ORNL File Upload System

To upload a file, fill out the form below. Files uploaded using this form can only be accessed within the ORNL network. ORNL employees can upload files to be accessed from outside the ORNL network by following this link.

File 1:
File 2:
File 3:
File 4:
File 5:

Instructions for ORNL File Upload System

The ORNL file upload system can be used to share files with other people as an alternative to sending email attachments.

When you upload files using the ORNL File Upload form, the files are placed on the file server in a directory with a randomized name. The file upload form will let you upload five files at a time. After the files are uploaded, you will be provided an opportunity to fill out a form to automatically send an email to the recipient or recipients containing a special URL that the recipient MUST have to download the files. If you prefer, you can copy and paste the URL into an email message you create yourself.

When the recipient receives the email message and opens the download URL, a list of files and their sizes will be displayed, along with a download link for each file. To download, right-click on the download link and select the option that will save the download to a file. NOTE: a left-click in most browsers will cause the file to execute or open from the browser.

All uploaded files will be scanned for viruses before they are downloaded, however, recipients are urged to use caution when downloading. This is not a secure file transfer method and should not be used for sensitive information. Files transferred with this system should be work related.

You are urged to delete the files off the server after they are downloaded, to conserve disk space. The mail notification containing the download URL will also contain a delete URL. In some cases the recipient can delete the files; otherwise, the recipient should email the delete URL back to the sender, who can then delete the files. The files will be automatically deleted after four weeks. The maximum file size is 300 megabytes. The time limit and maximum file size are subject to change depending on user needs and storage limitations. Very large files may take a long time to upload.

No special browser configuration is necessary to upload or download files. No password is necessary to upload or download files.

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