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Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay and Voluntary Early Retirement Authority


Section 9902(g) of title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.), as amended by section 1106 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008, Public Law (P.L.) 110-181 (originally enacted on November 24, 2003, as 5 U.S.C. 9902(i) by the FY04 NDAA, P.L. 108-136) gave the Secretary of Defense permanent authority to establish downsizing and restructuring Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP) and Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) programs within the Department.  This authority was redelegated to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Civilian Personnel Policy).  Accordingly, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) does not have jurisdiction over the Department’s permanent VSIP or VERA authority.   Further, OPM does not have approval or waiver authority under any circumstances for buyouts (VSIP) authorized within DoD after September 30, 2003, nor does OPM’s regulatory or policy guidance apply to the Department’s permanent VSIP and VERA programs.  Current DoD policies on VSIP and VERA are available in DoD 1400.25-M, Civilian Personnel Manual, Subchapter 1702, “Voluntary Separation Programs.”  Questions on VSIP and VERA should be directed through your Component’s chain of command. 



*       1400.25-M-SC1702, Voluntary Separation Programs

                     *       Authority Code Correction - VERA

                                          *       VSIP Repayment Procedures


*    Aug 12, 2008, Memorandum - VSIP Allocations for FY 2009

*    Jul 13, 2007, Memorandum - VSIP Allocations for FY 2008

*        Sep 15, 2006, Memorandum - VSIP Allocations for FY 2007

*        Aug 24, 2005, Memorandum - VSIP Allocations for FY 2006

*        Sep 13, 2004, Memorandum - VSIP Allocations for FY 2005



            *  Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP) Phase II Fact Sheet

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