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Science Picks (Leads, Feeds, and Story Seeds) from 2009
August Science Picks -- Leads, Feeds and Story Seeds
Released: 8/4/2009
Introduction — Want to join U.S. and Canadian scientists as they map the Arctic seafloor and gather data to help define the outer limits of the continental shelf? Discover how in this edition of USGS Science Picks. You can also find out about large trees declining in Yosemite and join USGS scientists at the Ecological Society of America Conference.
July Science Picks -- Leads, Feeds and Story Seeds
Released: 7/2/2009
Introduction — Do you want the most current climate change projections and recommendations for future actions? If so, then check out USGS Science Picks! You can also gain insight on the Arctic’s energy assets, how a tribal canoe journey is helping improve water resources in the Salish Sea, efforts to weed out alien invaders, and the need to save declining coral ecosystems.
June Science Picks -- Leads, Feeds and Story Seeds
Released: 6/10/2009
Introduction — Hurricane season is storming down on us, and in this edition of USGS Science Picks, you can learn how science is helping to weather these storms and protect our environment. You can also learn about significant gas resources in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, the link between fires and global warming, and how climate change is threatening honeycreepers.
May Science Picks -- Leads, Feeds and Story Seeds
Released: 5/7/2009
Introduction — In this edition of USGS Science Picks, learn about the rapid disappearance of Antarctica's ice shelves, the hazards posed by sand dunes moving due to climate change and how the USGS is spending its $140 million from the President's Recovery Act. You can also discover increasing population numbers for the endangered humpback chub, new life forms found in Southwest caves and an environmentally friendly way to measure snowfall. As you head out camping this summer, you may also want to learn what to do if you come face to face with rattlesnakes!
April Science Picks -- Leads, Feeds and Story Seeds
Released: 4/3/2009
Introduction — In this edition of USGS Science Picks, find out about explosive eruptions at Alaska's Mount Redoubt Volcano, historic flooding in the upper Midwest and a new way to gauge our potential for mitigating climate change through storing carbon dioxide in rocks below the earth's surface.
March Science Picks -- Leads, Feeds and Story Seeds
Released: 3/6/2009 6:30:00 AM
Introduction — In this edition of USGS Science Picks, discover how erosion is doubling along part of Alaska's Arctic coast, a variety of chemicals have been found in the waters flowing into Lake Champlain, and you are needed to help take the pulse of our planet.