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The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax

The Daily Truth About the Democrats’ National Energy Tax

JULY 7, 2009

Truth #6: Uses American Tax Dollars to Plant Trees

What the bill does: Authorizes such “sums as may be necessary” to cover up to 50% of the cost of tree planting programs by retail power providers.  To receive taxpayer-funded support, the trees must increase shade during the summer months or protect from wind during the fall and winter months, so to reduce energy consumption for cooling and heating.  (H.R. 2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Sec. 205, page 393.)
What this means for Americans:
Almost half a million people lost their jobs in June alone and Democrats want taxpayers to subsidize retail power providers and their tree planting programs.  Runaway reckless spending is not going to get America back to work.  Because of the Democrats’ national energy tax millions more jobs will be lost as American manufacturers relocate overseas, but at least homes and empty warehouses will have shade.


For Additional Information

Contact Matt Lloyd or Mary Vought at
(202) 226-9000 or