Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice
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Justice Technology Information Network. National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center. A Program of the Office of Justice Programs' National Institute of Justice
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Expand subtopicsBiometrics
   SubtopicFacial Recognition
   SubtopicFingerprint Recognition
   SubtopicHand Geometry
   SubtopicHandwriting Recognition
   SubtopicIris Scanning
   SubtopicRetinal Scanning
   SubtopicSmart Cards
   SubtopicVoice Scanning
Expand subtopicsBody Armor
   SubtopicBallistic-Resistant Armor
   SubtopicStab-Resistant Armor
Topic without subtopicsCommercialization
Expand subtopicsCommunications
   SubtopicData Communications
   SubtopicEmergency Communications
   SubtopicNon-Terrestrial Communications
   SubtopicNon-Traditional Communications
   SubtopicPersonnel Locators
   SubtopicRadio Communications
   SubtopicVideo Conferencing
   SubtopicVoice Communications
   SubtopicWireless Communications
Expand subtopicsCorrections
   SubtopicCommunity Corrections
   SubtopicContraband Detection
   SubtopicCorrectional Facilities
   SubtopicInmate Visitation
   SubtopicOffender Management Systems
   SubtopicPerimeter Security
   SubtopicRestraining Devices
Expand subtopicsCourt Technologies
   SubtopicVideo Conferencing
Expand subtopicsCrime Mapping
   SubtopicGeographic Information Systems
   SubtopicCloropleth Mapping
   SubtopicPoint Mapping
   SubtopicIsoline Mapping
   SubtopicLinear Mapping
   SubtopicSurface Mapping
   SubtopicDisplacement Analysis
   SubtopicHot Spot Analysis
   SubtopicPattern Analysis
   SubtopicCalls for Service Analysis
   SubtopicDemographic Analysis
Expand subtopicsCyberCrime
   SubtopicComputer Forensics
   SubtopicData Hiding
   SubtopicInternet Crime
Topic without subtopicsEquipment Programs
Expand subtopicsExplosives
   SubtopicExplosives Detection
   SubtopicExplosives Remediation
   SubtopicImprovised Explosive Devices
Expand subtopicsForensics
   SubtopicComputer Forensics
   SubtopicDNA Forensics
   SubtopicEvidence Management Systems
   SubtopicForensic Engineering
   SubtopicForensic Imaging
   SubtopicForensic Toxicology
   SubtopicImpression Evidence
   SubtopicQuestioned Document Examination
   SubtopicTrace Evidence
Expand subtopicsInformation Technologies
   SubtopicInformation-Led Policing
   SubtopicModeling and Simulation
Expand subtopicsLess-Lethal Technologies
   SubtopicAcoustic Devices
   SubtopicChemical Devices
   SubtopicDirected Energy Devices
   SubtopicDiversionary Devices
   SubtopicElectrical Devices
   SubtopicKinetic Impact Devices
Expand subtopicsPersonal Protective Equipment
   SubtopicBallistic Protection
   SubtopicBiological Agent Detection
   SubtopicCBRN Protection
   SubtopicChemical Detection
   SubtopicDecontamination Equipment
   SubtopicEye Protection
   SubtopicPersonal Alarm Systems
   SubtopicPolice In-Car Video Systems
   SubtopicProtective Gloves
   SubtopicRadiological Detection
   SubtopicRespiratory Protection
   SubtopicVehicle Warning Lights
Expand subtopicsPursuit Management
   SubtopicAutomated Traffic Enforcement
   SubtopicElectronic Citations
   SubtopicLocation and Tracking Systems
   SubtopicSpeed Measuring Devices
   SubtopicTire Deflation Devices
Topic without subtopicsSchool Safety
Expand subtopicsSensors and Surveillance
   SubtopicAutomatic Vehicle Identification
   SubtopicBiological Agent Detection
   SubtopicCamera Technology
   SubtopicChemical Detection
   SubtopicConcealed Weapons Detection
   SubtopicDrug Detection
   SubtopicElectronic Surveillance
   SubtopicGunshot Detection
   SubtopicNight Vision Devices
   SubtopicRadiological Detection
   SubtopicThermal Imaging
   SubtopicThrough-the-Wall Surveillance
Expand subtopicsStandards and Testing
   SubtopicStandards-Based Testing
   SubtopicComparative Evaluations
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NIJ logoThe Office of Justice Programs' National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is research and development agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. NLECTC is a program of NIJ's Office of Science and Technology.
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January 2009
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