U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.Visit www.hhs.gov.
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness DayNational Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness DayNational Native HIV/AIDS Awareness DayHIV Vaccine Awareness DayNational Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness DayCaribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness DayNational HIV Testing DayNational Latino AIDS Awareness DayWorld AIDS Day


Logo for National HIV Testing Day.

President Obama's Video Message
I Know. I Took the Test: Call to Action
About the Day
The Facts
Take Action

President Obama's Video Message

I Know. I Took the Test: Call to Action

  • Share your HIV testing story. During June, our AIDS.gov blog will host the "I Know. I Took the Test" blog series to highlight several HIV testing story campaigns and welcomes your stories (via blog comments) about what getting an HIV test meant to you.
  • Promote an HIV testing story video widget

About the Day

June 27 is National HIV Testing Day (NHTD). The National Association of People with AIDS is the lead for this day.

The Facts

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one out of five people living with HIV in the U.S. are unaware of their HIV status. NHTD is an opportunity for people nationwide to learn their HIV status, and to gain knowledge to take control of their health and their lives.


  • Take Action

    There are many ways you can take action in response to HIV/AIDS:

    • get tested for HIV
    • practice safer methods to prevent HIV
    • decide not to engage in high risk behaviors
    • talk about HIV prevention with family, friends, and colleagues
    • provide support to people living with HIV/AIDS
    • get involved with or host an event for National HIV Testing Day in your community