Senator Sherrod Brown

Since January of 2007, Senator Sherrod Brown has held more than 130 community roundtables across Ohio, visiting each of Ohio’s 88 counties at least once to talk with local leaders and business owners, farmers and veterans, workers and families, and educators and students to find ways to rebuild our nation’s middle class.

Senator Brown worked with his colleagues on the Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee (H.E.L.P.) to pass an historic health insurance reform bill that is now pending before Congress.  This legislation would increase competition to reduce private insurance premiums, provide more insurance options so that every American can gain access to coverage, and prevent insurers from discriminating against consumers based on age or pre-existing health conditions.

In 2008, Senator Brown worked to re-authorize Healthy Start, a program that reduces infant mortality and low birth weight.  In 2009, Senator Brown helped to strengthen the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which expands access to health insurance for 11 million children nationwide.

In Ohio and in Washington, Senator Brown has earned a reputation as a public official who looks to the future. His commitment to making Ohio the Silicon Valley of Clean Energy began when he wrote Ohio's first solar energy law in 1977 as a member of the Ohio General Assembly. As a U.S. Senator, Brown is working with Ohio’s universities, entrepreneurs, labor unions, and community leaders to help utilize Ohio’s natural resources — wind, solar, and biofuels — and to develop a clean energy industry in the state.

As a result of this collaborative work, Senator Brown introduced the Green Energy Production Act of 2009 – which he first introduced in 2008. The Green Energy Production Act would encourage production of clean energy manufacturing technologies and domestic sources of clean energy.  Senator Brown recognizes that creating clean energy jobs is both an economic and environmental strategy.  Most recently in April 2009, he convened a ground-breaking Clean Energy Summit that connected Ohio clean energy businesses, workers, and municipalities with federal resources available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.  

Senator Brown is also building a coalition to revamp our trade policies. In 2008, he introduced the TRADE Act, forward-looking and pro-trade legislation which would review and renegotiate existing trade agreements while strengthening the role of Congress in trade policy making. By using trade policies to expand economic opportunity for the middle class, Senator Brown is working to expand opportunities for American manufacturing, to protect workers’ rights and the environment, and to strengthen product and food safety.

An early and outspoken opponent of the Iraq war, Senator Brown is fighting for comprehensive benefits for our nation's veterans.  As a member of the Veterans Affairs Committee, Senator Brown takes this privilege seriously and works to ensure our nation’s veterans are guaranteed the benefits they have earned.
As a Congressman representing the 13th District from 1993 – 2006, Senator Brown represented an independent voice for ordinary Ohioans and middle-class families – a man of principle who has made a career of standing up to special interests that have too much influence in Washington.

Senator Brown sits on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee; the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee and is Chairman of its Subcommittee on Economic Policy; the Veterans Affairs Committee; and the Ethics Committee.  He's the first Ohio Senator in 40 years to sit on the Agriculture and Nutrition Committee and is the Chairman of its Subcommittee on Hunger, Nutrition, and Family Farms.

A native of Mansfield, Ohio, Senator Brown is married to Pulitzer-prize winning columnist Connie Schultz.  They reside in Avon, Ohio, and have three daughters, a son, and a grandson all of whom make Ohio their home.

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Committee Assignments

Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry »
Subcommittee on Energy, Science & Technology
Subcommittee on Nutrition & Food Assistance
Subcommittee on Production, Income Protection & Price Support

Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs »
Subcommittee on Economic Policy
Subcommittee on Security & International Trade

Select Committee on Ethics »

Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (H.E.L.P.) »
Subcommittee on Employment & Workplace Safety
Subcommittee on Retirement & Aging

Veterans' Affairs »