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Legislative Activities & Testimony

Testimony| Legislative Activities


Project BioShield was announced by President Bush in his State of the Union address on 28 January 2003. The purpose of this bill is to accelerate the process of research, development, purchase, and availability of effective countermeasures against agents of bioterror. Secretaries Thompson (HHS) and Ridge (DHS) jointly transmitted the Project BioShield Act of 2003 to Congress on 26 February 2003.

The House version of the bill (H.R. 2122) was passed by a vote of 421-2 on 16 July 2003.
The Senate version of the bill (S. 15) was passed by a vote of 99-0 on 19 May 2004.
The bill (P.L. 108-276) was signed by the President on 21 July 2004.

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