 2009
Talking Points on Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor

Growing Concerns about her Impartiality and Record Sotomayor's Writings and Speeches Show an Out of the Mainstream View of the Role...

June 17, 2009
GOP Talkers on Democrats' Runaway Spending

  This is not about process; this is about runaway federal spending.Here are the facts on spending from this year:$2...

June 16, 2009
GOP Talkers on Emergency War Funding

An emergency war funding bill should be about war funding.Democrats cut money for our troops in order to fund a...

June 10, 2009
GOP Talkers on the American Energy Act

House Republicans recognize that as gas prices and home utility bills rise, American families are dealt an even greater economic...

May 11, 2009
GOP Health Care Talking Points

As the American people struggle to make ends meet, too many also live with the challenge of affording basic health...

April 29, 2009
Talking Points on the Democrat National Energy Tax

The Democrat's cap and tax plan is nothing more than a national energy tax.The truth behind the Democrat's cap and...

March 23, 2009
7 Questions on the Budget for President Obama

The White House predicts 7.9% unemployment in 2010. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts 9.2% unemployment in 2010. Where are...

March 10, 2009
Obama's Budget Spends Too Much

Middle-class families and small businesses are making sacrifices when it comes to their own budget, yet Washington continues to spend...

March 04, 2009
Ten Facts About President Obama’s Health Care Proposals

President Obama's budget proposal includes nearly $1 trillion in new health care spending-a $634 billion reserve fund as a "down...

March 04, 2009
Talking Points on the Budget

 The American people are hurting. Congress was right to take action to get this economy moving, but higher taxes and...

February 25, 2009
Budget Talking Points

The American people are hurting, and Republicans want to work with the President to get the American people back...

February 24, 2009
Republicans Call For Spending Freeze Now!

American families and small businesses are making sacrifices and cutting expenses.  Whether through tightening family budgets, or cutting expenses for...

February 12, 2009
Stimulus Talking Points

House Republicans know we are in a serious recession. The American people are hurting and Republicans know Congress must...

February 11, 2009
Talking Points On Pelosi-Reid Backroom Deal

House Republicans know we are in a serious recession. The American people are hurting and Republicans know Congress must act...

February 04, 2009
Stimulus Talking Points

- Our nation is in a recession and millions of Americans are hurting. - Congress and the President are right...

February 04, 2009
SCHIP Principles

In anticipation of a potential vote to reauthorize and expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the Republican Conference...

January 23, 2009
Stimulus Talking Points

The American people are hurting and our economy is in a recession. Congress is right to take action to stimulate...

January 14, 2009
Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) Talking Points

We are in a recession, and the American people are hurting. House Republicans are on the side of the...