Home > Petroleum > Publications > PETROLEUM CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS 1970 - 2000

1. Energy Information Administration, The Motor Gasoline Industry: Past, Present, and Future, January 1991, p. 12.

2. Energy Information Administration, "What is Motor Gasoline?," Petroleum Supply Monthly, February 1984, p. xii.

3. Energy Information Administration, The U.S. Petroleum Refining Industry In the 1980's, October 11, 1990, p. 12.

4. Energy Information Administration, "Recent Motor Gasoline Trends," Petroleum Supply Monthly, February 1984, p. xi.

5. National Petroleum Council, Environmental Conservation, 1982, Table 33.

6. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Transportation Technologies, Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 13, March 1993, Table 3.45.

7. R. Stobaugh and D. Yergin, Energy Future, Random House 1979, pp. 26 and 27.

8. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 1991, Table 73.

9. Douglas R. Bohi, Energy Price Shocks and Macroeconomic Performance , Resources for the Future 1989, pp. 1, 3, and 83-87.

10. Energy Information Administration, Energy Consumption Indicators, 1984 Annual Report, Figures 14, 24, 40, and 43.

11. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Price and Expenditure Report 1970-1981, p. 3.

12. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the Secretary for Conservation and Solar Operations, An Analysis of Federal Incentives Used to Stimulate Energy Production, June 1978, pp. 211 and 212.

13. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Transportation Technologies, Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 13, March 1993, Table 3.18, and Edition 10, September 1989, Table 3.9.

14. U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Automotive Fuel Economy Program Annual 2000, Table I-1. Internet: www.nhtsa.gov/cars/rules/CAFE/FuelEconUpdates/2000/index.html.

15. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Advanced Technology Division, Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends 1975 Through 2000, EPA420-S-00-003, December 2000, Table 6.

16. U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Automotive Fuel Economy Program Annual 2000, Table I-1. Internet: www.nhtsa.gov/cars/rules/CAFE/FuelEconUpdates/2000/index.html/.

17. Energy Information Administration, "Persian Gulf Situation and Petroleum Markets" Petroleum Supply Monthly, July 1990, p. xxxiv.

18. Energy Information Administration, The Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry 1970-1991, March 1993, pp. 11, 21, and Table C6.

19. Energy Information Administration, Fuel Choice in Steam Electric Generation: Historical Overview, August 1985, Table 3.

20. Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Annual, 1981, Table 41, and 1986, Table 10.

21. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Annual, 1982, Table 8.

22. The weighted average international price of internationally traded crude oil only. The average price free on board (FOB) is weighted by the estimated export volume.

23. Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, International Statistics Branch, 1992 revisions to world consumption data.

24. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, U.S. Imports for Consumption and General Imports, 1981-1985, Table 1.

25. Energy Information Administration, Fuel Choice in Steam Electric Generation: Historical View, August 1985, Table 1.

26. Energy Information Administration, Impacts of Lower World Oil Prices on Conservation, June 1986, Table 7.

27. American Petroleum Institute, Basic Petroleum Data Book, Volume XII, Number 3, September 1992, Section VII, Table 6.

28. "Salomon Reports Shift to Overseas Operations," Bloomberg Oil Buyers Guide, August 3, 1992, p.3.

29. Energy Information Administration, "Russia's Oil Industry Undergoes Restructuring," Petroleum Supply Monthly, February 1992, pp.xxxii and xxxiii.

30. "Mexican Energy Law Developments," Petroleum Economist, July 1992, Energy Law Special Supplement.

31. Council of Economic Advisors, Economic Indicators, June 1993, pp. 4, 11, and 17.

32. Energy Information Administration, Impacts of Lower World Oil Prices on Energy Conservation, June 1986, p. 13.

33. Energy Information Administration, "Changing Requirements for Motor Gasoline Volatility: Production and Market Responses," Petroleum Supply Monthly , July 1992, xviii and xix.

34. Energy Information Administration, Pipelines Prepare to Ship Low RVP Gasoline," Petroleum Supply Monthly, March 1992, pp. xxiv and xxv..

35. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Transportation Technologies, Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 13, March 1993, Table 3.45.

36. "Worldwide refiners making big move into modernization," Oil and Gas Journal, December 21, 1992, p.48.

37. Energy Information Administration, "Update on Oxygenated Gasoline Markets," Short Term Energy Outlook, First Quarter 1993, p.11.

38. "No Quick Exit Seen From Oxygenated Fuels Program, Officials Say," The Oil Daily, November 13, 1992, p.2.

39. Energy Information Administration, "Iraq Invasion of Kuwait Felt in U.S. Petroleum Market," Petroleum Supply Monthly, June 1990, p. xxi.

40. Energy Information Administration, Petroleum Prices and Profits in the 90 Days Following the Invasion of Kuwait, November 1990, pp. vii and 3-11.

41. "Release of Strategic Stocks Comes from All Sides," Global Stocks and Balances, February 1991, p. 12.

42. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Domestic and International Energy Policy, Transporting U.S. Oil Imports: The Impact of Oil Spill Legislation on the Tanker Market, June 1992, pp. 25-27.

43. Energy Information Administration, "Tanker Industry Responds to Oil Pollution Act of 1990," Petroleum Supply Monthly, May 1992, p. xix.

44. "The Trouble with Tankers," Los Angeles Times, January 12, 1993, p. A1.

45. "The Trouble with Tankers," Los Angeles Times , January 12, 1993, p. A1.

46. "Oil Spill in the Shetlands," Financial Times, January 7, 1993, p.11.

47. "Russia's Oil Industry Undergoes Restructuring," Petroleum Supply Monthly, February 1992, pp. xxx-xxxiii.

48. "Russia Grappling With Economic and Political Challenges," Oil and Gas Journal, August 2, 1993, pp. 58-62.

49. "Conoco Among U.S. Leader in Advancing Russian Oil Projects, The Oil Daily, January 23, 1992, p.2.

50. Energy Information Administration, International Petroleum Statistics Report, June 1993, Table 2.1.

51. A comprehensive discussion of the Energy Policy Act's impact on future energy markets is included in the EIA report, Annual Energy Outlook, 1993.

52. Congressional Research Service, Alternative Transportation Fuels: Are They Reducing Oil Imports? January 15, 1993, p. CRS-4.

53. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Transportation Technologies, Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 13, September 1992, Tables 3.11 and 3.34.