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Show campaigns from the following sites: AMF AVP NSA SGP TWP Other
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Current Field Campaigns

Start Date Campaign Name Duration Lead Scientist Site
2008-05-15 Application of the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) to Study the Aerosol Indirect Effects in China 7 months Zhanqing Li AMF
2008-05-15 Sun and Aureole Measurements of Thin Clouds in East Asia 7 months John DeVore AMF
2006-07-01 Aircraft Carbon 2.5 years Margaret Torn AVP
2007-08-01 Evaluation of Heated Ventilators in the Arctic 1.8 years Scott Richardson NSA
2006-06-12 GPS Base Station - Atqasuk 10.0 years Bjorn Johns NSA
2006-06-08 NSF UV Monitoring Support 100.1 years Germar Bernhard NSA
2005-09-01 SEARCH Data Archival 100.1 years Matthew Shupe SDSR
2008-08-01 Orbiting Carbon Observatory-Fourier Transform Spectrometer Validation - Oklahoma 1.8 years Charles Miller SGP
2008-04-01 Radon Measurements of Atmospheric Mixing (RAMIX 2008) 12 months Marc Fischer SGP
2008-01-01 Precision Gas Sampling (PGS) Validation Field Campaign 1.0 years Marc Fischer SGP
2007-07-01 Single Frequency GPS Water Vapor Network 1.3 years John Braun SGP
2006-06-28 Observation-based Precipitation Microphysics Study 3.2 years Guifu Zhang SGP
2006-05-01 HydroKansas 3.5 years Vijay Gupta SGP
2006-03-29 Magnetic Field Observations at Purcell, Oklahoma 5.3 years Peter Chi SGP
2006-06-01 Geoscience Australia Continuous Global Positioning System (CGPS) station 5.1 years Bob Twilley TWP
2005-09-01 Orbiting Carbon Observatory-Fourier Transform Spectometer Validation - Darwin 5.2 years Charles Miller TWP