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GES DISC Teams Receive Robert H. Goddard Honor Awards in 2008

Three teams from the Goddard Earth Sciences DISC received Robert H. Goddard Honor Awards for 2008.  The awards and the three groups receiving the awards were:

Exceptional Achievement for Engineering

Awarded to the Earth Science Data Search, Exploration, and Access Team

in recognition of your dedicated efforts to enhance Earth science data search, exploration, and access through the implementation of Giovanni and Mirador

Exceptional Achievement for Engineering

Awarded to the GES DISC Evolution Team

in recognition of your dedicated effort to evolve EOSDIS at the GES DISC utilizing innovative technologies that efficiently meet the needs of the science community

Exceptional Achievement for Outreach

Awarded to the Multi-Mission Data Support Team

in recognition of your dedicated effort to facilitate the use of NASA Earth science data, by the broader user community, through innovative Multi-Mission Data Services

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  • Last updated: September 17, 2008 15:01:59 GMT