United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research

Facing the Challenge - A Survivor's Manual for Hard of Hearing People

The 2nd printing of "Facing the Challenge - A Survivor's Manual for Hard of Hearing People" by Self Help for Hard of Hearing People of Oregon's is now available. The first printing of 7,000 copies has been distributed all over Oregon and praised for its contents

This manual is intended to help the hard of hearing person, and their families, friends and other people who care about them, understand more about hearing loss. Topics include: statistics and information about hearing loss, the emotional side of hearing loss, confronting the loss, coping, handling difficult situations, hearingApril 22, 2008s) and hearing resources.

Hearing loss is traumatic. It presents an employment problem for many people and for others it can cause withdrawal and isolation. It can cause health problems such as high blood pressure, fatigue, headaches and
irritability. But most importantly, it is a communication problem, making conversation and relationships difficult.

Oregon is a large state in area and many people live in rural areas making it difficult for them to get information. An SHHH chapter may not be available to them and many do not have access to the Internet or email. These people
need to be reached with hope and solutions for their hearing loss. Self Help for Hard of Hearing People Inc. (SHHH) is a national volunteer organization of hard of hearing people which focuses on helping people learn to live with
hearing loss and provides them support, referrals and information.

To obtain your free book by mail, request the quarterly SHHHOR newsletter or make inquiries send your check for $3 per book to cover postage to:

Self Help for Hard of Hearing People of Oregon (SHHHOR)
PO Box 22501
Eugene, OR 97402

vngleone@msn.com (preferred) or call (541)744-2994