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Obtaining SeaDAS 5.4

SeaDAS is available via our simplified online installation process, or can be manually downloaded from the sites below.

To install SeaDAS, please follow the installation instructions. If you encounter difficulties downloading the large distribution files you can download them in 10MB pieces and then join them back together. See the FAQ for instructions.


The distribution directory contains the following compressed tar files. A complete SeaDAS installation including ocean data processing files (seadas_processing.tar.gz) requires about 1GB of disk space (not including optional digital elevation maps). Using runtime SeaDAS will add approximately 500MB to the installation.

Description Filename Filesize
Intel Mac OS X 10.4/10.5 distribution seadas_mac_osx10.4_intel.tar.gz ~48MB 
PowerPC Mac OS X 10.4/10.5 distribution seadas_mac_osx10.4_ppc.tar.gz ~45MB 
Ubuntu Linux 7.10 distribution seadas_ubuntu7.1.tar.gz ~60MB 
Fedora Core 10 distribution seadas_fedcore10.tar.gz ~65MB 
CentOS 5.2 distribution seadas_centos5.2.tar.gz ~68MB 
Optional files to enable SeaDAS data processing capabilities seadas_processing.tar.gz ~679MB 
Optional files required for runtime SeaDAS seadas_idl_rt.tar.gz ~220MB 
Optional digital elevation maps required for processing over land and high altitude lakes seadas_dem.tar.gz 265MB 
Optional digital elevation maps for MODIS geolocation terrain correction seadas_dem_modis.tar.gz 591MB 
Sample SeaDAS data files and demo scripts seadas_demo.tar.gz 78MB 
Sample SeaWiFS L1A, L2, and L3 data files seadas_demo_seawifs.tar.gz 16MB 
Sample MODIS-Aqua L1A, GEO, L1B, L2, and L3 data files seadas_demo_aqua.tar.gz 221MB 
Sample MODIS-Terra L1A, GEO, L1B, L2, and L3 data files seadas_demo_terra.tar.gz 217MB 
Sample MODIS-Aqua L0 Direct Broadcast file seadas_demo_modis_db.tar.gz 309MB 
Sample OCTS L1A, L2, and L3 data files seadas_demo_octs.tar.gz 10MB 
Sample CZCS L1A, L2, and L3 data files seadas_demo_czcs.tar.gz 67MB 
Sample MERIS L2 Reduced Resolution (1.2km) Envisat N1 formatted data files seadas_demo_meris.tar.gz 62MB 
Script and MODIS data file for performing SeaDAS benchmarks seadas_benchmarks.tar.gz 89MB 

Note:  If you lack internet access, or if you have trouble downloading these files, try downloading the 10MB file pieces, and if this fails we can burn SeaDAS to CD's or a DVD. Please send your request to seadas (at)

Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

Authorized by: gene carl feldman

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Updated: Tuesday, 02-Jun-2009 22:03:32 EDT