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Pence Remarks At Introduction of the American Energy Act

Pence Remarks At Introduction of the American Energy Act

JUNE 10, 2009

"Today House Republicans are introducing the American Energy Act, an ‘all of the above' plan that offers energy independence, more jobs, and a cleaner environment, without imposing a national energy tax."

*As prepared for delivery*
"I am honored to serve as Chairman of the American Energy Solutions Group and commend Republican Leader John Boehner for his vision in establishing this working group to develop Republican solutions to the energy challenges facing our nation.
"I am grateful to all of my colleagues who have worked tirelessly to bring us to this day and especially to my co-chairs, Representative John Shimkus and Representative Fred Upton, without whose efforts the American Energy Act would not have been completed.
"I would also like to acknowledge the strong leadership of the Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Representative Joe Barton.
"The day before the President was sworn into office, the average price for a gallon of regular gas was $1.84.  It now stands at more than $2.60.  As gas prices and utility rates threaten to go higher, imposing even greater economic hardship on already struggling American families, the American people are looking for answers. Today, Republicans answer that call with the American Energy Act.
"In the midst of the worst recession and highest unemployment in decades, the Democrats' answer is a national energy tax that will lead to higher energy prices and massive job losses for the American people.
"The President said it best, that under his cap and tax plan energy, rates would ‘necessarily skyrocket.' Various estimates suggest up to $4,300 in extra energy costs for American households, and the loss of anywhere between 1.8 and 7 million American jobs.
"In short, the Democrats' national energy tax wages economic war on America's families, businesses, and family farms and they deserve better.  Today, House Republicans are introducing the American Energy Act, an ‘all of the above' plan that offers energy independence, more jobs, and a cleaner environment, without imposing a national energy tax.
"Our energy solution focuses on more domestic exploration for oil and natural gas, a renewed commitment to clean, emissions-free nuclear energy, investments in renewable and alternative energy technologies and creates incentives for conservation by individuals and businesses.
"The plan we offer today is the comprehensive energy solution that this country desperately needs.  It advances our energy independence, saves and creates millions of American jobs and it even does a better job of protecting the environment since the Pelosi Cap and Tax bill will actually drive manufacturing plants overseas to countries without our environmental safeguards.
"The American people want energy independence and a cleaner environment, without a national energy tax. The American Energy Act is the answer. I look forward to working with colleagues in both parties to advance this common sense approach to the challenges facing our nation's future."