FY 2009
- Acting Director Suzette Kimball Remarks: Science in Cooperation:The Foundation for Restoration, July 20, 2009.
- Acting Director Suzette Kimball Remarks: USGS Science and Universities: Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, April 20, 2009.
- Acting Director Suzette Kimball Remarks: Council of Lake Committees Meeting: USGS Commitment to Deepwater Fisheries Research in the Great Lakes, April 15, 2009.
FY 2008
- Director Mark Myers Remarks: United Nations Special Event - Launch of Africa: Atlas of Our Changing Environment, September 22, 2008.
- Director Mark Myers 33rd IGC Remarks: International Consortium of Geological Surveys: An Integrated Strategy for Government-Sponsored Science, August 11, 2008.
Additional FY 2008 Speeches for Director Mark Myers can be found in the Archives.
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