Republicans in Congress: Video & Audio

Videos, News, and Audio on Congressional Republicans

Pence Speaks On Amendment To Defund Planned Parenthood
Jul. 24, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Congressman Mike Pence rose to speak on behalf of his amendment to deny Title X funding to the largest abortion provider in America, Planned Parenthood. The largest abortion provider should not also be the largest recipient of Title X funds.
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House Republicans Ask: "Where are the Jobs?"
Jul. 22, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

134 Republicans went to the House Floor to ask "Where are the Jobs?"
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Pence Remarks on Iran Election
Jun. 16, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

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Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) on the Pakistan Foreign Aid Bill
Jun. 12, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) speaks on the House Floor about the Republican Motion to Recommit the Pakistan Foreign Aid Bill.
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Chairman Mike Pence - Energy Summit Opening Remarks
May. 06, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Chairman Mike Pence's opening remarks at the American Energy Solutions Group Energy Summit in Washington, DC.
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Leader John Boehner - Energy Summit Opening Remarks
May. 06, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Leader John Boehner's opening remarks at the American Energy Solutions Group Energy Summit in Washington, DC.
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Whip Eric Cantor - Energy Summit Opening Remarks
May. 06, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Whip Eric Cantor's opening remarks at the American Energy Solutions Group Energy Summit in Washington, DC.
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American Energy Solutions Group Energy Summit
May. 05, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Members of House Republican American Energy Solutions Group hold a summit in Washington, DC.
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Rep. Mike Pence: Economic Recovery Rep. Mike Pence: Economic Recovery
Mar. 18, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Rep. Mike Pence speaks on a responsible economic recovery plan.
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Rep Shuster: Helping Responsible Homeowners Rep Shuster: Helping Responsible Homeowners
Mar. 05, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Rep. Shuster (PA-09) talks about his legislation to give homeowners who pay their bills on time an incentive to continue to keep being responsible.
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Fragile X Public Service Announcement - Rep. Gregg Harper Fragile X Public Service Announcement - Rep. Gregg Harper
Mar. 03, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

Rep. Gregg Harper (MI-03) launched a Public Service Announcement in support of his 19-year-old son, Livingston, who lives with Fragile X, and the National Fragile X Foundation Advocacy Day being held Wednesday, March 4th. For more information, visit:
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Rep. Aaron Schock Featured on NBC's TODAY Show Rep. Aaron Schock Featured on NBC's TODAY Show
Feb. 27, 2009 | Republicans in Congress

NBC's Jamie Gangel sits down Rep. Aaron Schock (IL-16), the youngest Congressman, elected at age 27.
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House Republican Conference on YouTube

House Republican Conference on Flickr

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