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Bioprocessing Research Facility

Bioprocessing Research Facility

triangle2.gif (493 bytes)Description

The Bioprocessing Research Facility (BRF) includes laboratories for the investigation of advanced bioprocessing concepts using stirred-tank and columnar bioreactors and a fermentation pilot plant for large-scale batch and columnar experiments.  Other research and support laboratories are available on-site.

triangle2.gif (493 bytes)Research Opportunities

The BRF provides the user with state-of-the-art equipment. Stirred-tank and advanced columnar bioreactors are available ranging in size from bench scale to 500L.  Several instrumented stirred-tank fermentors, ranging from 1 to 500 liters, can be used for large-scale demonstrations, process scale-up studies, or production of gram to kilogram quantities of microorganisms or biochemicals under controlled conditions.  Aerobic or anaerobic operation is possible with a variety of gases.  The large fermentors have been approved for use with nonhazardous recombinant microorganisms.  The columnar bioreactors can be operated as fixed-bed or fluidized-bed bioreactors and are equipped to accommodate a variety of process monitoring techniques and control equipment.  They can also be used as columnar biofiltration systems for bioremediation applications.  The facility also has apparatus for the production of small, uniform, immobilized biocatalysts.  Large equipment available for product separation and recovery includes continuous centrifuges, homogenizers, and a cross-flow filtration unit.

Users of the facility have access to a variety of analytical equipment such as gas chromatographs, spectrophotometers, high-pressure liquid chromatographs, and protein purification systems.  A cold room, environmentally controlled growth chambers, anaerobic hoods, autoclaves, sterile culture-transfer areas, refrigerators and freezers, freeze-dryers, microscopes, a hammer mill, and other laboratory equipment are available, as are computer facilities.  Among the BRF's supporting facilities are machine, instrument, and glass shops; several electron microscopes; library and information services; computer graphics; state-of-the-art analytical chemistry services; small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering reactors, accelerators, and solid-state physics facilities.

Research and development activities include feedstock pretreatment and fractionation, microbial culture selection and improvement, genetic manipulation, microbial and enzyme immobilization, advanced bioreactor concepts, biotreatment of wastes, process feasibility and scale-up, advanced analytical concepts, bioprocessing monitoring and control, and biochemical separations.

These resources are located primarily in the Biosciences Division.

triangle2.gif (493 bytes)Visit/Work Related Assignments

The Bioprocessing Research Facility is a user resource open to university, national laboratory, and industrial scientists and engineers.  Current principal investigators may work independently or may collaborate with ORNL scientists and engineers.  Outside personnel who desire access to the user facility must first submit a request for entry.  Depending on citizenship status, receiving permission to visit the user facility may take some time.  Approved users will receive guest appointments at ORNL for the period in which work will be performed onsite.  This period may range from 1 to 2 days to several months.  Proprietary work may be carried out after contractual agreements have been made.

To discuss proposed research programs and the availability of specific facilities for the proposed work, you must contact the user facility manager.  You should also determine whether your visit constitutes an assignment or a visit and send this information to the user facility manager as soon as the dates of your visit are known.  To request a tour, or entry within the user facility, please read visit/assignment access or you may contact: Jonathan R. Mielenz, Ph.D., Manager of the Bioprocessing Research User Facility.

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Dr. Jonathan R. Mielenz, Manager
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Post Office Box 2008
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6226
P-hone: (865) 576-8522
Fax: (865) 574-6442


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Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is operated by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy.