Conference Blog

Rep. Mike Pence Responds to the Conference Report on the Budget

April 29, 2009

As we pass the 100 Day mark of President Obama's Administration, Republicans still disagree with the economic direction the Democrats are taking our country. In response to the passing of the conference report on the Democrat budget, House Republican Conference Chairman Rep. Mike Pence (IN) said it is merely a continuing of a "budget that will double the national debt in five years and triple the national debt in ten years." Pence cited a $1.2 trillion deficit to appear in 2010 and a nearly $1 trillion per year total spending every year for the next decade.

"The truth is, the Democratic majority and this Administration have brought to this floor the most fiscally irresponsible budget in American history," said Pence today. "Congress should be doing what every American family is doing: cutting expenses, finding within themselves the faith and, yes, the courage to get through these times with sacrifice. Instead, here in Washington, D.C. it's more government, more spending, more debt and more taxes."

Pence said the Democrats have taken the past 100 days to "greatly expand the mistakes of the past" but assured Americans that "we can do better." He urged a rejection of the conference report and suggested a clearn (clean?)start with a more fiscally responsible budget.

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