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photo: Young girl on boat smiling and holding small fish at 2009 CAST event 12th Annual CAST for Kids Event at
Rockport Reservoir near Wanship, UT

Although it was unseasonably cold and wet for an August day, there were still plenty of smiles at the 12th annual CAST for Kids fishing event at Rockport Reservoir. Learn More

photo: Tucson Buffalo Soldier Re-enactors beside the flag draped coffins of three U.S. Army soldiers honored at ceremony Fort Craig Soldiers and Civilians
Honored at Repatriation Ceremony

The Department of the Interior and Veterans Affairs honored Fort Craig Buffalo Soldiers and civilians at repatriation ceremony. Learn More

photo: Fish & Wildlife Service tanker releasing trout at Basin Creek Reclamation Begins Stocking Trout
in the Animas River

Reclamation is stocking a total of 100,000 5-inch trout in the Animas River to fulfill a commitment made in the 2000 Final EIS. Learn More


Last updated: August 17, 2009