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Leading House Democrat Admits That Government-Run Health Care Will Put Private Health Care Out of Business

Leading House Democrat Admits That Government-Run Health Care Will Put Private Health Care Out of Business


MAY 1, 2009
May 01, 2009

Question and Answer: Medicare and the Republican Budget

"The real problem with our long-term deficit actually has to do with our entitlement obligations...The big problem is Medicare, which...
May 01, 2009

Jeff Flake: Uncensored

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) gets a few words in at the American Spectator this morning, offering insight from the mind...
May 01, 2009

Investor's Business Daily: More Money Won't Assure Quality Care

"What it's supposed to do for people doesn't get done in reality."The speaker criticizing this government program wasn't talking about...
May 01, 2009

Obama vs. Obama - Health Care

President Obama said government-run health care was “extreme” and “wrong” but…Then-Candidate Obama said government- run health care was “extreme” and...
May 01, 2009

Ten Facts About President Obama’s Health Care Proposals

President Obama's budget proposal includes nearly $1 trillion in new health care spending-a $634 billion reserve fund as a "down...
May 01, 2009

Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget

President Obama's budget includes nearly $1 trillion in new health spending-a $634 billion reserve fund as a "down payment" for...
May 01, 2009

Redstate: Medicaid For Millionaires By Rep. Cliff Stearns

"We shouldn't have to do that, because they should know better."So said President Obama in explaining why the Treasury-quite rightly-forced...
May 01, 2009

Question and Answer: Government-rationed Health Care

In light of the inclusion of $1.1 billion in the Democrat "stimulus" legislation for the Agency for Healthcare Research and...
May 01, 2009

SCHIP Principles

In anticipation of a potential vote to reauthorize and expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the Republican Conference...
May 01, 2009

Pence Supports Healthcare for Needy Children

Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN), Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today regarding House consideration of a...